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Messages - Smurfy123

General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 18, 2020, 12:02:39 AM
Who mentioned the totality of doctors mill?
What's that got to do with it
1600 can't be wrong
You are far to comfortable sitting on your arse all day mill
Send it the shop keepers to work but not the teachers
Laughable at this stage
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 11:28:08 PM
Doctors in England are demanding that Boris gets the kids back
1600 Doctors can't be wrong
The cure now worse than the disease
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 10:45:37 PM
Nobody has that knowledge?
The government came out today and said it is perfectly safe for school children to return to school
Jesus can't see why everyone else is now getting back yet teachers unions tell us they can't go back in September
Typical teachers
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 09:14:03 PM
I'm talking about schools in September.
Not general everyday life
Kids need to get back to school
If pubs can open dropping from 2 metres to 1 metre to keep them happy surely schools can reopen in 10
Weeks full attendance
Only a mad man would think otherwise
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 08:56:56 PM
Agree Jim
Time to get them back in September and back as normal
No social distancing
Has to happen
And it will
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 08:14:10 PM
I find it hard that you can't grasp 1 metre apart would fit 30 into a class. What part do you not get?
So why are the teachers union still the only ones that seem to be complaining?
No complaining from the shop keepers or restaurant staff.
Why teachers?
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 06:28:53 PM
Catch a grip. All schools should be 100% full attendance in September and whether you like it or not they will be.
50% with a 1 metre catch yourself on.
What's the reasoning that you are so sure that schools will only run at 50%?
And why is that the case?
10 weeks until September
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
June 17, 2020, 05:48:01 PM
Why are schools saying they don't see a full return to schools in September?
This is actually laughable
Whilst at the start the teachers union probably had the backing of most they are starting to loose it and very quickly.
Coming out with statements saying they can't reioen in September
On the back of what?
Don't say social distancing as it will be 1 metre at most come September
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 05:17:43 PM
The word could
Sure we have been told about a big spike after Easter VHE Beaches and no sign
4% icu beds being now used in Italy and they have reopened 6 weeks
Keep scaremongering
You still haven't answered regarding America .
Lots of talk about more cases and this massive rise but hospital administrations are dropping dramatically weeks on week.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 04:00:12 PM
Where did I say heard immunity?
All mass gatherings to run at 40% capacity where a 1 metre distance can be kept
Sure what's the difference in doing all this now and back 2 months ago?
Same thing lads
Only difference is the economy is gone
The single most important thing in all this believe it or not is keeping your distance
Whether you admit that or not
It's simple but very affective
Like the marches in Belfast 12 days ago and no comeback from it
Passing this virus more than likely needs very very close contact with one another.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 02:55:21 PM
Free reign? Let the thing takes its course for 6 months on the young and healthy
If that had of happened we would be in a much better place come Christmas
No need to lock all down
I can't make myself much clearer

1- Everyone above 60 should have been told to isolate along with the vulnerable
2- All carehomes should have been closed to the public for 4 months ring fence  them
3- Get hospitals installed with more ventilators and PPE
4- Close all airports for 2 months until we had a grip on things
5- Any kids living with vulnerable keep them off school
6- All bars pubs clubs only allowed 50% capacities
7- Enforce a 1 metre distance rule

But no we
1-Closed schools
2- Stopped all hospital treatments bar Covid
3- Shut down the whole economy

Are we better off now than we were 3 months ago?
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 01:50:00 PM
Trueblue trying to twist my words
Only 5% of the uk has had it which I said. Now I'm saying if the older ones had of been isolated we could get that up to 50% with the fit and healthy and we would be in a much better place. Now as the weeks have went on and the hospitals have more time to get the PPE and Ventilators in along with more bed they fatality rate would drop enormously. They would know exactly how to treat it.
So after all the lock down a low percentage has it which in itself is not good
Stop trying to twist what I say
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 10:23:34 AM
Fair play trailer
It was a time for cool heads when the virus was on its way
All over 60s in complete lockdown and the most vulnerable
Keep the schools open and the economy going
We would have a lot more infected now and not as many deaths
To much time wasted in getting the old and vulnerable sorted
If some teachers couldn't teach because they were in the older bracket fine get the substitute teachers straight in.
People won't like to face up to those facts but it's true
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 10:09:16 AM
A very very very small amount of people who get it need hospital treatment
How about at the start when nobody knew what was going on everyone that had it went to hospital
How about when you were in hospital the staff didn't know how to treat it
How about now when you get it most now go home and recover in the house
How about hospitals now know exactly how to deal with it
Now I'm not saying lockdown wasn't call for a flatten the curve
But a massive reason as to why the virus is coming down is that hospitals know exactly how to deal with it and people who have it and are healthy don't need hospital treatment
It's quite laughable watching the scaremongers firing out about the spikes all across America but don't get to the real nitty gritty that hospital administrations in America is falling dramatically week on week.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
June 17, 2020, 09:43:12 AM
50100 excess flu deaths in 2017/18 what do you say about that ?
Highest on record since 75/76