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Messages - Darby

Quote from: LeoMc on May 22, 2015, 07:59:23 PM
Quote from: Darby on May 22, 2015, 07:53:10 PM
Are people really trying to defend this behaviour? Is it okay because it happens on a football field? Is it okay because everybody else is at it?

By the way, nobody thinks that Tyrone are the only cynical team in the country. They're just more cynical than everyone else.
I haven't seen anyone defend it. I have seen a Donegal official and a Tyrone official deny it happened and we have seen a 17 yo receive online abuse and threats over something he may not have done.
At what point are Tyrone supporters going to eventually admit that at least one of the 30,000 or so allegations made against them might be true?
Are people really trying to defend this behaviour? Is it okay because it happens on a football field? Is it okay because everybody else is at it?

By the way, nobody thinks that Tyrone are the only cynical team in the country. They're just more cynical than everyone else.