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Messages - john mcgill

Armagh / Re: The Armagh Harps Thread
June 16, 2009, 04:15:07 PM
His Da would never lace his uncle's boots
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
June 16, 2009, 06:50:06 AM
Sorry to hear about Tommy Marley RIP.  He was a legend.
Armagh / Re: The Armagh Harps Thread
June 16, 2009, 06:48:16 AM
Looks like young O'Kane is going to be a great footballer like his uncle Benny
I'm going to the Super Eights in Lords next Friday, England may not be there.
General discussion / Re: Catholics
March 31, 2009, 09:56:26 PM
Weekly and I'm currently going every morning in Lent.  When I was younger I would go to mass and pray for all sorts now Mass is me time.  I love the half an hour of uninterrupted silence.
Tyrone's Own are you head of your organisation hence the reference to the Peter Principle? He wrote some of the book in Ireland.
General discussion / Re: HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY!
March 17, 2009, 09:29:19 AM
Simpsons in Ireland tonight.  Sky 1 @ 7.30pm.  My first time to watch them.
General discussion / Re: What book are you reading?
March 09, 2009, 06:05:55 AM
Just finished Wendell Steavenson's "The Weight of a Mustard Seed" about Iraq.  Great book.  I'm just heading off to Paris for a week with Cherie Blair.  Her book that is!
General discussion / Re: Cricket
February 20, 2009, 07:33:41 AM
Played a couple of games for MCC (In Lords), honestly.  Was a member of Middlesex and usually make at least one Test match each year.  however will miss the Ashes this year due to holiday.  I love the game and prefer 5 day tests to 20/20.  If its not played in whites its not cricket.
General discussion / Tattoo Artist needed
February 11, 2009, 08:43:53 PM
to tattoo idiot or whatever the Italian equivalent across my forehead.
I was walking, with my wife, alongside the Tiber in Rome heading for the Spanish Steps.
A man in a car stops and asks her directions to the Vatican.  She asked me to help, he said a stupid German had given him directions and he wanted to know if it was left or right to the Vatican.  This stupid Irish man said right.  He then asked where I was from and when he heard Ireland he told us that his wife was from Dublin.  He enquired what I did and I said I was a teacher and I even showed him our school badge.  He told us he was from Milan and worked for Calvin Klein.  He was really well dressed.  He said that he was late for a meeting and due to the stupid German the party he was to meet was probably gone.  He showed us a magazine of CK's latest fashion shoot.
He then said that he would like to give my wife one of the samples that he was carrying to the meeting.  He showed her a white leather jacket and told her to feel the quality.  He then told me that I should have a jacket too as the meeting was not going to take place.  He advised me feel the quality of the black leather jacket.  The then handed a bag with both in to my wife, he then went ohh I'm out of gas could you give me just the money for a fill, encouraged by the First Lady (I couldn't have done it myself of course!) I took out my Armagh coloured wallet and all I had was 50 euro notes. I took one out and he grabbed it and said thank you and zoomed off.
It slowly dawned on me that I had been had.  Now I've lived in London, San Francisco and New York and travelled widely in Europe and South America and never been caught like that.  The only time that came close was Tyrone's robbery of Sam in 2003!
To make matters worse I had to carry the bloody bag to the Spanish Steps, the Trevi Fountain, The Pantheon and the Colosseum.  It was living proof of my stupidity.
Back at the hotel we found that we were the new owners of faux leather jackets and I would need to lose six stones to fit in mine.
Generous man that I am I left them in the hotel room with a note to give them to charity.
Any one heading to the rugby next week beware of well dressed Romans or Milanese bearing gifts!
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
February 06, 2009, 08:11:38 PM
Is Dromore's pitch likely to be playable, tomorrow Saturday?  I'm heading up there to watch a school's game
General discussion / Re: French Rugby tickets
January 29, 2009, 07:54:09 PM
Muppet came in first on pm. Sorry
General discussion / French Rugby tickets
January 29, 2009, 07:44:18 PM
I have two premium level tickets for the French game. Face vlaue 120 euros each.  Anybody interested drop me a pm. 
When your age, your waist line and your IQ are the same number.
General discussion / Re: Oops I did it...yet again!
December 18, 2008, 07:57:11 PM
Tony, I live in permanent awe of your competition capers and captures