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Messages - Hardy

Does anybody else find it strange or worse that the nazi salute has become the standard signal for a 45?
It's hard to understand gibberish like that, in fairness.
Quote from: J70 on March 27, 2019, 06:40:43 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 27, 2019, 05:29:34 PM
When it comes to charts, this is the one that more or less explains Trump and the ability of the cynical right to mobilise the desperate and the stupid as personified by the likes of Dolph.

Complicated question. Is it a purely American phenomenon? How much of that is down to mechanization and technological advances? Off-shoring of manufacturing? In the US, the Federal Reserve's prioritization of inflation concerns? The right's insistence that unions, minimum wages, worker/consumer safety, taxes on the wealthy and the like are the epitome of evil, while at the same time doubling down on guns and gays and immigrants and muslims as the real problems facing "real" Americans?

Seafoid would have a better insight but my take on your questions:

Is it US only?
I haven't seen charts for other economies but anecdotally the same phenomenon pervades the developed Western economies and has been referred to as a driver of the disaffection that brought Brexit and the rise of the hard right in Europe.

What is it down to:
All that you mentioned but, for me, the key point is that economic policy allowed all the improvements in productivity brought by automation and globalisation to be transferred to capital, not to reinvestment in employment producing activity  and certainly not to improving conditions for working people, never mind the underprivileged, whose welfare programmes have actually been cut.

As I said here before, spectacular gains in productivity since the 80s have ALL gone to capital, working people are worse off than they were then and that is the fertile soil in which xenophobia, racism and fascism grow. That is the breeding ground for Brexit and Trump.
Quote from: mrdeeds on March 27, 2019, 05:21:53 PM
Quote from: Hardy on March 27, 2019, 04:54:32 PM
The kids are all right.

While I'm here, what's the tennis ball thing? Why tennis balls?

Hull City fans done it years ago as a protest when David Lloyd chairman.

Jaysis. Not just de best bleedin fans in de wordled but the most original.
When it comes to charts, this is the one that more or less explains Trump and the ability of the cynical right to mobilise the desperate and the stupid as personified by the likes of Dolph.

The kids are all right.

While I'm here, what's the tennis ball thing? Why tennis balls?
General discussion / Re: Movie reccomendations
March 19, 2019, 11:21:15 PM
Quote from: Boycey on March 19, 2019, 05:16:18 PM
Watched Stan & Ollie last night and really enjoyed it. Serious performances from Steve Coogan and John C Reilly as the pair after a while you forget they're not really Laurel and Hardy..

Just watched it.  Beautiful.
General discussion / Re: Most hated phrase.
March 18, 2019, 10:31:46 AM
Quote from: MoChara on March 18, 2019, 08:36:58 AM
At the end of the Day

and GAA interviews were boys say Lookit about 4 or 5 times

- but still not as often as they say "I suppose".
General discussion / Re: Most hated phrase.
March 15, 2019, 02:48:41 PM
Quote from: Eamonnca1 on March 15, 2019, 02:03:13 PM
Quote from: seafoid on March 15, 2019, 11:56:25 AM
Quote from: Farrandeelin on March 15, 2019, 10:01:12 AM
Early doors.

There is also a special soccer tense -eg  he's come in and he's crossed it and I've headed it in

That'd be the perfect tense.

There's also the use of the present tense instead of perfect conditional(?).

'The keeper saves that they're in the final' instead of 'if the keeper had ... they'd be ...'
Quote from: dec on March 14, 2019, 09:52:11 PM

Punches thrown and mass brawls at the annual Atherstone Ball Game 2019 #atherstoneballgame #atherstone #ballgame #pancakeday

Actually ---- let's give them their Brexit.
General discussion / Re: Most hated phrase.
March 14, 2019, 03:19:21 PM
"... and Martin Carney"
General discussion / Re: Brexit.
March 13, 2019, 03:21:49 PM
Another of these:

UK to EU: So, we have voted to leave
EU to OK: That's a shame, OK what are your proposals?

We don't have any, we're leaving.
- Yes, but what about the Good Friday Agreement and the Northern Irish border?

- It's an international treaty you signed, remember? Look, tell you what, why doesn't NI stay in the Customs Union, job done.

NEVER! You're not splitting the UK up.
- OK what do you propose?

Why are you being intransigent?
- What? OK look, we need to sort this and you haven't proposed anything, what about the whole of the UK staying in the Customs Union?

- FFS what then? This is your mess, tell us what you actually want.

Why are you being intransigent?
- Will you please just tell us what you want.

OK if you're going to be like that, we want a backstop added to the Withdrawal Agreement.
- Finally, yes OK, that's fine. But remember this is your idea. Shall we sign the Withdrawal Agreement off? Once we've done that we cannot reopen it in the time left.

Yes, sign it off.
- Done.

Ummm, we couldn't get it through parliament so we need to reopen the withdrawal agreement and change the backstop.
- We said we wouldn't do that, but OK we might be able to do something. We're listening, what do you want to change it to?

Alternative arrangements.
- What?

Alternative arrangements.
- What the actual f**k is that?

Don't know, just something different.
- Look, the backstop was your idea. We reluctantly agreed. Now you don't want it anymore and instead want it changed to something that doesn't exist?

Why are you being so intransigent?
- It literally does not exist, what don't you understand about that?

Stop bullying us. How about having a backstop that isn't a backstop?
- Oh f**k the f**k off you absolute idiots!
General discussion / Re: Islamic Jihadists ISIS
March 10, 2019, 08:42:56 AM
Stockholm syndrome.
I'm just wondering what's in the "Military Challenge Edition" of the Bible.