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Messages - phpearse

What a great test for Tyrone! Probably everything going against them going into the game. A wet day with the grass not cut yet after winter. McQuillan referring and letting Donegal and Murphy away with everything. It's the place where men stand up and be counted. Handy playing football on a sunny day in Croke Park but these are the games where you test yourself. This will be brutal stuff but as long as Tyrone put it up to Donegal they won't be too far away at the end of the day. Take every chance they can get and hopefully the ref has a good game. Anything can happen. Donegal aren't that much better than Tyrone.
GAA Discussion / Re: McKenna Cup 2015
January 21, 2015, 08:03:17 PM
took my money but can't get in
GAA Discussion / Re: McKenna Cup 2015
January 21, 2015, 07:58:00 PM
Database error - get the feeling their servers are overloaded.
GAA Discussion / Re: McKenna Cup 2015
January 21, 2015, 10:09:05 AM
QuoteI see Harte unsurprisingly has fielded Donnelly and O'Neill in his starting line up even though they have already played for UUJ in the competition, a ridiculous situation and shows how determined he is to get the 4 in a row. What other sport or competition would allow such a situatin occur?

Did the Ulster Council not relax the rule to say that uni players could then play for their county in a semi final or final if the uni team was not involved. 
The best of the McKenna lads was playing for St Pat's Armagh today, scoring 1-7. I hear he is heading to Australia whenever the Tyrone minor season finishes. A few Aussie Rules teams were after him. He is some talent.
Prior to the league final I would have been happy just to put in a performance and keep Dublin close. Following the match there was a felling of one that got away. Today I'm just hoping that Tyrone don't get tanked and hopefully if they can compete and have a chance to win that they don't leave it behind them. Niall Morgan was a big plus in the league final and slotted over 4-5 long range frees and kept Tyrone ticking over in that game. His different style of kick outs gave Tyrone options and I feel that his absence will be felt more today that the other games. McConnell's short kick outs are very short and with Mayo tacking hard from the full forward line out, I'm not sure if that will be the best option today. Morgan would be able to place a kick to a man running into space 45m from goal.

Just can't see Tyrone getting close. Mayo by 7.
GAA Discussion / Re: Time for Joe to go??
August 11, 2013, 09:14:31 AM
Why was it called a rugby tackle? It looked more like a Compromise Rules tackle. Cavanagh was just getting his shout in for early inclusion to that squad later this year!
Are there any pundits going for Tyrone in this game? Every preview I have ready has Monaghan as favourites.
I think the match is irrelevant in the 'who wins the All Ireland' scheme of things but it should still be a decent game of football. Both teams you would image are slightly off the pace of the leading contenders but both teams will lift their game for what is a traditional winners takes all match. Before the Donegal game I didn't think there was much difference between Tyrone 2012 and Tyrone 2013. Despite a good league I don't see Tyrone being any better this year and the potential to get a scalping at some stage this year could happen.

Same could be said for Kildare as well I suppose. They have already taken a pasting against Dublin so they will know they are off the All Ireland pace. Really for both teams it will be about progressing as far as possible without really threatening the bigger sides.

The meetings over the previous years suggest a very tight competitive game. Tyrone have performed better on the road to the game at Newbridge will not worry them too much. If Tyrone can get moving early on I think they will have enough to get Kildare but I wouldn't be surprised if Kildare were to win.

I'm sure the atmosphere will be great. Big crowd, weather looks set to be fine, should be good.
Expect Donegal to give away a few early free around 50m to ask Morgan to try a few kicks. If he missed a few early ones then Donegal would be more confident stopping Tyrone out in MF. If he scores the early ones then they have to be more careful. Can see Morgan being put on his hole as he runs out to take his first free and again put on his hole if he scores and does any messing about as he runs back to goal!!

Donegal for me. This Tyrone team have been found wanting when they have played to top sides in Championship football. Can't see a pile of difference between this Tyrone side and last years side. Morgan is a good addition and a fit Sean Cavanagh is good to have back but it is massive ask to play what is now a very good seasoned Championship side, in their own ground. I expect a tight game but for Donegal to come out on top.
Don't agree with the black card rule as I can see it leading to more pulling and dragging by the guy in possession. Look at how many times a player in possession grabs the tacklers arm and drags him to the ground with the referee giving the free to the man with the ball. You take a man running at speed at the oppositions best player, the ball carrier grabs the tackling arm and pulls the tackler to the ground. It is so difficult to determine what has actually happened but more times than not the foul is called against the tackler and under this new rule the black card for the tackler will mean they are sent off.

What will happen is some referees will apply the rule to the letter of the rule and others will not.
General discussion / Re: The Official Golf Thread
October 14, 2012, 08:54:12 PM
Real good lad is Shane. So down to earth. I know him from his amateur days and his swing and game haven't changed one bit. Delighted to see him do well. Nearly in another play off, finding the fairway bunker on the last and making bogie. Only with Ross Fisher making bogie as well, he could have been facing another play off with an English man. That win will give him another 2 year exemption on the European tour. Although he was sitting 63rd I think in the race to Dubai and no worries of keeping his card for another year this takes a lot of pressure of him. Not sure where he is up to now, I'm sure that win gets him into the season ending tournaments and chance of a few more euros.
General discussion / Re: Ford smax
March 20, 2012, 08:02:48 PM
I got a Feb 2011 Peugeot 5008 for a bit less than £14,000 with 15K miles. Very happy with it so far.
General discussion / Re: Ford smax
March 20, 2012, 08:03:48 AM
In the same situation myself with three in child seats. Looked at a fair amount of 7 seaters and was tempted by the S Max but fuel economy was poor. Local car dealer gave me an S Max for the day and was only getting about 35-38mpg. Read about the Peugeot 5008 and ended up getting that. So far really happy. Smallish engine at 1.6 but doing 48mpg and has ample power. Got a 2011 model so it has rear parking assist, bluetooth and a few other extras that the 2010 model doesn't have. Loads of room in the back, can fit three full sized car seats across the second row. Can't imagine ever using the two rear seats but they fold down and there is plenty of room for push chairs, etc.