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Messages - 93-DY-SAM

General discussion / Re: Poppy Watch
November 11, 2013, 03:19:11 PM
Saw the strangest thing around 11am this morning or at least I thought it was fairly strange.  Man pulled over at the side of the road standing along side his car looking very solemn wearing a massive poppy with his head bowed.  Thought it was an odd thing to do especially at the particular place he chose to stop.

Maybe he was just having a p*ss and couldn't hold it any longer.   
General discussion / Re: The Late Late show
September 20, 2013, 10:02:09 PM
Stick the house on it. Padjo's gone for the Dubs.
General discussion / Re: The Late Late show
September 20, 2013, 09:57:21 PM
FFS...Padjo the pyschic calf.
They should count their lucky stars the punishment for drug smuggling in Peru isn't as severe as it is in Indonesia.
General discussion / Re: Dubai
August 16, 2013, 09:36:55 PM
Def worth a stop over but 2 or 3 days will be more than ample. One bit of advice I would give you, if you want to go up to the top of the Burj Khalifa (tallest building in the world) book your tickets in advance before you go esp. if you are only going to be there for a few days as it tends to be pretty much booked up. Was there a few years ago and the next available slot to go up was day after we left.

They do a ticket where you can pay extra (think it was about £75) which meant you could jump the queue and go up there and then. I was pretty disappointed we didn't get up. Looking back wish I hadn't been such a tight f**ker and just paid it.
These two have had their lives destroyed, not sure this has sunk in with them yet, but how many more would have had their lives destroyed if this delivery reached its intended destination.

Also if they were flying to another airport after they reached Madrid how the hell did they think they would slip under the radar in one airport never mind two.

A sorry mess for their families to have to deal with. 
General discussion / Re: 2 x IT questions
August 03, 2013, 04:29:30 PM
I'm a software developer (have previously developed with Java for 5 years).  I'd recommend that you go for something with as much processing power and RAM as you can afford.  You'll be thankful for this when you want to compile builds, run database's, web servers etc, etc on your local machine.  You might not need this initially but if you get serious about development it's worth every penny.  Like all things in life, the more power the better :)

I personally wouldn't be overly worried about the size of the hard drive as it doesn't really impact performance (unless it's nearing capacity) and it's not that overly important unless you're into video editing or photography.  You'll find 250GB or so will be plenty as you'll probably also use an external hard drive or a cloud drive service (Dropbox, Google Drive etc) to store files or an online code repository - I'll come to that later.  What will make a difference to performance in relation to the HDD is a SSD (Solid State Drive) as Syferus has pointed out.  However with the budget you have I doubt you'll get close to anything with a SSD as they are still pretty expensive in comparison to a regular HDD.  You can also retro fit one later if you wanted.  Unless you are developing using Microsoft technologies you should also look at dual-booting you new machine with a flavour of Linux.  It will use less resources than Windows meaning you can do more on a less powerful machine.  It takes a bit of time to get up to speed with but it'll be worth it.   

In terms of learning resources, there are literally 1000's of these on-line, some free and some paid.  I'm not really up on the latest Java stuff as it's been a while from I looked at it.  Again personally I find a good old fashioned book is still the best, backed up with these on-line resources.  You'll find that most of these tutorials are based around Linux or Mac - you can adapt these to Windows but sometimes it takes a bit of messing to achieve the same thing.

You should also look at version control and the Git version control system.  Sites like allow you to create code repositories to manage your code.  This comes back to disk space, you only need to check out from the repository the project you are currently working on and everything is safely backed up on-line.    Github is free for non-commercial projects.

Lastly the best site on the web by a mile for coding help and advice is  It's been the saviour for me on many a day.   

PS. Just interested to know why you're learning Java/C/C++?  I know if it was me wanting to learn to program again it'd be web technologies I'd be focusing on.  In saying that Java isn't a bad place to start, but C and C++, no thanks :)   
General discussion / Re: The "Why" thread
July 31, 2013, 10:44:34 PM

Why do cases like this arise time and time again and why do the authorities never appear to learn any lessons from the all too many similar cases.

Whatever sentence they get it'll never be punishment enough. Complete scumbags.
General discussion / Re: It Must be Marching Season
July 14, 2013, 10:39:53 AM
Quote from: orangeman on July 14, 2013, 08:59:25 AM
The OO have shown themselves up this week.

Let them continue so that the world sees how pathetic they are.

The sight of them trying to beat the crap out of a police landrover with a union jack tells you all you need to know about them.

The Orange Order have been showing themselves up for years but it's like water of a duck's back to them. They have no sense of shame and their hypocrisy is disgusting. Their desire to trample over the taigs and put them in their place overrides anything else. And with politicians making statements like this to quote the BBC:

"Ulster Unionist councillor Mark Cosgrove who is also a member of the Belfast Parades Forum said it was "irresponsible of the chief constable to blame the Orange Order for the disturbances".".

is nothing short of breathtaking arrogance. How long are they going to be let of the hook calling people out onto the streets knowing full well what the outcome is going to be and then blaming everyone else under the sun for what happens. The time they were held to account is long overdue. 

BTW why is it as well that as soon as anyone criticises anything to do with their culture they are automatically seen as some kind of IRA/Republican sympathiser who is out to oppresse all things orange rather than someone speaking out against something which is just plain wrong. I've no objection to them parading, having their bonfires etc. What I do object to is building bonfires at hospital gates and other inappropiate areas, burning any countries flag, burning religious images, mocking suicide, signs with KAT etc etc.  That might be tradition for them but it's certainly not culture. 

General discussion / Re: It Must be Marching Season
July 12, 2013, 12:57:28 PM
Culture me hole. Since when did culture involve burning the flag of any country and mocking another religion. And somehow in their sick little twisted minds they think this culture equates to the GAA, Irish arts and music and the Irish language.

As regards that imagine of Fr Matt Wallace I genuine hope that's a fake. As sick as that would be if its real words completly fail me.
General discussion / Re: Computer Help
June 15, 2013, 09:09:25 AM
All these devices including phones have water damage indicators at several places within them. As soon as they come into contact with water they change colour. Gives the game away every time. There is a good chance that one has come into contact with water which will void your warranty.

If it was me I wouldn't attempt to turn it on but leave it in the hot press or somewhere like that for 4-5 days to let it dry naturally and it should be ok. Have done that in the past with several devices that have been dropped in the sink and they have been grand.

PS. I know someone who dropped their phone in water and thought they could dry it out in the microwave. As expected that didn't end well for the phone or microwave so don't try that.

General discussion / Re: Passports
May 15, 2013, 12:08:39 PM
Not sure about Ryanair booking process but I know on an Irish passport your passport number will def change when you are issued with a new one. 
General discussion / Re: Margaret Thatcher....
April 08, 2013, 10:37:16 PM - Spotify playlist and all for the occasion.

Not without its controversies though.  Apparently Cher fans on Twitter think she has popped her clogs because of their hash tag #nowthatchersdead :D
GAA Discussion / Re: Tohill injured
April 05, 2013, 11:57:27 PM
Terrible accident. Get well soon Anthony.
General discussion / Re: Meanwhile… Tyrone
March 23, 2013, 11:21:14 PM
Quote from: ONeill on March 22, 2013, 09:30:02 PM
Don't understand why the farmer didn't try to pull the balaclava off before the police arrived.

Probably waiting on a Scooby Doo style reveal. Hope he said "I would have gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for you meddling kids!"