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Messages - BigBallWeeBall

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 15, 2021, 11:43:31 PM
Payment of management has always been a thorny issue for us Gaels. Here are my thoughts.

I would not be in favour of it but I know it goes on, a bit like the parish priest and adultery.. Lol, but over time people have looked the other way at this practice.
I grew up in Belfast and now live in my country mansion and I feel there's generally a different stance on this topic between Belfast & SW with country clubs being more Liberal IMO.  There could be many reasons for this, the traditional and historic over reliance on social clubs in Belfast (I benefited as a youth player from this income), greater parochial pull in the country and this is a possibly discussion for a different day.
However for me there's an easy way to show why we should not pay.
The rumours are annual amounts £10 - £30 K for coaches, if £15 k is taken then that's roughly 250 size 5 O'Neills f/balls foregone  or a new kit for every team in the club every year or a new minibus every few years... Etc. It could even pay insurance costs and fees each year or reduce the cost of membership in difficult times. Everyone benefits.
For clubs that use in house coaches how would they feel or react if paid managers come in. It's hardly a vote of confidence in their ability and if clubs insist on paying then could they pay their own ex players first....reward them for the years of self sacrifice and service.
Clubs in the SW have supposedly paid top dollar for a good number of years but this has not paid dividends  with silverware. I think that only Cargin from SW have won senior championship with St Galls/Johns/Pauls Rossa and L D all wining fromn1990 to 2020.  My fear is that the chase success at all costs culture could in the near future result in outside minor coaches being paid. This would be a fatal blow to our organisation. I know this idea can be scoffed at but 30 years ago were we paying outside managers?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 10, 2021, 12:18:50 PM
Even the McKenna's would not miss the McKenna cup
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 06, 2021, 04:36:18 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on January 06, 2021, 02:29:35 PM

All I have seen is social media posts about training in schools and similar actions.  This was part of the plan
No stats to measure progress or indeed no plan produced for Gaels to support. I'm sure when Gaelfast was set up the plan was set out to those involved
N Antrim - not in Gaelfast remit IMO. North Antrim not involved, I'll give you that
South Antrim may have got annoyed with this. This is the same point as above, understandable but S/W committee not involved with Galefast anyways
Funding needs are critical and therefore more of a Croke Pk presence may be required. Croke Park are involved from day one and a line manager reviews this I assume

If you know different I'd be interested in hearing

So back to my point, What sort of goals were you looking to see improved over that period? Or better, what would be your approach to the funding
MR2,  you couldn't enjoy a pint with yourself.
Let's see the plan, measure the numbers  increase in members or participants and keep Croke involved and at the table to oversee and maintain funding
After Bannsides post I will let this matter drop as I've no hidden agenda. Like all Antrim Gaels just seeking the best for our county
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 06, 2021, 02:21:40 PM
MR2,  serious points.
All I have seen is social media posts about training in schools and similar actions.
No stats to measure progress or indeed no plan produced for Gaels to support.
N Antrim - not in Gaelfast remit IMO.
South Antrim may have got annoyed with this
Funding needs are critical and therefore more of a Croke Pk presence may be required
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 06, 2021, 12:43:25 PM
Quote from: johnnycool on January 05, 2021, 03:32:04 PM
Quote from: Belfast GAA man on January 05, 2021, 11:53:42 AM
See Gaelfast chief story in Irish News today - He diD have a good CV hurling for Rossa / N Pol / Antrim and N Pol chairman but I though he was more into PR than actual brand new projects - not an easy job I suppose....

I'd have thought his role in Sport NI and the fact that's he's got a doctorate in Sports Science would have cut a bit more delf with the interview panel than his playing and chairman stints otherwise you'd be giving the job to Sambo or Woody and hoping for the best in them managing a major project like this. Having good knowledge of the internal politics of Antrim GAA through his playing/chairman/development squad coaching would have given a greater insight of how this works.

I thought they'd gone about it the right way, from the ground up in the primary schools and build from there. Create the links to the clubs for the kids and improve the coaching/fixtures in the process gives Antrim GAA a bigger pool to work with up through the years and it was always going to be a 10 plus years project before you really reap the rewards like Dublin and Limerick in the hurling.

Where do I apply?   ;D

MR2, I've been reading over previous articles and press releases on Gaelfast in recent days. Belfast was to be the focus of activity (20 Antrim clubs in greater Belfast area). Aim was apparently to increase participation in GAA especially in non traditional areas and in turn higher club members over time. However Galefast was surprisingly as far away from Belfast as possible in North Antrim clubs?
Was this part of the initial plan, was this a reason for lack of progress, was there buy in or approval for widening the scheme across Antrim before any tangible success in Belfast.
I can only assume that there was a fall-out over who was in control of the plan and its content. Was it a direct line to  Dublin for Galefast or was Antrim board in charge with its Gaelfast management committee. Were relationships fractured?
Who knows, but disappointing that a scheme launched with a fanfare in Belfast City Hall April 2018 is now rudderless.
Covid has had serious impact on Gaelfast in 2020 but almost 3 years on from launching this there is not much to report.
It now looks like a poisoned chalice for whoever bravely or perhaps foolishly sticks their head above the parapet to take it on. It has deteriorated into a shambles now really and future funding may not be forthcoming. Who would want to take on this fiasco
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 04, 2021, 11:00:31 PM
Email to club secretary re club leagues I believe
Adults fball league Feb and Hurling mid April
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 04, 2021, 10:32:09 PM
Fball leagues to start end Feb 21. What are the chances of getting things moving on this date
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
December 28, 2020, 11:59:49 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on December 27, 2020, 10:21:14 PM
Quote from: Belfast GAA man on December 27, 2020, 10:15:34 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on December 27, 2020, 10:03:08 PM
Quote from: Belfast GAA man on December 27, 2020, 08:41:59 PM
didnt hear the detail

So what did you hear?
tjat the Gaelfast chief fell out with county officials and is gone

Life's not as black and white... you said he fell out?
MR2, I always got the impression you're usually in the know about high level county matters.
What can you tell us about the Gaelfast rumours in recent posts.
I've not been a big fan of the scheme to date as I would like to see the milestone markers and plans to measure progress and gauge success  but its been too clandestine.
Nevertheless a change of the top guy takes us to  year 3 of the plan and is a backward step. This is a sad state of affairs and the GAA public deserve to know more. It looks embarrassing for Antrim Gaels if there has been a power struggle at the top

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 11, 2020, 07:46:23 PM
Doubt that price structure would appeal.. You'd get better at club teams ffs
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 10, 2020, 10:35:29 AM
I see that Lenny has not chosen to extend his 3 year tenure. Wishing him all the best in future endeavours, he is a committed Antrim Gael.
So who's next then lads.. Time for a SW manager perhaps given progression in the teams this area? Any good ideas lads
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 22, 2020, 02:50:58 PM
Quote from: Dunsilly King on October 22, 2020, 10:26:35 AM
Not to impressed with statement, trying to suggest Antrim are complicit in it as well for not agreeing to a neutral venue. The bit that sticks out for me is the reference to Northern Ireland instead of Ulster. West brit language. Do they not realise the GAA is a 32 county association.
The National Draw is now for 26 counties also.. Are we being ostracised again
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 17, 2020, 06:31:33 PM
Quote from: JimStynes on October 17, 2020, 06:17:06 PM
Was that the best team that started today?
OMG, Complete stuffing by Wicklow, an embarrassing hammering. No excuses, awful performance and this is lowest county league possible. Sadly no momentum from Casement announcement, can't blame Gaelfast, all counties suffer from covid issue etc so what next. We need to pick the best team and I'm not sure we are, a display like today's undoubtedly calls the management into question also
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 13, 2020, 12:04:42 PM
Casement Park getting the green light eventually with work to commence this year.. That's the rumours anyway
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
October 06, 2020, 01:16:27 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 06, 2020, 07:38:59 AM
Quote from: BigBallWeeBall on October 06, 2020, 12:02:15 AM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on October 05, 2020, 11:01:27 PM
What's the alternative? Play it off once the ban ceases? I wouldn't put the blame of the crisis at the door of the GAA as it's not surprising that when wet pubs opened and students went back to college and we opened up primary and secondary schools that there would be a hike!

Hopefully it will reduce numbers and these games can be finished, the blaming of GAA by ones on the hill is exactly what you are doing. Club supporters are not blameless either, and need to share some of the blame and attention it's getting but there's a lot more to it
Throw the kids championship under the bus with no mention of county teams  being cancelled. That's the peculiar decision

The county teams fall under elite teams. You haven't replied to my proposal
I wasn't sure there was a proposal hidden in your gobbledegook
I wasn't being overly critical and the crisis isn't Croke Pks fault. Put simply there are more u12 than county elites, look after the majority. Mol an Oige etc....