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Messages - RealSpiritof98

GAA Discussion / Re: One for the Armagh boys...
April 09, 2017, 01:58:02 AM
Loved that, come on Sean was merely a child and a point was a great option given the timing. Thank god.
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
April 03, 2017, 04:29:56 PM
Gave up after the third match last night, finished it off there now. Probably the best mania in 10 years, some very solid matches and booked very well. Loved the Hardy's pop and to have them win was awesome. Agree about the bray/randy comments although I thought I would have them feeling about a few of the matches before the event. But the title and rumble winner should ME. Glad lesnar ended the streak now as the brass knuckle beating McMahon love child would have been as disaster. He is continually shoved down the fans throats and will never get over without turning heel or an extended break.
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
April 02, 2017, 08:50:13 AM
Although they tried to avoid showing the empty seats i thought it looked bare. Really loved the DDP speech. Going to watch nxt tonight before the big one, although I see i see on twitter big damo has been added to the ATG Battle royal which is some achievement.
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 3 2017
March 26, 2017, 09:32:32 PM
Quote from: brokencrossbar1 on March 26, 2017, 09:17:47 AM
I see that armaghgaa board has banned me for saying 'it's a load of balls'...and it wasn't even criticising an armagh player!!

Still banned from mid June for using the F word at 3am, I prob went too far about a black card in the 1st minute of our reserve final but I would have accepted a rap on the knuckles. But to be still banned is disappointing. It was was my main source of info regarding the gaa scene in Armagh.

PS the info in bold auto corrected to 'the gay scene' schoolboy humour was had here :)
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
March 17, 2017, 10:31:57 PM
I have no clue but any chance of a cost breakdown, I'm gonna be in America next year for mania so thinking of taking it in. Really jealous. Great to have an Armagh man on the roster. I hope he gets to make the big bucks.
GAA Discussion / Re: Super 8s
February 26, 2017, 03:28:45 AM
Why is it now all about giving these teams ''a season''. They are representing their county, they are what WE the club's are putting forward as our best team. if we/they get beat after 1 game then so be it, why did having to accommodate lengthy pre -seasons/preparations for all be the prerogative of a 'season'. The best teams rise to the top most times but the brutal and wonderful but most rewarding end of sport is knock out competition period!!!!!! and its what the legends of our game are made of. Time to get back to the root of our games and stop pandering to the commercial aspect as these people want to solely make money on the back of our games. Unlike many PROFESSIONAL SPORTS that rely on massive income our game will always survive  and us (the people) can actually do something about it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sigerson 2017
February 19, 2017, 03:42:23 AM
Delighted for St Marys, played their golf event years ago, very welcoming and engaging but overall determined to succeed. They where always pissing against the wind fair play. Being labelled as a county team is total BS, look at the previous winners from our capital or Munster this win is kin to Leicester City winning the premiership.
General discussion / Re: Drugs in UK sports....
February 19, 2017, 12:01:03 AM
Right now what is a supplement and what is a PED? Do all the sports drink advertise performance enhancement? It's been long known that fat burners here have been used for years in pre season for many sports including gaa. I know it's taboo but why not get the sports world together with the scientists and have a big boy conversation with amnisety to info and develop a system where certain enhancers deemed healthy can be taken and develop levels appropriate to  modern society.
GAA Discussion / Re: NFL Division 3 2017
February 15, 2017, 11:27:55 PM
Been banned from June  8)
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 05, 2017, 04:34:15 AM
Money talks and the rich will keep getting richer taking our money. The Tories are already running the NHS into the ground until they pass the point of no return and then fleece it to the highest (contributer). The rich will have all the cash and the not so rich will fight for the rest leaving the poor and disadvantaged fuc.*ed.
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
January 30, 2017, 08:23:41 AM
Orton V Cena's at Wrestlemania. This is some new era.
General discussion / Re: The Official WWE thread
January 30, 2017, 12:36:49 AM
Anyone watching the Royal Rumble?
General discussion / Re: Martin Mc Guinness
January 19, 2017, 08:11:07 PM
Quote from: imtommygunn on January 19, 2017, 07:56:42 PM
It is no bigger a shambles than it ever has been. It's just that more people realise it now.

What a f**king stupid comment.

Where you searched 3 times by foot soldiers on the way home from football last night?
General discussion / Re: Martin Mc Guinness
January 19, 2017, 08:09:50 PM
Pop shots from your chair, Martin McGuinness will go down in history as a game changer and a man of peace. If only you had 5 minutes in his presence. Thank you Martin on behalf of my children on turning this place around. I myself have become disillusioned with Sinn fein 2.0 but McGuinness always had peace for this land on his agenda.

People have short memories if they think this latest scandal is on a par with the past. The simple truth is the protestant state for a  Protestant people is no more. Thank God.
Really feel we are wrapping the kids in cotton wool, it's the same in all walks of life. I was a young parent and now as I turn 34 I have a 13 year old girl in 2nd year and a 10 year old that will be a 1st year in September. Some of the stuff they come out with is dumbfounding, the letters we get home from school need an hour of your time and they come every second day. The rules and regulations that teachers and coaches have to abide by are rediculus. The three best coaches I played under scared the living crap out of me because I knew they would not take any SH1T. There is no fear factor anymore with the modern day child because they know they have you tied up in knots. When it comes to developing footballers let them play go games till 10. Then let them compete. Yes the stronger will survive at first but then the smaller will grow up round them and will be stronger because of the experience. The participation era yes let's everyone play who's to say it's isn't driving away talented youngsters that need a competitive edge and they go and get it at rugby of soccer.