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Messages - Bingo

General discussion / Re: Running
October 30, 2015, 05:49:45 PM
Quote from: dec on October 29, 2015, 11:30:13 PM
Back last year when we did that chart to record our monthly running I put sub 1:45 half marathon as my goal. I never updated my monthly totals, they would have been quite inconsistent. This year has been slightly better with my training and I got close to my goal with 1:45:44 Back in May. My next goal is a 3:45 marathon and I just picked up my number for the New York marathon on Sunday.
I have picked up a cold in the last day, hopefully the worst of it will be over by Sunday, so if I am feeling ok I'll still try for 3:45. If not then beating my PR of 3:59 will be my goal. I hope I haven't jinxed myself by putting this in writing.

Great stuff Dec and the very best of luck for Sunday. Fingers crossed the cold isn't too bad and clears.

I'm itching to push on and do a spring marathon. Not sure why but I think I have a better time in me and anxious that I build on the current base and get another one in the tank. Have looked at London but this would require going through the Tour operator but is pricey, reality this may be only way to do it and its on the bucket list as such. Other options are Rotterdam and Barcelona but it is in early March.

Maybe I'll get sense over the weekend  ;D
General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 28, 2015, 11:03:46 PM
I didn't reply earlier cause this thread is about the lose of that young life caused by a drink/drunk driver.

Speeding is another matter. I don't see why they should be discussed together.
General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 28, 2015, 03:50:12 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on October 28, 2015, 02:54:36 PM
It is of course a very emotive subject. It's not possible to read something like this opening post, without withering inside.

But those people (such as a few on this thread) who feel the need to wash drink driving as a black and white issue do not help at all.

As with all crimes and misdemeanours, there's 100 shades of grey before you reach the 50 shades of black. While a breathalyser might indicate that someone who is 0.01 over the limit has broken the same law as someone who 6 times the limit, there is not a judge in the world who would treat the cases the same.

But hand on heart, I'd prefer to take my chances on the road with a 5-pint man driving a car within the speed limits, over a pioneer who wilfully drives at 40mph in built-up areas. They're both guilty, but one of them is less likely to kill someone.

A car is one of the most dangerous weapons ever created by man, especially in the hands of a careless person.  There is no doubt that alcohol can be the conduit that evolves a normal person into a careless person, and as such we absolutely need laws that deter that carelessness from taking foot. But without meaning to sound flippant, human beings are a careless bunch, and the only way to stop human beings causing needless car accidents is to either ban cars or to wipe out humans. In scenarios such as the one that 93-DY-SAM describes above, I would put the 2 pints of alcohol a distant third (behind cars, and humans) in the reasons why someone died.

I would consider this attitude as a more dangerous weapon than a car, 2 pints, a gun of whatever. And its a massive part of Irish society where actions of many are excused for some bullshit reason that sounds good when read out in court or talked about down the pub or outside the school gates. Everything seems to be excused.

When does 2 pints become 3? 5? 7? How many people excuse themselves as been fit to drive cause they can handle their drink. Jimmy seems Paddy taking 2 pints and driving, so he'll do it to but Jimmy is a light weight and 2 pints has him giddy and taking chances.

Getting into a car with a 5 pint driver within the speed limits should never be an option or a choice.
General discussion / Re: Running
October 28, 2015, 11:49:57 AM
Quote from: laoislad on October 27, 2015, 09:43:31 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on October 27, 2015, 04:00:28 PM
Quote from: laoislad on October 27, 2015, 09:31:33 AM
Quote from: magpie seanie on October 27, 2015, 09:13:26 AM
Well done everyone. Awesome work.

I even got off my hole and got back on the horse over the weekend after a tremendous bout of laziness/feeling sorry for myself/nagging cold/excuses.....etc.
I'll see you at the start line of Dublin 2016.. We can have that long awaited pint together afterwards  ;)

Marathon - I'm going to try to do one at some stage of my life but just not convinced I can do it in the near future. The training must take up serious amounts of time and I've had trouble squeezing in my Warriors Run training the last two years, we'll see.

I'll meet you for a pint any time though!
Maybe we should organise a Running tread Christmas night out?
Who'd be up for it?

I'd be up for it but always find Christmas the worst time for meet ups when travelling involved and trying to get a date that suits. Always seems to be something on or somewhere to be round home and in the lead up to xmas its parties and gatherings.

It alright for you Dubs who can get the nightlink home  ;)
General discussion / Re: Drink Driving
October 27, 2015, 05:35:57 PM
that's a hard read.

I hope they can find strength to live some sort of life.
Quote from: JoG2 on October 27, 2015, 03:49:45 PM
Quote from: Bingo on October 27, 2015, 03:41:47 PM
Quote from: heganboy on October 27, 2015, 03:43:06 AM
maybe I remember it differently, but at 15 you didn't get caught - you were invincible.

the numpties at TT are admitting to no encryption of customer data, so the fact that they may have fallen to a DDOs with and SQLi is a bloody disgrace. That they asked for 80k in Bitcoin is hilarious, and that they showed Krebs the db table copies is even funnier.

a bit of social engineering, and a AWS / GCE account go a long way. you would have said that the odds were on the side of brute force with low primes, but that they (TT) are saying they have no obligation to encrypt data is going to see them burn... SQLi it is.

People are going to jail, and it really shouldn't be the 15 year old (who will be absolutely hired when he gets out, initiative goes a long way these days)

Not in this or any other world do I have the slightest clue as to what you are saying.

this may shed a little light Bingo. The young guy, working solo I'd say prob set up a self-mining PTC/PUL advanced algorithm but forget to add a stealth avoidance advanced yellow primer script (quite literally a schoolboy error)

Not as clever as he though he was then, the wee bollix!

If he had turned it off and restarted would that have helped? 
Quote from: heganboy on October 27, 2015, 03:43:06 AM
maybe I remember it differently, but at 15 you didn't get caught - you were invincible.

the numpties at TT are admitting to no encryption of customer data, so the fact that they may have fallen to a DDOs with and SQLi is a bloody disgrace. That they asked for 80k in Bitcoin is hilarious, and that they showed Krebs the db table copies is even funnier.

a bit of social engineering, and a AWS / GCE account go a long way. you would have said that the odds were on the side of brute force with low primes, but that they (TT) are saying they have no obligation to encrypt data is going to see them burn... SQLi it is.

People are going to jail, and it really shouldn't be the 15 year old (who will be absolutely hired when he gets out, initiative goes a long way these days)

Not in this or any other world do I have the slightest clue as to what you are saying.
General discussion / Re: Running
October 27, 2015, 11:49:40 AM
Quote from: moysider on October 26, 2015, 11:24:15 PM

Back home in front of the stove with a fridge pack. Beer is great recovery with the ould salt content ;D

My best Marathon (of 5)  by a full 10 mins so I'm thrilled to bits. Was on for a sub 3:45 until mile 23 but drained a couple of minutes down the last stretch. I ll not be troubling likes of Bingo's times but I m no Spring chicken and it is a great feeling to be able to improve like this at an age where we are supposed to be going backwards. Seriously good for the head. If anybody told me 5 years ago that I would run marathons I would have had a laugh.

Fair play Moysider, great sense of achievement and you have every right to be delighted.

One of things I find with the marathon or any distance is that everyones time and effort has to be seriously respected and the sense of achievement in each and everyone should be the same. When I was training for the first one, 4 years ago, one of the sub3 guys from home said that everyone hurts the same regardless of time, there is no shortcuts, no luck involved or a way of making it easy, you just have to prepare and commit to the finish line on the day.

Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 27, 2015, 10:23:42 AM

Would settle for the time your wife done..... My problem would be discipline, sticking to a pace say starting out at a 9 min mile pace... Would get me in under 4 hours which would be great, but having only done 2 half's and loads of shorter distances I think id blow up around 20 miles!!

She was super in fairness, stuck to her plan and actually enjoyed the whole thing. Discipline is the key in these things and she had bags of it yesterday. If you do one, you'll have trained for the distance and gradually built up to it, so it is doable. In her training, she only did one 20mile run and managed the best off the back off it, knowing what she was going to do.

Quote from: magpie seanie on October 27, 2015, 09:13:26 AM
Well done everyone. Awesome work.

I even got off my hole and got back on the horse over the weekend after a tremendous bout of laziness/feeling sorry for myself/nagging cold/excuses.....etc.

Fair play Seanie, get back on the bike.

Quote from: laoislad on October 26, 2015, 09:06:29 PM
Fair play bingo. Will you go for the quadruple of Dublin marathons next year?
I'd say you were glad of the few showers of rain! We could have done with some last year!!
We didn't get to go and cheer ye on as it was too wet to bring the youngfellas out.
Fair play to your Mrs as well, you'll hardly see much action tonight  ;)

No plans yet, I done it last year to do 3-in-a-row and now 5 seems very tempting  ;D Early days though and who knows what next year will take.....on Sunday seems a cracking idea though  ;)
Despite the wind and rain, I much preferred yesterday to last year and a lot of people said the same. Might have cost a few minutes this year but was a whole lot worse last year.

The stairs was about as much action we seen last night  ;D  ;D
General discussion / Re: Running
October 26, 2015, 07:42:10 PM
Well done lads. Tough day out there when into the wind but it was a help a good part of the day two, miles 10-14 where hard work tough.

Very happy with my time. Wasn't sure how I'd hold together, 3.20 paces went past me with 2 miles to go but I want letting them away and even managed to pass them again in last km. Two of the harest but must satisfying miles I've run.

Fair play to LL for the updates.

Mrs Bingo completed her first marathon and got round in 4.25, brillant running with steady 10 min miles all day.
General discussion / Re: Running
October 25, 2015, 08:18:36 PM
Best of luck heffo and moysider. Hopefully the wind isnt as bad as reported or somehow blows behind us for the 26miles!

Heading up early am with a few from Blayney in cling Mrs Bingo doing her first and the brother who had a disaster two years ago and is back for revenge on DCM. He only told mammy bingo that he was doing it yesterday and she been lighting candles since.

See ye all on the other side.
General discussion / Re: Rugby world cup 2015
October 20, 2015, 02:19:32 PM
Ewan McKenna seems to be very bitter about everything and anything.

Whats the story with him living out in Brazil at the minute? He reporting on the Olympics or just getting away from it all.

Similar to one of the posts above.

Its a community based Health and Well Being programme that we launched 5 years back. Its a 12 week programme with weekly circuits and a Couch to 5 k for beginner runners with other runs for more experienced runners.

We have 250 signed up for this years and mid way through it. Could have hit 300 easy enough but had to cap numbers. Finishes with the 5km at end of November and we'd over 700 doing it last year.

Been such a success that the GAA sent out people to see how it operated and recorded that video for the Health and Wellbeing programme. Several clubs are doing it locally and nationwide, I helped one club in Mayo get a similar programme up and running recently.

Raises funds, get a range of people involved in club and is good craic.
General discussion / Re: Running
October 18, 2015, 04:04:39 PM
Well done lads. Super debut and a serious PB.

Enjoy the sight seeing!
General discussion / Re: Running
October 16, 2015, 10:34:38 PM
Best if luck to BM and No1 in Amsterdam this weekend.

Hope the PBS are hit and I know BMs is no soft target.

If nothing else I'm sure the boys with enjoy the post race sights and hospitality  ;D
Its beyond farcical that the draw is made now for this. Total dead rubber and just gives excuse to county panels to get back together now and start the cycle again.

Far better doing this draw near the end of the national leagues and build up a level of excitement about it.

Who really cares at this stage.