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Messages - guy crouchback

GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
October 06, 2016, 01:34:35 PM
did he buy it off a tout? why would anyone thing that a premium level ticket being sold for substantially less then its face value on AIF day be legit?
if he still has it and if it ever existed he would still have it i suppose then it can easily be traced to the person who originally purchased it, I'm sure Priomh will be interested in finding out if one of its members is touting tickets.
Quote from: Canalman on October 04, 2016, 11:11:23 AM
Funnily enough, I think the fact that it is Mayo in a final is of benefit to the opposing team. Definitely a case of "not on our watch" oddly galvanizes that team as rightly or wrongly no county wants to be the designated  "chump" when Mayo break their hoodoo. Grimly determines that county in question.

Definitely  a backhanded compliment , but would prefer not to have to play Mayo for some time now. Some serious bruising encounters with them the last 10 years or so. Supporters clearly  dislike each other a lot which doesn't help.

Unfortunately for Mayo, and imo again two handling errors cost them dearly in 2012 and 2016 finals.

i have no complaints about the result really, the ref didn't cost us the game and by and large we gave as good as we got. i'm actually really looking forward to next year already and our league game on a Saturday night in croker will really be the start of another year!!!

as the fans not liking each other i have never really seen it everyone going mental for 70 mins then hand shakes all round and see you next time.

GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 30, 2016, 11:26:39 AM
i greatly doubt it.
Quote from: magpie seanie on January 08, 2016, 01:50:00 PM
We also have the term "mink" or "minker" in Sligo. Never heard it elsewhere. Not complimentary!
mink would be a real ballina one as well mink (sc**bag), never heard minker just mink we also have  buer (female), fiend (male fool,ass) i think both of these would be general west coast traveler words as far as i recall  the writer kevin barry used them in ''the city of  Bohane'. wha hu (hello) i have only ever heard in ballina
GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 21, 2016, 11:18:07 AM
Quote from: heffo on September 21, 2016, 11:00:55 AM
Quote from: AZOffaly on September 21, 2016, 10:50:08 AM
7,500-10,000 what? Returns? I can't see that heffo. Jaysus tickets for the football were like hens teeth, and I'd say everyone took their allocation and they were flying all over the country. I'd be amazed if there was a significant return of tickets for re-distribution.

My final contribution - where do you think approx 100 x clubs in Dublin get 2/3 additional ticket tranches as last as Sunday morning of the same varying between 70-170 depending on the club?

They get them from other county boards and provincial councils.

Or maybe John Costello is in the same WhatsApp groups as these cute Mayo hoors texting all their friends as soon as the semi-final is over
just on this point and its separate to what we are discussing really.
i have always been a bit confused by this, the same happens in mayo and to be honest i smell a rat. i have made many inquires about how these tickets appear very late in the day and i get vague answers abut returns etc but it doesn't add up, i never get the same story twice.

as far as i can see one of two things are happening.
A. the clubs are withholding tickets early on from their own membership, lying about their initial allocation and then releasing them at the last minute when it transpires they don't need them for what ever reason they thought they might. there are actually many valid reason why they might do this.
B. the county board are doing the same thing on a grander scale holding back large number of tickets  initially to be distributed later again there are a myriad of reasons why they might do this most of which  but not all come down to cronynisim and politics.
GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 21, 2016, 11:08:37 AM
Quote from: heffo on September 21, 2016, 11:00:55 AM
Quote from: AZOffaly on September 21, 2016, 10:50:08 AM
7,500-10,000 what? Returns? I can't see that heffo. Jaysus tickets for the football were like hens teeth, and I'd say everyone took their allocation and they were flying all over the country. I'd be amazed if there was a significant return of tickets for re-distribution.

My final contribution - where do you think approx 100 x clubs in Dublin get 2/3 additional ticket tranches as last as Sunday morning of the same varying between 70-170 depending on the club?

They get them from other county boards and provincial councils.

Or maybe John Costello is in the same WhatsApp groups as these cute Mayo hoors texting all their friends as soon as the semi-final is over

sorry we may be talking at cross purposes a bit here, you are referring to county boards returning tickets, i think its the individual clubs that return the tickets not the county boards, i thought you were talking about county boards getting a separate allowence of thousands of tickets.
GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 21, 2016, 11:05:09 AM
the mayo county board get the whole mayo allocation that's where those tickets came from. also comparing the mayo county board to pat hickey is grossly unfair on pat hickey, our boys male him look like an alter  boy, ''allegedly''.

even if every county board got 50 tickets for themselves along with the provincial council allocation it only comes to around 2000. plus I'm pretty sure all these county board members who get all these tickets would be leaned upon by contacts in the competing counties to sort them out.

the notion that all the other county boards are sending secret allocations of tickets to mayo on the QT is a bit daft to be honest.

GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 21, 2016, 10:46:55 AM
Quote from: heffo on September 21, 2016, 10:36:25 AM
Quote from: guy crouchback on September 21, 2016, 10:32:01 AM
Quote from: heffo on September 21, 2016, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: intoDwest on September 21, 2016, 10:07:20 AM
"paddy joe" might have friends who are involved with county boards and clubs all over the country. Every club gets tickets, every senior county footballer gets 2 tickets if they want them and they can distribute them to anyone they want. Mayo just had a weeks head start in the asking

Again, I'm not referring to local arrangements between fellas knowing each other, I'm talking about the redistribution from county boards and provincial councils

even if that were true and there is no evidence that it is don't think those allocations would amount to any significant amount.
when we played donegal in 2012 we were well out numbered mainly because they had the extra week plus i think we thought we would source them easy enough due to mayo peoples natural networking abilities!! we were caught out but i think we all made sure it didn't happen again. plus the more finals you are in the better you get at it.
perhaps the Dublin fans much like their team were just a bit complacent this year.

Again, I'm not referring to local arrangements between fellas knowing each other, I'm talking about the redistribution from county boards and provincial councils
you keep saying that but it seems to be something you have picked out of the air what county board allocations?  my understanding is that clubs all over the country get an allocation, these tickets are then  either returned to central council or used by the club ( more often then not these find there way to the competing counties on ''contacts'' basis) i found a breakdown of the 2011 final distribution and provincial councils got a total of 355 tickets.  if each county board gets a separate allocation there is no mention of it.
GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland final tickets thread
September 21, 2016, 10:32:01 AM
Quote from: heffo on September 21, 2016, 10:14:49 AM
Quote from: intoDwest on September 21, 2016, 10:07:20 AM
"paddy joe" might have friends who are involved with county boards and clubs all over the country. Every club gets tickets, every senior county footballer gets 2 tickets if they want them and they can distribute them to anyone they want. Mayo just had a weeks head start in the asking

Again, I'm not referring to local arrangements between fellas knowing each other, I'm talking about the redistribution from county boards and provincial councils

even if that were true and there is no evidence that it is don't think those allocations would amount to any significant amount.
when we played donegal in 2012 we were well out numbered mainly because they had the extra week plus i think we thought we would source them easy enough due to mayo peoples natural networking abilities!! we were caught out but i think we all made sure it didn't happen again. plus the more finals you are in the better you get at it.
perhaps the Dublin fans much like their team were just a bit complacent this year.

this thread has gone a bit quite and maybe we don't have much left to say about the game its self so instead ill wax nostalgic ,this is a post i put up before last years semi

It's hard to describe the excitement I felt  on that first trip to Croke park, the 18Th of august 1985 (yes of course I had to look it up!). I was 8 years old and me and my dad were going off for the day to the big game. looking back now he was probably as excited as I was, he would have been 37 at the time, younger then I am now and in his lifetime mayo had given him very few days out in Dublin, I was the eldest so it was just me and him.  Up early for a bus to Dublin. I don't remember much about the bus journey up except that I was worried about my new flag. I was told I had to leave it in the overhead locker and I did not like being parted from it. it was the height of fashion that year, red and green horizontal bars as opposed to the more traditional  vertical. God I loved that flag I kept it for years, until it became so frayed at the edges it was little more than a collection of streamers.

I remember being out the back of the Hogan stand waiting to go in and being in awe of this huge structure. In my mind's eye it's a beautiful sunny day.  we went inside  and it was dark and forbidding the toilets were horrible and crowed and my earlier euphoria was beginning to fade. Then the magic happened, a spell was cast on me that remains to this day. We turned the corner to our section and walked towards the blinding light and there it was, Croker in all its glory, the field a brilliant striped green a field like non I'd ever seen, there was no HDTV in 1985 so I had literally never seen anything as perfect, and then there were that stands  and the people and the hill and all the blue and all the green and red. All the green and red, and my dad seemed to know everyone and every one was calling out and shouting and excited  we took our seats and I got my first lesson in how to strike up conversations with strangers at football matches. to me  the opposition were the big bad dubs so I was a bit surprised by the chatting with all the Dublin supporters, all the craic, I think I learned I was  culchie that day, ( I already knew they were only auld jackeens!) My dad had worked in Dublin years before and of course he knew some relation of the guy behind us, I was trying to get my game face on but he kept gasbagging with the enemy!!

Then the band and the parade and the anthem and mayo were doing well, Kevin mc stay tj kilgallon, willie joe padden, john finn and the rest. The excitement was too much, the game went by in flash, we drew!! I was delighted but I got the impression  the older ones new it was no good that we had lost our chance, still no harm we would be back and if not this year then next, I saw the future as being centred on my new favourite place in the world,  the naivety of youth.  Still as I said the spell was cast, the grass, the noise, the crowds the colour, the band, the players, the game, in later years the pubs, the friends, the nights out before and after, now its heading back to the day trips with kids again, the world turns. The kids, nothing sums up the GAA more than the kids that go to games big and small with their flags and headbands and hats and jerseys and a ferocious  belief in their team that is hard to maintain as the years pass buy.

So on sunday we meet again, about a third of the population of Mayo will actually leave the county and head to Dublin, we will  meet our best friends and people we haven't seen in years  as we amble down the north circular, outside gills we will meet some Dubs we know and the craic will flow, heroes of yesteryear will walk buy and dads will whisper their names to the little ones " look that's wille joe padden over there'', "See yer man son, that's Barney Rock", the kids will nod but don't really care they only have eyes for Aiden or Bernard.

Then inside and it happens all over again, the bright light from the tunnel, the incredible green, the noise the roar of the hill,  ''come on you boys in blue'', MAYO MAYO MAYO MAYO''  in response from around the ground growing louder and louder. Then a winner and a loser, Who shall it be? Doesn't really matter.
General discussion / Re: Home Insurance
August 26, 2016, 09:13:30 AM
Quote from: Boycey on August 26, 2016, 12:02:37 AM
What should someone be paying guy? I think my mortgage provider paid the 1st year, I jumped ship after that, my woman's cousin is a broker and he sorted it. Like a lot of people I guess I don't even question it, every year the renewal comes in I just pay it. I can message you any details if that helps.
if the cousin in question likes you then he should be getting you the best deal available from the company's he deals with, assuming he is  a general ( home, motor commercial etc) insurance broker this will be all the major companies. what i mean here is that sometimes a broker who deals mainly with life insurance might have 1 or 2 agencies with  home insurance providers because they can sell it along with mortgage protection etc, if this is that case you are rarely going to get a particularly good deal ( or good cover).

as was mentioned above by and large you get what you pay for and it usually comes down to claims handling. most policies are all the same and on occasion some of the cheapest out there are on paper the best but then the company's in question would happily spend €1990 to get out of paying a €2000 claim.

a good yardstick to use when judging company's  is, who are they? , and by this i mean who is the underwriter, direct line for example are underwritten by UK insurances Ltd. if you have never head of them before then they are probably crap, if you have know the name all your life they are reliable, aviva, zurich, royal sun alliance, axa, etc

not that many years ago the mantra of the insurance business was ''utmost good faith'' the client was supposed to divulge all relevant info to the company and in turn the company most treat the client properly and  even if sometimes a claim was made that  fell outside the absolute definition of the cover provided,  the company would deal with it  and by and large claims were settled on a fair and reasonable basis.

with the advent of more competition and strangely much more regulation that day is gone and they are now only interested in reducing claims costs by any means fair or foul, this is particularly true of the newer and smaller company's.
General discussion / Re: Home Insurance
August 25, 2016, 04:39:11 PM
I'm assuming you are in the north so i cant give you very specific info on them (I'm in the business but in the south). they are underwritten by  a company called UK insurance who are all in all a fairly poor company but no worse then a lot of direct insurers and better then some.

the add ones they are offering you are mainly rubbish with the possible exception of the travel insurance although on the whole travel insurance is generally rubbish especially the ones going free.

the biggest thing is the increased excess, watch out for this, if you take a €1000 euro excess then you are probably ruling out making any claim under €1500 and if you make a claim for €2000 you will only get 1000.00.

if you are going to have home insurance have one that you can make a fair  claim against, unlike car insurance its not compulsory so just getting the cheapest thing possible to ''get it insured'' is pointless.
General discussion / Re: The Official Daddies Club
June 29, 2016, 02:29:50 PM
Quote from: giveherlong on June 29, 2016, 10:01:05 AM
Any recommendations for brand/type of baby monitor?

angel care ones are good but pricey, i bought a cheap one in tesco as well for when we were in the in laws to be honest its shite it does the job but its like a cb radio.

the angel care ones come with  sensor mat but unless you have a particular reason to use it i wouldn't bother with it as thy tend to go off occasionally and frighten the life out of you.
General discussion / Re: Brexit.
June 22, 2016, 01:44:09 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on June 22, 2016, 12:42:58 PM
Northern nationalists will in large part swing this vote for remain.Will they get any political reward from the Dublin Govt for doing so?

i think this might be the single most stupid comment made by anyone in relation to the entire brexit debate. 
GAA Discussion / Re: London v Mayo 29th May
May 26, 2016, 11:58:16 AM
we need a mayo version of this.