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Messages - CSC

Part of the RIGGs business plan was that it had to raise 4 million dollars, and approached CP for backing. It was to be run as a business with money coming back into NYGAA and CP. All the groud work was done by the RIGG's board and the stumbling block was that CP wanted more money for less investment. The fact that the other main reason for the breakdown was soccer and rugby using the facilities.

Where will the match be played?? I don't know, all i heard was that they (NYGAA)  have a plan B. If the weather stayed good there is a possibility of the match happening in GP. The astroturf is probabily like that in Ballymun Kickhams. It has a grass type feel to it, but definently sore if you fall to the ground.

I though iniatially that plan B was boston, but I am hearing a lot of noises that that wont happen. A lot of the Bronx lads thought that they needed a passport to get to Randals island, so god knows how they are going to get to Boston
About RIGGs, Croke Parks involvement with RIGGs is the reason why we are in this mess. The RIGGs board had come up with a great business plan and approached CP for backing. CP saw how great the potential was and tried to pull the ownership of the project over to themselves. After this the RIGG's board actually received an offer in writing from a major american corporation offering 32 million dollars support but CP wouldn't back it as a major part of the plan was to faciliate soccer and rugby. So where Kelly was using all his poticial powers to open up Croke Park, he shut down the most imaginative project in GAA's history.The result was, after the delays CP enforced onto the project, they missed a target date and the offer was taken off the table, to be taken up 100% by soccer.

Just to understand the size of the issue, NYC were offered use of land that was valued at 2 billion dollars.

The result, we play on a pitch we don't have any rights too, we are pumping in approx 2 million dollars to change the field to astroturf, and we will have to pay 500K dollars rental fees each year afterwards. And of course Silgo haven't a clue where the games going to be played!!!!!

That's the GAA for you
Come out of my cave, I was never in one, but Sean Kelly hasn't come out of his. Did you read the post? I am in favour for opening up Croke Park, as well as sharing grounds with soccer and rugby in NY, but surprisingly, Kelly while publicly campaigning for soccer and rugby playing in Croke Park, at the same time was actively campaigning for no ground sharing with them in NY which resulted in the program collapsing.
Our love of Croke Park and its deeper meaning to us should have been respected, and defended. Instead we were subjected to a nasty public media campaign, to which our leader said...... typical politician, didn't have the interest of the GAA at heart, only his future job interests.
The war is over? Easy to say in Kerry, not as easy to say however in North Belfast, South Derry, SW Antrim etc etc. I notice you mention WWII, not the troubles. Typical.

No back bone, no morals, no loyalty, Sean Kelly's legacy as CLG pres
Sean Kelly would never have become president. For two reasons
1 Not concerned with the decision to open up Croke Park, but the way he failed to defend the Ulster counties during the media campaign which portrayed us as bigots was a disgrace. He failed to articulate the fact where the 26 counties can look to the Dail as its ultimate symbol of the Irish nation, it doesn't apply to us (6 northern counties) and Croke Park is our ultimate symbol of the Irish nation. That was where during the last 90 years we could stand proud as an Irish man with out looking over our shoulders for a baton, plastic bullet etc. He was the whole organization's president and not a 26 county pres. He failed to identify the importance of the symbolism of Croke Park to Ulster counties esp. the 6 northern counties

2 His sinister involvement in the scuppering of the NY RIGGs project. Whereby with sheer greed, he along with Brennan, Quinn and Hannahoe collectively ensured the only way of protecting the GAA in NY was lost. I mean lads, on one hand he was for opening up Croke Park, at the same time he wouldn't allow the NY GAA share future grounds with soccer and rugby, in the most diverse city in the world.

No morals, no back bone no loyalty, that's our Sean Kelly
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 17, 2007, 03:09:28 PM
Regarding Creggan under peforming, we were near out of existance during the earily 90's!!!
Struggled to field teams and form a committee. We had a long hard look at the club and since then have really worked hard to build it up.

we are a proud club with a good tradition, but believe it or not slim, Cargin are the benchmark for ourselves in regards to how they they run the club in the past 20 years and with all the set backs keep coming back stronger.

Obviously we don't have the same resources as the Toome men but we still aim to be contenders.

Slim, are you BSh1tting with the odds. I can see Creggan having shorter odds than Cargin or Lamb Dearg. As Cargin are a championship team and this currentl team have ley to establish themselves as championship material
GAA Discussion / Re: County Development Squads
March 28, 2007, 04:51:01 PM
What i find interesting is that the schools have always been development squads.
Take the Dalton cup and Derry for e.g. St Pius, the convent and Maghera all have teams in the competition, thats three development squards within the one county instead of limiting it to one a la county system. The school system also means that more kids from each of the clubs will be getting higher level coaching.
My club organised U-16 training for Sunday Mornings, as this was the only time that suited. But come the summer the county development squads training was on the same time. Great for the lads picked, but the club training session was weakened.
I belive the focus should go back to the schools, both voc and college, as they could easily be organised to prevent burnout of the young lads.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
March 26, 2007, 05:10:10 PM
I notice that magill was not listed on the hurling panel at the weekend. Is he off the panel or injured?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
February 23, 2007, 04:05:23 PM
Slim, just responding to a couple of points.


''I notice that you slag off Creggan's two championships as you have the same total''

show me where i slagged them?

Right here
Re: Whats the highest Level you've played GAA at?
« Reply #35 on: February 14, 2007, 03:59:04 PM »   

Correct, thats what i am. A mid 20's flop with more wee gold ones than the whole of Creggans history!!!   

I thought that that comment was a bit cheap, that's all.

Regarding your point
"why should he sit out? because of threats made by people of your own club? (come on now, everyone knows these 'threats' weren't from elsewhere) It was those people who should have been booted out!"

You have a point here slim as I have to take peoples word on the issue. There would be a bit of hearsay with a number of the stories.  There was a number of reported "friendlies' asked for as long as we brought PH etc etc., and a number of requests not to travel with our juv. teams

What I do know is that during the year, in a number of matches when things were getting a bit hot and heavy, the opposition made remarks as to cop lovers, brits, etc, so the club on certain instances were identified with PH joining the PSNI and in my view were targeted.

Personally, I believe we should have played PH as I think it would have been the right thing to do and as we agree, 'I believe that history will look kindly on PH'

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
February 23, 2007, 12:58:34 PM
I been reading the following thread fro a few weeks now and I feel its time to join into the discussion.
Point number one, I'm a Creggan lad, so Slim, don't shoot just let.
Firstly Slim, a bit of respect wouldn't go amiss. Well all know that you dislike Creggan, fair enough but keep it respectful. I always hated Cargin on the pitch, but enjoyed a drink with the lads after the matches and most Creggan lads' respect how the Cargin club is run. It's called respectful competition.  Although we are a smaller club, I believe that we can be proud of our achievements.
Secondly slim, I notice that you slag off Creggan's two championships as you have the same total. Does that mean St Johns and Bellaghy lads can slag Cargin off as being shite since they would have members who would have twice the championship medals as the Cargin club would have all together, I don't think so, do you?
Thirdly lads, (shady Char included), PH was not kicked out of the Creggan club as the club had no legal position to do so after the rule was abolished. I believe the club asked PH to sit out for a year since we were getting threats about playing matches from a number of clubs before the season started. PH didn't want to do this and I believe there was a split and legal proceedings were threatened. The threats were against our club so we were in a position that we couldn't guarantee U-10, U-12's safety aswell as the seniors. That was the position the club was in.

I believe that history will look kindly on PH, as the sooner we get as many taigs into the PSNI, the better for all of us
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyone Responds To GPA Regonition
February 15, 2007, 07:23:45 PM
I propose that we start a new player's organization, the GCPA, the Gaelic Club Players Association.
Sole objective is to force the county boards to give a clear, organised and regular playing season for the club players. If that happened then we could blow the GPA out of the water and the GAA would have to listen to the players as you could organise block voting on key issues, i.e. we would have real power.

Enough of this County is everything clubs are noting BS

Let's do it
You could start seeing some truth in these stories. The best punters at the moment are two ex aussie rules lads. Both are able to kick the ball long, and are also able to place in accurately to the corners, something which the yanks can't do. The press over here is full of stories about scouts going to Australia, so scouts could also be keeping an eye on the GAA.
Ref Karl, he also won 2 Hogan cups, a remarkable fact considering that only three schools in the entire history of the comp have won two in a row. Karl should have walked onto the team