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Messages - bamboo

what is a 'sport' though?

Genuinely interested in a few lads opinions on here. For the record I think all activities mentioned so far are sports.
WUMs can be easily ignored. it's the blatant racism, sexism and bigotry that needs to be clamped down on. No place for that in society or on here. Let the tough bully boys treat their wives and children how they want but keep it off here. And keep the personal abuse down too, the crossmaglen thread got pretty nasty and one board member in particular did very well to rise above it all.
Has the London final ever been covered? Or ever likely to be?
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
September 23, 2017, 12:09:00 PM
Fair play BC1, would'nt want to tar you all with the same brush. WUMs can be hard to tolerate but there are few bigger on here than the racist bully that I've had to report. Ignorance and a lack of education is no excuse.
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
September 23, 2017, 11:11:09 AM
have done bc1- what ppl do in their own home is fine but when it happens in public it needs to be pulled up. you're a decent sort so I'm sure you'll condone it too.
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
September 23, 2017, 10:18:56 AM
any of you lads man enough to condone this racist trash? this is at least the 3rd incident that's gone without condemnation. Mods need to wise up too. This goes beyond the 'banter' line.
General discussion / Re: Boxing Thread
August 21, 2017, 01:34:20 PM
Frampton confirms the split
Re: The greatest ever comeback.

Taking your Liverpool or Utd hat off, which was better; Utd scoring 2 in the dying minutes against a great german side after being outplayed for most of the 90 mins or Liverpool scoring 3 in a half to come from absolutely nowhere to force extra time against a Milan team known for it's defensive prowess?

We can agree that both were amazing but which shades it for you?
Where are the mods indeed? They've been turning a blind eye in here recently. Whats the consensus regarding halting site remarks? Been a few of those made over the last few weeks when posters can't deal with their issues and resort to type.

Some pathetic comments on here from lads that wouldn't have the guts to say similar in the real world.

Genuine question- would you tell your family/mates about the 'hilarious comment' you made on an internet forum in an attempt to seem tough? The mention of halting sites or hillsborough to score points is beyond pathetic and needs to be called out as such. Disappointed that regular decent posters let this rubbish go without comment.

Liverpool will get 4th- and deservedly so over the course of the season.
General discussion / Re: Android Boxes
January 23, 2017, 01:37:45 PM
Cheers lads. Still getting used to it but seems fairly user friendly. Have the full sky package at home but if I even get a few rte games on SM it'll pay for itself cos we won't have to spend the day in the pub watching matches.
General discussion / Re: Android Boxes
January 22, 2017, 07:03:05 PM
Got an MXIII box today thanks to LL recommendations and have set it up and having a play about with it. As I'm in London the aim is to try and catch the gaa on RTE during the summer. Whats the easiest way of doing this? Tried castaway but can't seem to have any luck. Ill subscribe to sportsmania once I get my head round the whole thing. Cheers lads.
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
October 29, 2016, 03:55:12 PM
A sparky, or any tradesman, doing a 60hr week ( as it's being claimed on here ) can be broken down into 10hrs proper graft, 40hrs arsing about on gaa board, Facebook etc while ripping people off with ludicrous quotes and 10hrs avoiding the tax-man or people from programmes such as rogue traders.

Or is that tarring them all with the same brush? Wouldn't want to be doing that now would we?

Serious amount of jealousy and bitterness from a few on here towards teachers.
General discussion / Re: Teachers get it handy!
October 28, 2016, 09:20:43 AM
Things would be a bit easier for teachers if all the mouthpieces on here kept their kids at home and home schooled them. Not even sure why'd send their kids to school if they've such a problem with 'wasters' trying to educate children.
General discussion / Re: Coaching Kids.
October 12, 2016, 02:08:40 PM
Look at any SEN websites or Google a bit regarding 'inclusion in PE' .

Primary teacher's here in the UK need clued up on it and there's a wealth of resources etc available online. I've done a few courses as part of my training and theres absolutely no need to be 'gentle' with them for want of a better word. You'll be amazed, surprised, delighted and no doubt proud of what the kids can do when given the chance and coached well.
General discussion / Re: 2016 AFL Season
October 01, 2016, 08:10:50 AM
Bulldogs got their act together and ran away with it, won 89-67. Been 63 years since they last won it, fantastic scenes. Maybe an omen for later?