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Messages - funtime frankie

Did the Brits let Durkan speak after their opposition leader spoke?
What a wonderful day for those famlies and what a wonderful day for Derry. A long time coming - but what did it tell us that we didn't already know?
May 26, 2010, 02:05:35 PM
Who is T McCann?
Please God this situation will get sorted and the Republican leadership will lead. I just can't get my head around why the prison authorities will not let Hannaway on to the Republican Wing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Hannaway's protest is not about the degradation being suffered by the prisoners but because of his isolation?

The undignified treatment of the prisoners is a different issue?

I am shocked, saddened and ashamed to see those people come on o this sight and adopt the attitude of, "F**k him, let him die." Much the same as attitude Thatcher which really says it all.

I don't agree with those who maintain that armed struggle is still necessary. To me, armed struggle is a tactic and should only be used when there is no viable alternative. The current political process offers that alternative.

Having said that, it is wrong to become a spectator and stand by and watch a fellow Irishman die in a prison cell without doing anything to help save him and to stop us from making the mistakes of the past. But in supporting the prisoners' calls from more humane treatment and Hannway's call to be housed with other republican prisoners doesn't mean that I agree with their political analysis
Ulick, why is he disliked?

If he is disliked then why does he want to be on the same wing?

Cleraly, this situation in the jail has to be resolved.

The last thing I want to see is the coffins of young Irishmen being carried throughout our countryside.

This madness needs to be resolved and resolved now before it gets too late
Maguire, I cannot see how you can equate the issue of equality with moaning. Sure if we had have taken the attitude that standing up for equality was nothing more than a moan then we still have the Brits running the whole country.

My point is that the BBC should be held to account and, yes, if they are pulling a programme which is designed to be of service to particular group then surely an explanation is not an unreasonable request
From what I read, I can see that Hannaway wants to be moved on to the Republican wing. So, what's the big deal?

It smacks of the prison authorities are trying to break him to use him as an example. Will they ever learn? The H Blocks was the battlefield where the last phase of the struggle was won.

The other lesson from history is that the prison struggle brought many people into the conflict who may not have been involved and my fear is that if this situation gets out of control then history will repeat itself.

I cannot understand why the plight of the prisoners in the jail is not being highlighted. Why has McGuinness as DFM not made a statement or used his office to intervene? Surely, it is in everybody's interest to have this worrying situation resolved, not least for Hannaway and his family.
May 24, 2010, 04:24:11 PM
Has anybody any idea why this fella is on hunger strike?

He's now 41 days into his strike which means its now in the critical phase and I'm worried that we are walking into the past without even realising it.

I'd be interested to find out what Hannaway's grievance is to drive him to hunger strike.
Ulick, I take your point about the programme being moved to Monday but the issue is that Monday night is no good. Prople will have discussed analysed the match and come Monday night its old news.

The time it was on on a Sunday was grand. It suited the whole after match experience.

As I have said its clear whoever axed this programme is an idiot if they think that moving the programme from a Sunday to the Monday wont make any difference. Moreover, I bet the muppet who made the decision didn't even consult with GAA people to ascertain their thoughts.

Jerome why dont you use your real name when posting here. 

That's awful thing to say. How dare you?  >:(

I don't have ginger hair.   ;)
Cant get RTE on FM in all areas in 6 counties though 252 AM works .

Unfortunately, I have to pay a license fee to the BBC therefore I am entitled to comment and, like others, I feel that this organisation is discriminating against me.

Ok they are showing Ulster football championship matches llive andl thank you very very much  sir for being so kind and allowing us muck savage fenians a piece of your precious air time and I'll take me cap off and bow me head. So what if they are showing the matches? They are not doing anybody any favours. They are merely fulfilling an obligation and we must continuously force the issue of equality. Because they show a few GAA matches each year is no reason to pat them on the back.

Ulick, thanks for the info re the change to Monday.

The point that I was making was that the programme added to the day. It was on air when you were making your way home and always had a bit of craic.

Having the programme on Mondays detracts from service. If lynette is doing other things on Sunday - what else would you want to do on a Sunday but following the matches - why does that mean that they had to axe the programme. Don't get me wrong, Lynette is very good at her job and I enjoy her programme. No doubt about it she certainly did add to An Domhnach Mor and proved to be a very capable broadcaster but what's to stop somebody else doing the show? (As long as it isnt Mark Sidebottom zzzzzzzzz)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I assume because of the time the programme was on it was aimed at people travelling home after the matches. Sure it's not the same on a Monday night. All the chat and the excitment has subsided. What made the programme special was that it was on at a perfect time. Just after the game.

I'll say it again the way the BBC has been pulled this programme without an explanation is two fingers to GAA people.

The fact that the BBC axe a GAA show in the face of all the controversy shows the contempt that they have for GAA people.   
May 24, 2010, 10:02:10 AM
I notice that An Domnach Mor has been axed by the BBC. Well, it wasn't on last night and I see from their web-site that there is no notice of its return so I assume that it has been axed. If so, does anybody know why? I enjoyed the craic and banter after the matches especially when a bus load of supporters would phone in.

This programme was set-up to be of service to Gaels and yet it has disappeared without an explanation. The fact that they take this programme off air without any reason displays nothing but contempt for the listeners, which would be GAA people. Surely, with all the negative press the BBC has been getting in relation to its coverage of Gaelic Games you would think that they would have tried to keep the head down but what do they do? They axe a GAA programme. Yeah, I can see the sense in that - NOT!! Clearly, whoever decided to pull this programme wanted to give two fingers to the GAA listeners.

The BBC clearly read these message boards so a simple question is, "What muppet decided to axe An Domnach Mor and why?"   ??? Obviously the person behind this decision has no understanding of match days but whenever you are driving home after "the game" the main topic of conversation is "the game" and having a programme which is timed to coincide with supporters travellng home and is dedicated to discussing "the game" is what those listeners want. 

I found the programme very enjoyable and the cupla focal added to the whole thing. I for one am disappointed that this programme is not being aired but, sure, I have the excellent coverage of the North West whatever number it is to compensate followed by the exciting highlights of Distillery V Ballyclare with less the number of spectators that you would get at a hurling match in Fermanagh.(Before, you ask, yes people do hurl in Fermanagh.) Great to see that the BBC have got their priorities right - look after your own boys and sure its good to know where yous are at!! ;)

By the way, for the record, I'm not Jerome Quinn and nor am I a BBC employee
GAA Discussion / Re: Liam Tolan RIP
May 23, 2010, 10:45:04 PM
very sad news. my tnoughts and prayers are with his poor family and with his club mates. suaimheas siori da anam gaeleach