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Messages - five points

General discussion / Re: Mother and Baby Home Report
January 29, 2021, 12:09:45 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on January 29, 2021, 11:39:28 AM

I'd seriously doubt that American couples coming over here to adopt a child didn't have to make a "donation" to whatever order of nuns to smooth over the paperwork for it to happen....

Again the Commission found no evidence of any such practice. It's still possible that particular individuals personally demanded and/or took bribes, but there is no evidence of payments to orders.
Quote from: Angelo on January 29, 2021, 11:37:03 AM
Once again, you are talking in hypotheticals - not facts.

SF have been very vocal about the need for healthcare reform in the 26 and a move to implementing a health care system much more like the NHS.

Everytime we have a narrative about the incompetence and sleaze of FFG you deflect onto some unknown hypothetical about SF - it's utterly bizarre.

The utter irony of you complaining about hypotheticals. SF have never once mentioned that public service redundancies are on the cards if healthcare reform here is to become a reality.

I am as angry as you are about FF & FG incompetence and sleaze. But SF is an embedded part of the same rotten cartel.

Quote from: Angelo on January 29, 2021, 11:13:50 AM
Quote from: five points on January 29, 2021, 10:41:40 AM
Quote from: Angelo on January 29, 2021, 10:30:09 AM
One of the major selling points for the south in reunification should be the complete reform of their HSE. FFG have destroyed public health for their citizens in order to satisfy the interests of the private interests they serve, much like they have done with the housing crisis where they have screwed the young generation in order to service vulture funds and private interests to hover up residential supplies, move it to the rental market and then send it out of control.

Proper reform of the HSE would entail tens of thousands of redundancies and would be a political calamity for whatever party even suggests it, let alone implements it. Representatives of all the political parties sit on HSE and hospital boards up and down the country and not one will ever dare propose such reform.

There's only two parties in the free state who have ever had the capacity to reform the health service, they continue to make an even bigger shambles of it with every tenure.

If either of them were foolish enough to even mention it this afternoon as a possibility, the Shinners would eviscerate them for it. That's why it was a total non-issue in last year's general election and will be the same in the next election.
Quote from: armaghniac on January 29, 2021, 11:10:28 AM

You don't have to pay three grand on health insurance, you can get public care of comparable or superior standard to what is available in NI for less than that.

Sure I know that, we all do, but if I rely on public care and end up needing say "non-urgent" cancer treatment or heart surgery, I'll have to wait my turn on a public waiting list. And I might die waiting, as some of my neighbours have.
General discussion / Re: China Coronavirus
January 29, 2021, 10:51:32 AM
Quote from: GetOverTheBar on January 29, 2021, 10:27:37 AM
There is a very good reason for that Angelo.

Complaince is waning, just think what will happen if the news all of sudden reports that most people who go into hospital get it from there.

The save the health service message dies.

The same cover-up was going on last spring when compliance levels were high. I know of people who died as a result of it.
Quote from: Angelo on January 29, 2021, 10:30:09 AM
One of the major selling points for the south in reunification should be the complete reform of their HSE. FFG have destroyed public health for their citizens in order to satisfy the interests of the private interests they serve, much like they have done with the housing crisis where they have screwed the young generation in order to service vulture funds and private interests to hover up residential supplies, move it to the rental market and then send it out of control.

Proper reform of the HSE would entail tens of thousands of redundancies and would be a political calamity for whatever party even suggests it, let alone implements it. Representatives of all the political parties sit on HSE and hospital boards up and down the country and not one will ever dare propose such reform.
Quote from: Main Street on January 28, 2021, 08:43:25 PM
I thought most of you Cavanites were hovering on the  poverty line and entitled to medical cards :P  Do you think it's beyond the boundaries of  any pre-border poll negotiations to come up with some structure that would allow mainly NI residents continue to use their medical services at their (alleged) high current standards?

Everything is possible in theory but in practice, there's no way that I and people like me are going to tolerate spending three grand a year on family health insurance while people twenty miles away and in similar financial circumstances are getting free healthcare on the public dime from the same government.
General discussion / Re: Mother and Baby Home Report
January 29, 2021, 10:18:07 AM
Quote from: Lar Naparka on January 29, 2021, 12:33:35 AM
Quote from: Baile Brigín 2 on January 28, 2021, 11:22:38 PM
A wet fart of a report

No evidence women were coerced into homes and a very convenient finding that no money was made off the 'adoption' ring.

In 1943 35 children died in a fire in a nun run orphanage in Cavan. The nuns were alleged to have stopped the rescue as the girls were in nighties. The investigation failed to look at why the nuns blocked the rescue.

Maybe we haven't moved on as far as we think.
That's a bloody lie for starters. The Magdalene Laundries were run on a commercial basis. The nuns undercut all opposition because they had an abundance of unpaid labour.
The Commission Report concluded that the Mother and Baby Homes were not run on a commercial basis, and only broke even through contributions from the Church.
Quote from: clonadmad on January 28, 2021, 03:09:28 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on January 28, 2021, 01:47:59 PM
Figures from Irish News
Waiting for OP appointment 6 Cos 300,000
Waiting for operation/procedure c100,000

Figures from NTPF for 26 at 31/12/20.
Waiting for OP appt 613,000
Waiting for procedure 63,000

By the end of the pandemic or the current wave at least I'd suspect we can add 10% to those.

So with 36% of the population of the Republic

Pro Rata

The NI NHS should have 220,000 on waiting lists  appointments ,instead it has 80,00 more at 300,000

And it should have 36,000 waiting on procedures instead it has nearly double at 63,000

And we being told alll along that the Nordie health care was something to be looked up to !!!!!

The ROI waiting lists are routinely fiddled.

The same may also be happening up north.
Quote from: Angelo on January 28, 2021, 01:37:33 PM

The thing about increasing public health spend in the south is that little of it is spent in improving front line staff and doctors. Most of it goes into the hands of executives and construction companies.
Irish hospital consultants are paid extremely well too.

The Children's Hospital fiasco shows why FG are unfit for government.

No party has ever questioned why we're building a Children's Hospital in the first place. The whole project is a scam from start to finish.
Quote from: Rossfan on January 28, 2021, 01:10:35 PM
Governments and voters chose tax cuts over public health in the 26 and the "UK" over the last 20+ years.

The opposite is true in the 26. Not even have there been no personal tax cuts since 2011, we've had the USC imposed, and tax credits and bands have not been adjusted for inflation, so that the tax burden is the highest in decades.

Meanwhile public health spending rose from €18.4bn in 2011 to €22.5bn in 2018.
Quote from: Main Street on January 28, 2021, 12:51:14 PM
Nordies can continue to access their British subvented NHS service, guaranteed  until that time  that medical card status be made available to at least 90% of the citizens.
The Brit exchequer can pay a % and  the EU can pay a % of extra costs.
Those are details for negotiation before a border poll.
More serious issues beckon, whatabout the DUP and their ilk (racist bigots beyond repair), going into coalition with Fine Gael? what a nightmare? Never! Never! Never!

You really think we in Cavan will keep paying GP & health insurance bills while our neighbours 20 miles north get it all for free?  ::)
Quote from: johnnycool on January 28, 2021, 11:34:30 AM
I don't base my opinions of the NHS on the Stephen Nolan show FFS, give me a bit of credit....

I base it on my own experiences of having my mother sitting in an A&E corridor for over 24 hours after she's bled out and dispatched her home with no care plan in place much to the shock of her GP. I base it on speaking to a friend who can barely walk and needs two knees and won't get them for at least 2 years. I base it on a mother in law who's cancer treatment was delayed so long that when they finally did get round to doing it, ended up deciding there was no point... This was all pre covid.

Yes, back before the Tories decimated the NHS in 2010 the NHS was very good, but not now..

I've relations living in the South so I know it's not perfect either but it's not as bad as the likes of Jim Allister would have you believe.
It's worse. There's a very good reason why any of us down here who can afford it spend thousands every year on private health insurance. We all know people who went to their graves early because they didn't.
Quote from: Angelo on January 27, 2021, 11:53:03 AM
I expect the same rules apply to everyone.

I would expect that too, but (and notwithstanding my comments earlier, I'm not directing this at you) there is often an unpleasant atmosphere around here and I get the feeling that Covid has us all a bit rattled. Let's hope it improves.
Quote from: Angelo on January 27, 2021, 11:26:15 AM
I commented on the ludicrous content of your post, I didn't make any insults toward you.
I made no reference to insults, but to a succession of inflammatory comments, all made in the space of a few hours. And the next morning you're crying because someone else does it to you.  :D