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Messages - Piskin

General discussion / Re: The Agreement - 25 years on
April 01, 2023, 11:04:17 PM
Really the GFA was the Anglo-Irish Treaty part 2. 25 years later and no closer to a UI. The good part of the GFA was the end to violence being suffered by innocent people regardless of who dished it out. Can a political way bring about a UI? we have seen what has happened in the 26 counties since 1921.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 10:58:21 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 01, 2023, 09:02:33 PM
Quote from: Piskin on April 01, 2023, 06:55:17 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 01, 2023, 06:45:26 PM
You're minimum 13 years behind this famous one

If the person hadn't a gun would they be happening? No shootings in schools since Dunblane in the Uk? Are there less nut jobs in the uk or less guns? I've asked you this question already

I said I think it was 1979, either way so what. of course no gun no shooting.. but people will get their hands on weapons regardless because of the large consumer society. I already told you that there is a problem in American Society so yes there will be more killings and also to demographics. Yes there are more nutjobs in America than the Uk just look at crime statistics per capita.

1979  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Again they get personal when they get ignorant
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 10:55:30 PM
Quote from: J70 on April 01, 2023, 07:50:42 PM
Restrict legal availability, devote adequate law enforcement resources to the black market, and address mental illness. No reason that can't be done if the political will exists.

Would be a practical measure but sadly when the powers that be are making money & political capital out of the problem then nothing will be done.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 10:50:05 PM
Quote from: Captain Obvious on April 01, 2023, 10:19:30 PM
Quote from: Piskin on April 01, 2023, 06:55:17 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 01, 2023, 06:45:26 PM
You're minimum 13 years behind this famous one

If the person hadn't a gun would they be happening? No shootings in schools since Dunblane in the Uk? Are there less nut jobs in the uk or less guns? I've asked you this question already

I said I think it was 1979, either way so what. of course no gun no shooting.. but people will get their hands on weapons regardless because of the large consumer society. I already told you that there is a problem in American Society so yes there will be more killings and also to demographics. Yes there are more nutjobs in America than the Uk just look at crime statistics per capita.

More nutjobs in America than anywhere else and most of them voted for Trump and think he did a good job as president.

So high employment across the board, Inflation kept in check, no starting wars, wanting to disengage from the Middle East, getting rid of the federal Tax Mandate that was hurting families,tough on illegal immigration, 401K's at record levels,  I guess he did a bad job then!!
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 07:40:57 PM
Been through numerous Presidents & governments since this madness has been around yet all you get are platitudes etc. Of course limit the access to these high-powered weapons and stricter background checks but most of the mass shooters had clean backgrounds and from good families so it is hard to vet these insane people. The people who are passionate about their guns ie NRA members are not mass shooters. While there is money to be made on taxes with these weapons the US powers that be will do nothing. Anyways as I said when you have a massive black market economy these weapons are readily available so it's hard to fix this problem. You had it with the Prohibation Era when a black economy flourished which made the Kennedys rich to this day, the same will happen with guns. We have had the War on Alcohol, War on Drugs and they have been dismal failures, the War on Terror as well.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 06:55:17 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 01, 2023, 06:45:26 PM
You're minimum 13 years behind this famous one

If the person hadn't a gun would they be happening? No shootings in schools since Dunblane in the Uk? Are there less nut jobs in the uk or less guns? I've asked you this question already

I said I think it was 1979, either way so what. of course no gun no shooting.. but people will get their hands on weapons regardless because of the large consumer society. I already told you that there is a problem in American Society so yes there will be more killings and also to demographics. Yes there are more nutjobs in America than the Uk just look at crime statistics per capita.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 06:12:00 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on April 01, 2023, 05:54:59 PM
So, are they looking to be famous? Are they sick? Or psychotic? And before 2002 the mass shootings were not happening?

Do you think there would be less mass shootings if there was no guns?

Some are after infamy, some are sick, some are psychotic, some are all 3. 1979 I think was the first mass shooting in San Diego by a school girl who happened to be psychotic. Yes there would be less mass shootings without guns, that is a given but as I said in a large consumer society there is also a large black market so guns will always be available to anyone who wants them. Mass shooters are basically serial killers who kill all at once, the majority of serial killers do not use guns to kill. America Media is all celebrity & violence. There is a military Industrial Complex that profits on violence, as I said American Society has broken down communally & mentally. But at the end of the day it is the person who commits these murderous acts are the problem and that is hard to curtail.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
April 01, 2023, 05:49:42 PM
Quote from: J70 on March 28, 2023, 10:54:31 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on March 28, 2023, 10:48:51 PM
It's the normalising those drills for kids that is bizarre, as I posted earlier no school shootings in the uk since Dunblane..

Americans are a strange bunch

The gun nuts have been utterly brainwashed. Gun ownership (of any type of weapon they desire) is a part of the culture war that has been surrendered as only one side has any significant number of motivated voters.

And they couldn't give a single f**k about someone else's dead child.

How many mass shooters in america were actually NRA members? In a large consumer society like the US people can get their hands on weapons too freely especially automatic weapons. Sadly America is a media laden society especially since 2002 so these murderous scumbags want to be infamous/famous because they are losers in reality. The decay of society in America is alarming, just look at Los Angeles & California in general. Mental Illness is rife yet these sick people are thrown out in the street. No quick fix to the mass shooting problem for sure when you have psychopaths out there who are not vetted.

Quote from: J70 on April 01, 2023, 12:11:16 PM
Quote from: Piskin on April 01, 2023, 12:11:35 AM
Trump's time in office was a time of peace & prosperity, just like Clintons term was. Both questionable characters but able Presidents, only fault with Trump was that he was naive in dealing with seasoned political piranha's. The so called good characters like Kennedy & Obama were warmongers.

Whose sock puppet is this?

Bit's just a dicussion on a topic at the end of the day.
Quote from: J70 on April 01, 2023, 04:18:32 PM
I'd be similar, although I'd probably put Reagan at the top for overall impact, even if I disagreed with a lot of what he believed in. What I'd give for GOP along his lines today! Don't think any of them would push into historical top ten, except maybe Reagan.

Reagan - disagreed with much of his agenda, but its hard to argue he against his Soviet policy, even if the singular credit he gets from the right is way overblown,
Clinton - probably aligns most with my personal leanings. Centrist. And played a blinder on the north. Sc**bag personally.
Obama - inherited a disaster. Did a decent enough job overall in the face of irrational opposition.
Bush 1 - Reagan's third term. Did sign important environmental legislation into law.
Carter - uninspiring, not up to the challenges he faced on a host of issues.
Bush 2 - disastrous foreign policy in response to 9/11. Blew a big chance to lead with Katrina. Don't blame him for the financial collapse - way bigger than his administration.
Trump -  one of the most damaging presidencies in history, even if the road had been ploughed for him by the GOP for decades. Bottom five historically.

Carter- Weak,
Reagan- Strong, lifted America out of the doom & gloom of the previous 20years of Vietnam,Watergate & Carters weakness. Faced up to Russia.
Bush 1- Awful on the economy, head of a cartel that made money on wars.
Clinton- Able politician, got lucky with the timing of the Dot Com Era, able deal maker, tough on crime. Then screwed up the Economy till this day by his signing away the Glas-Steagal Act.
Bush 2- Scumg. Stupid . hand picked by his fathers cartel for President while it was Cheney who ran the show. Made money on 9-11, Wars.
Obama- Not Bush 2.  Bailed out banks and rich people while the ordinary american people were thrown out of their homes and bought up by corporate cartels to drive rents up to the max. Iraq, Libya, Syria, Yeman, Ukraine, that caused the flooding of Europe with refugee's.
Trump- Booming Economy by signing the Jobs Act in 2017, tough on illegal immigration, did away with the federal tax mandate from the ObamaCare scam. Kept inflation in check, started no wars, tough on China & Russia. Was right about Fauci's handling of Covid 19 and the political ploys behind it.
Biden- A handpicked vegetable by Silicon Valley. Weak. Exit from Alfghanistan badly done, weak with Putin, Inflation through the roof, weak with Ukraine. Not mentally fit to string a coherant sentence together. Has dirty hands in the Ukraine. more to come
General discussion / Re: The Agreement - 25 years on
April 01, 2023, 12:13:14 AM
David Ervine used his common sense over tribalism.
Trump's time in office was a time of peace & prosperity, just like Clintons term was. Both questionable characters but able Presidents, only fault with Trump was that he was naive in dealing with seasoned political piranha's. The so called good characters like Kennedy & Obama were warmongers.