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Messages - andoireabu

Hurling Discussion / Re: All Ireland S.H.C Semi-Finals
August 15, 2010, 03:34:08 PM
not good to see croke park so empty for a semi final.  Are the tickets too dear or is it that inevitable that the cats will win it so nobody cares
General discussion / Re: House Flies
August 11, 2010, 05:49:38 PM
We had a problem with them a couple of years back and got the environment boys out.  they said it could have been to do with the chicken manure spread in the fields and they got it sorted out. havn't been as bad this year.

Rang the council before that and some numpty told us to paint the house black to sort it out.  honestly its not a wind up.  some dozzy people hired in them places.
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on August 01, 2010, 12:58:17 AM
I cant really choose between

Kildare or Roscommon, kildare are the best fans ive ever come across by a mile, i get on well with the rossies too, i loved all white colour kldare support bring, and there style is total football, roscommon are connacht but i think kildare have a better chance to be honest. Roscommon will be lifted by today, who knows?

I have a soft spot for the Dubs aswell, there workrate is unreal. The atmosphere they bring to games is class.

I was glad for Down today but from a Sligo perspective. Benny Coulter hasnt a hope of winning player of the year.

Not sure about kildare fans. the ones i was near for the derry game were shocking.  half cut and swearing all roud them in front of youngs ones. bad craic in my opinion but they were obviously not a representation of the whole county.  Would love to see down win it just because the dismantled kerry (didn't see the match but listened to the radio and it was all one way). c'mon the rossies just for the craic but can't see them past cork
The phrase "Young ones these days"

Why is age the reason for an individual being a ball bag.
Is that Rosetta Stone program any good? Have a notion of getting it but don't want to fork out for it if its no good. the recommendations on the website are good but then they would be. Always sceptical of those things
Hope God is good to all involved in this tragic accident.

However I take annoyance at the fact people are blaming age for this. I am a young fella of 21 and have never had the notion of taking that sort of a risk in a car. I've had my liscence since I was 17 and had a bit of tractor driving before that.  Does that make me experieced or am I still too young for that title?  Inexperience may have been an issue but many people are inexperienced drivers at higher ages than this if they take to driving later in life.

How would limiting the speed or amount of passengers help.  If you were coming up behind and doing 60 how would you know a young person was in the car ahead doing a slower speed and how many stupid needless risks would be taken by more "experienced drivers" to get ahead of them? 

Quote from: delboy on July 08, 2010, 08:38:47 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on July 08, 2010, 06:26:07 PM
I think paisley, robbo and all the other unionists and unionist politicians fingered for biding in such gangs by the various sources ( informers, security forces, english police etc) as well as the tv coverage and pics of the dup aforementioned in the third reaction force 'paramilitary' type squad proves that unionists not just loyalists supported violence so your argument is dead in the water!!

Yours or my opinions do not alter these facts, but to stop you whinging and trying to deflect attention away from the above facts that unionists( not all) were equally culpable as loyalists in turning to and supporting violence thus there is/was no difference between them - certainly not What you have laid out to differentiate! - my answer is'no I did not believe or support violence could gain a reunification!

Is that how you argue down the pub proclaim the others persons point dead in the water and then then get on with the business of self congratulation on being such a smart chap, that might work down the pub but it doesn't cut the mustard with me.

You seem to have your self horribly confused about unionism and loyalism, its simple really, all loyalists are unionists, but not all unionists are loyalists, if you still can't grasp it (logic isn't your strong suit it would seem) i'll try and get you a Venn diagram to help you out.

Now lets look at some facts then back in 1987 which was the first election after the ulster resistance stuff that the DUP were in fact a loyalist party (certainly under the definition i outlined) as they were seen to be advocating violence, the protestant people delivered their opinion on that and gave them only 21 % of their vote, the DUP as a loyalist part garnered only 1 in 5 votes. Mainstream unionism rejected the party advocating violence and voted 4 to 1 against such nonsense.

If you have any interest in recent history you'll probably realise this was a turning point for the DUP, they shyed well away from such advocacy and would you believe it you can chart there rise and rise to the position they find themselves in to day, coincidence?

Ok that aside, your answer to my other question appears rather ambigous, not sure if its your garbled language or not but it would appear that you were answering the question 'was violence likely to acheive unification' (maybe i left the question too open to interpration) which is a differnent question than the one i was trying to ask, for clarification sakes indulge me and tell me in a simple yes or no one word answer where you stand on the question below.

Do you presently or in the past (but lets say within your own lifetime) have you ever supported the use of any violence which was carried out in the name of acheiveing an United Ireland? Simple Yes or no!
Question on this. Does this mean they changed their views or just hid them?  from what i can tell people don't change their views that easily but it can sometimes suit them to hide them for a political gain.
People who drive along at 45-50mph on the main road but don't reduce their speed going into the 30mph zone.  Does my head in.  Also people who drive up to a road end...see you coming...think it might not be safe to pull out.....................then pull out in front of you causing you to slow down. 
from what I have read there seems to be a notion that this is a Catholic thing but i know a Protestant man who has the cure for burns and its worked plenty of times for my family
Ze zink its all iz now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Germany are ripping them apart
Saw this story on newsline yesterday right after a report about a primary school in Belfast where the chuldren had to make do with damp mobile units to learn in.  they were in line for a grant but this has been pulled by the education minister and now they will get nothing.  instead of using this spare money to help them it is being passed around three sports that are not that strapped for cash.  surely the GAA could be persuaded to help in the interests of grassroots support for football, hurling and camogie at school level.
General discussion / Re: Profound stupidity
June 22, 2010, 11:14:17 PM
a fella started work with us the other day and was sent out on the sit on lawn mower.  he comes in a half hour later and says its in the ditch. when i asked what happened he said the throttle stuck on him and he couldn't get it stopped so he jumped off.  when i asked him could he not have steered it out of the way he looked and me blankly and i could swear i could hear a penny drop.

he broke the track rod end on the mower and it was only his third day.
General discussion / Re: Time for a New Ireland?
June 22, 2010, 11:09:59 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 08:52:11 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 08:35:44 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 08:24:30 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 07:08:19 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 06:59:58 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 06:51:13 PM
Your last part about how many of them left their professions and are now earning less, it was their own choice to do so and shouldn't give them the right to bump up their salaries to the level they were before.
I agree. My point was that £65k isn't an outrageous salary.
Im not sure i would agree with you there.  i can't see how anyone needs that when many more people live on a lot less.  does anyone really need the flashy house and car in the drive way or has the lifestyle everybody wants got out of hand and now there is no money left to support it?
It's not about 'needing' it. What wage do you think a politician, doctor, surgeon, accountant, dentist, solicitor, barrister, engineer etc should be paid? Or do you support a Communist regime?
if it isn't about needing it then what is it about? Greed? Social standing?  ive just qualified as an engineer but i don't think I should have a massive wage because of it.  if i get enough to cover all the bills and a bit left by for small luxuries then i would be happy.  i don't have any notion for the big house or the flash car. as for what that amount is i wouldn't know because im not old enough to have lived the working life yet but i got by comfortably at university on less than £10,000. that covered rent, food and house stuff, travelling and a fair few nights in the pub ;).

Im not in favour of what i know about communism i.e any communist country i see doesn't seem appealing to me but the idea of it if it was done right might not be too bad.  not the everyone earns the same but definately not the system we seem to have where people earn as much as they can get away with.
We'll have to agree to differ then. I didn't go through university and professional qualifications to earn the same (or close to the same) as if i'd left school at 16.
In respect of MPs, it would be interesting to see who you think would take the job if the salary was £20-30k.
thats fair enough but can we agree that some people do earn far too much for the job they do.  i seen in the news that the head of the NHS was on over £200000 which in my eyes is outrageous. the problem is then how to rate professional qualifications in terms of pay.  Why is one persons effort at university not worth the same as anothers?
As for the politicians i would say there would always be someone to fill the gap for that money because its not a bad salary.
General discussion / Re: Time for a New Ireland?
June 22, 2010, 08:35:44 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 08:24:30 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 07:08:19 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 06:59:58 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 06:51:13 PM
Your last part about how many of them left their professions and are now earning less, it was their own choice to do so and shouldn't give them the right to bump up their salaries to the level they were before.
I agree. My point was that £65k isn't an outrageous salary.
Im not sure i would agree with you there.  i can't see how anyone needs that when many more people live on a lot less.  does anyone really need the flashy house and car in the drive way or has the lifestyle everybody wants got out of hand and now there is no money left to support it?
It's not about 'needing' it. What wage do you think a politician, doctor, surgeon, accountant, dentist, solicitor, barrister, engineer etc should be paid? Or do you support a Communist regime?
if it isn't about needing it then what is it about? Greed? Social standing?  ive just qualified as an engineer but i don't think I should have a massive wage because of it.  if i get enough to cover all the bills and a bit left by for small luxuries then i would be happy.  i don't have any notion for the big house or the flash car. as for what that amount is i wouldn't know because im not old enough to have lived the working life yet but i got by comfortably at university on less than £10,000. that covered rent, food and house stuff, travelling and a fair few nights in the pub ;).

Im not in favour of what i know about communism i.e any communist country i see doesn't seem appealing to me but the idea of it if it was done right might not be too bad.  not the everyone earns the same but definately not the system we seem to have where people earn as much as they can get away with.
General discussion / Re: Time for a New Ireland?
June 22, 2010, 07:08:19 PM
Quote from: Maguire01 on June 22, 2010, 06:59:58 PM
Quote from: andoireabu on June 22, 2010, 06:51:13 PM
Your last part about how many of them left their professions and are now earning less, it was their own choice to do so and shouldn't give them the right to bump up their salaries to the level they were before.
I agree. My point was that £65k isn't an outrageous salary.
Im not sure i would agree with you there.  i can't see how anyone needs that when many more people live on a lot less.  does anyone really need the flashy house and car in the drive way or has the lifestyle everybody wants got out of hand and now there is no money left to support it?