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Messages - illdecide

Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
December 15, 2006, 08:42:22 AM
Unfortunatly Marsden will not be returning, and thats from the horses mouth. It's a pity as he could easly still play for the county!
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
December 07, 2006, 09:09:27 AM
Charlie Stubbs you couldn't get on the panel for playschool you twat ;D
GAA Discussion / Re: Who do we hate the most?
December 07, 2006, 08:42:11 AM
I don't think there could be anything worse than an English man living and supporting Tyrone ;)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
December 01, 2006, 08:39:18 AM
F**k me heganboy, don't be putting stuff like that on the board, coming in to work (happy cause its Friday) reading that, you have me depressed and a lump in my throat now. That type of talk is for a Monday when everyone's doom and gloom
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 30, 2006, 04:34:46 PM
Thats Why Tir na nOg have never won anything in their lives, to many boys telling you how to play when they couldn't do it on the field. ::). And the last team in Armagh who should have beaten Cross was indeed the Ogs in keady, i was at the game and Bendover is correct ;)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 29, 2006, 09:05:52 AM
Now Pint don't be getting carried away, i'm not ball-licking ;), i said earlier that i thought the winners of Killeavey and Silverbridge would get promoted. Thats because in my opinion they were the two best teams left in the division, although another journey to South Armagh will hardly make a difference when almost every away game is an hours journey to South Armagh anyway.

On that other matter of the O'Rourkes and correct me if i'm wrong but did JK not fall out with A O'Rourke over an incident involving a few punches on an off the ball incident in one of the county finals 2 years ago?
GAA Discussion / Re: Down Sen Footballers 2007
November 28, 2006, 01:11:27 PM
Pity it will not be much of a test for Louth ;)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 28, 2006, 01:09:00 PM
i'm not taking any sides on the matter because i don't really care who gets promoted, but a Clann Eireann player told me the abuse was from both teams to the Ref. So why not throw out both teams and let Cruppin play the Bridge to see who gets promoted. (I think the Bridge will get promoted anyway no matter who they play) :)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 28, 2006, 08:41:50 AM
1st thing, i was and still am backing Mr Toal. 2nd, thats the way it reads on the board, Mid and South Armagh men giving their different opinions on the matter. And anyone with a bit of wit reading my message will know there was a bit of banter at the end of it, but it looks like it hit a few nerves with the Pint ;)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 27, 2006, 05:07:16 PM
Its Mid Armagh V South Armagh, on the Toal topic. Cast your votes - keep him or ditch him?
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 27, 2006, 01:10:38 PM
Tell ye what lads, you's are giving Toal a good pasting on the web site, he's only a young lad and i'm sure he'll learn from his mistakes. There's no doubt he has ability as i've seen him play several times and unfortunatly it was against my club (enough said). But give the fella a chance, you could be singing his praises from the Hogan stand in September. (and i'm sure if he's been out of line as much as you's claim JK would have chased him already)
GAA Discussion / Re: Most naturally talented
November 22, 2006, 01:14:04 PM
Sorry to break up your argument, but Canavan has to be no 1. But i'm thinkin of a guy that had talent to burn and he could have been one of the best footballers to ever come out of Down only his head was up his ASS "Ciaran McCabe", seriously he had the talent.. (and thats not his girlfriend i'm talking about) :)
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 22, 2006, 11:38:05 AM
How silly of me to forget about those two players :o didn't realise. They got a good tan up in Armagh, them were the days when the sun shone all summer
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 22, 2006, 10:43:59 AM
Neil Lennon: Right lads before you try to take the middle out of me for posting soccer issues on the board, i think the Lurgan hero deserves some credit for what he has achieved in the game. After all he did play with Geezer and Co in the Armagh minor team and played up to minor with Clan na Gael, so his GAA roots cannot be questioned. We are definitely proud to say he is a Clan na Gael man and there are not to many GAA clubs in Armagh who can say one of their players will be playing in the knockout stages of the champions league. ;D
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 20, 2006, 01:19:04 PM
Hi Charlie Stubbs, you keep talking and i'll keep shovelling.