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Messages - Will it ever end

GAA Discussion / Re: Sports Funding in NI
March 27, 2021, 04:38:32 PM
Entirely agree.

I've already heard stories of clubs planning to use the funds to upgrade facilities etc

I guess ethically there's the question but the system was there to be applied for.

My genuine fear is clubs do use the funds for those purposes & the audit process review deems them to be outside the scope & money is sought to be clawed back.

Media et al will get their teeth into this and plenty will come to light I'm sure.

A sorry mess across all sport.
GAA Discussion / Re: Sports Funding in NI
March 26, 2021, 07:33:41 AM
Id agree to disagree that management wouldn't be one of the single largest bills for a club.

Maybe I'm missing the point but I felt the funding was to help clubs break even - if The Rock needed £128k to break even then so be it.

GAA Discussion / Re: Sports Funding in NI
March 25, 2021, 09:52:52 PM
Quote from: thewobbler on March 25, 2021, 09:36:49 PM
I'd a good long look at this process when it was released and I couldn't find an angle to legitimately meet the criteria.

In retrospect I probably should have hammered in for loss of earnings (lotto 3 months, social club bar 6 months, and a cancelled golf classic), but the reduction in league fees and senior football costs, plus the removal of rates means our outgoings fell dramatically too. It's definitely not been a year of financial hardship.

I'm expecting that the clubs who did best out of this are servicing hefty loans, which were procured on the basis of a range of income from match days, lotto, bars and fundraisers. In that case, fair dues.

Annual loan repayments for prior works surely wouldn't be running in excess of £100k in the example of The Rock in Tyrone?
GAA Discussion / Re: Sports Funding in NI
March 25, 2021, 08:50:12 PM
This a complete can of worms as clubs who claimed continued to run club lottos / collected memberships / ran fundraising draws.

Surely the single biggest expense for a senior club is the management - some clubs receiving in excess of £100k is scandalous - given insurances were credited / competition fees reduced.

The fund is audited & will come under intense scrutiny now to demonstrate what has been claimed to be spent on is actually spent on - otherwise the money will have to be returned.
General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 16, 2020, 07:56:47 AM
He's been doing it for 10 years Screen - with a few years sabbatical with his off course issues
General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 14, 2020, 09:13:45 PM
Did Tiger Woods not win the masters last year without a caddie?

General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 10, 2020, 06:29:21 PM
Really like those pairings...

Bryson's keeps the heat off him DJ/Rory & Brooks/JT will all be comfortable playing together ... hopefully sets up an exciting weekend with all in contention
General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 10, 2020, 12:59:18 PM
Agree when it goes wrong it goes very wrong very quickly!
General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 10, 2020, 08:23:06 AM
Quote from: thebigfella on November 10, 2020, 12:30:12 AM
Quote from: Will it ever end on November 09, 2020, 11:10:19 PM
It's not just his distance - it's the accuracy of the drives to date, hitting 60% + of fairways - plenty of other big hitters on tour but not getting those accuracy figures.

Augusta will definitely suit his booming draw off the tee but I'd be leaning more towards DJ & a chance taken that Rory's time away working on his distance will reap some rewards.

Would enjoy a Brooks / Bryson pairing at some point or a DJ / Bryson pairing to see how the latter reacts when the pressure of Augusta comes on.

His accuracy year to date is approx. 52%. DJ, JT, bubba, McIlroy ect... are well ahead in the accuracy. He doesn't need to be accurate though, just needs to be in play which is the game plan.

As for McIlroy working on gaining more distance, won't make a bit of difference if he hasn't sorted out his short irons/wedges. Since the restart that's been his biggest problem.

Not sure where you've got your stats?

PGA Tour YTD has Bryson @ 59%

DJ slightly below him & JT / Rory slightly above him.

General discussion / Re: The Masters 2020
November 09, 2020, 11:10:19 PM
It's not just his distance - it's the accuracy of the drives to date, hitting 60% + of fairways - plenty of other big hitters on tour but not getting those accuracy figures.

Augusta will definitely suit his booming draw off the tee but I'd be leaning more towards DJ & a chance taken that Rory's time away working on his distance will reap some rewards.

Would enjoy a Brooks / Bryson pairing at some point or a DJ / Bryson pairing to see how the latter reacts when the pressure of Augusta comes on.
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
November 05, 2020, 04:29:19 PM
Or ... maybe being a good player or club legend doesn't necessarily make you a good manager ... if only there was a very recent example of this to back it up???
I cannot see any corruption on behalf of LPS - they've got money to all companies claiming small business rates relief - whether that's a wind turbine / AD Plant or constituency office - it's over to the individual to deem themselves not to require the payment & return it promptly.
In my eyes a definite shift from SF
That's some response by Sinn Fein!
No - not any rateable business, small business ratepayers in receipt of Small Business Rates Relief, I think in excess of 24,000 payments had been made by LPS to businesses which shows the sheer scale of the scheme.

If you paid your rates by DD the money was automatically sent if receiving SBRR.

Given the scale & speed of the scheme setup it was inevitable errors would occur but it would come back on the individual recipient as to why they hadn't repaid the monies.

I'm sure it'll gather pace now for a name & shame exercise.