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Messages - Massey-135

Quote from: Carmen Stateside on March 24, 2010, 06:43:27 PM
You will find that Inishatieve may be wild and mountainous, but it aint no small village outside Pomeroy, its a townland in Carrickmore.

Is it not considered in Galbally? Was told that by a girl who used to live in Inishtieve
Van Morrison - Saint Dominic's Preview.

It's not on youtube for some reason but is on spotify at this address:
General discussion / Re: The Horse racing thread
March 19, 2010, 02:18:31 PM
who was that mad eejut on there now that was hoarse, was he the owner?! he seemed full drunk. a brickie from leitrim!
General discussion / Re: The Horse racing thread
March 16, 2010, 03:02:44 PM
Quote from: Brick Tamlin on March 16, 2010, 02:57:28 PM
luckily had chief dan george in a L15. Waiting on Ruby & Halo to bring it home in the next.

you'll make £100 on it then even if your other horses do nothing? i had Get Me Out of Here and The Package, both losing by a matter of inches, the heart isn't good!
1.30 Dunguib £40 win
2.05 Captain Cee Bee £20 win
2.40 The Package £5 ew
3.20 Go Native £10 win
4.00 Garde Champetre £10 Win
4.40 Quevega £10 win
Quote from: hardstation on March 11, 2010, 12:01:15 AM
Was Ciaran Woods of Gaelic Life there?

Can Ciaran Woods of Gaelic Life explain why the good honest country folk were lifted by the peelers?

Can Ciaran Woods of Gaelic Life put forward a case for HIS CLOSE NEIGHBOURS (from Loughmacrory), who were lifted?

Is Ciaran Woods full of it?

You decide......

Where you there? I seen it, and Ciaran Woods was right, it was spides throwing the bottles at police. The people from loughmacrory arrested no doubt deserved it too, but they weren't students either
Quote from: Ulick on February 28, 2010, 07:24:42 PM
Quote from: Massey-135 on February 28, 2010, 09:35:57 AM
Maybe people are quiet because it's only half 9 in the morning here, we were all fast asleep in our beds when you were making that smartass comment. Personally, I've never heaped much praise on Cuba, it is an oppressive state and there's no two ways about it. Terrible situation and it's a wonder there hasn't been more coverage of this in the press, most outlets are more concerned with Wayne Bridge not shaking John Terry's hand. As regards Cuba having a great healthcare system, we're always told this but I seem to remember a part in Michael Moore's documentary Sicko where it showed the USA's ranking in health systems and it was 31 or something, and Cuba was one place below it at 32. So not sure if it's that great, not an expert on it by any means though

Erm the US is the richest country in the world and it's only 31st. Cuban on the other hand is one of the poorest, has had an embargo placed around it by the richest, and is 32nd out of 200 (the best in the southern hemisphere). You're barking up the wrong tree with that line.

Aye, I know. I was just pointing it out. Surprised me a bit when I seen it
Quote from: Norf Tyrone on February 27, 2010, 11:50:29 PM
Quote from: Hoof Hearted on February 27, 2010, 03:42:07 PM

surprise surprise bellamy doesnt hold back ! fair play to him !

That's fair, but from Bellamy???

Cautioned for common assault in 2002.
Charged with assaulting two girls in 2006.
Attacked a team mate with a golf club in 2007.

add to that the fact he curted a girl i know in the hatfield one night about two years ago, and him supposed to be the family man as well! i enjoy the craic with him though, at least he doesn't hold back. can't believe how much you're sticking up for JT in all this though, the man is clearly a c**k
Quote from: Tyrones own on February 27, 2010, 03:53:16 AM
Quote from: magickingdom on February 26, 2010, 10:06:50 PM

It's funny the high grounders here are fierce quiet on this atrocity, but then again,
it did happen in Marxist Cuba.... so that's alright then I suppose ::)

Maybe people are quiet because it's only half 9 in the morning here, we were all fast asleep in our beds when you were making that smartass comment. Personally, I've never heaped much praise on Cuba, it is an oppressive state and there's no two ways about it. Terrible situation and it's a wonder there hasn't been more coverage of this in the press, most outlets are more concerned with Wayne Bridge not shaking John Terry's hand. As regards Cuba having a great healthcare system, we're always told this but I seem to remember a part in Michael Moore's documentary Sicko where it showed the USA's ranking in health systems and it was 31 or something, and Cuba was one place below it at 32. So not sure if it's that great, not an expert on it by any means though
Quote from: 5 Sams on February 19, 2010, 12:28:08 PM

Very good at what they do....writing controversial stuff in newspapers and gobshites like us buying those papers to see "what thon w*nker is spouting about this week"!!

i wouldn't throw paddy heaney in with that lot, he's better than that
i had rangers in an accumulator, what happens now that it's called off? do i lose my money or just get the accumulator ignoring that game?
It's murder in the eyes of the law, but I wouldn't want him thrown in jail. I've sympathy for people in that situation
General discussion / Re: Heated toilet seats
February 11, 2010, 11:48:21 AM
i hate sitting on a warm one. you know some other hoor has just been there before you
General discussion / Re: The Horse racing thread
February 10, 2010, 05:13:32 PM
'sake sammy i'm a curse on you, today i backed none of your tips and you'd a great day. i hate the horses.