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Messages - theskull1

Antrim / Re: Antrim Hurling and Football Thread
November 27, 2006, 10:00:42 PM
How are things in Armoy in relation to hurling SCB? What are your numbers like at the  juveniles levels? Have you got interested coaches? We don't tend to hear too much about what's going on armoy yet we're only a few miles away
Antrim / Re: Antrim Hurling and Football Thread
November 27, 2006, 05:12:18 PM
Well I always heard the one about her propositioning a fella outside arbys one night

"Curt me or I give you a kickin'" she said
after short consideration he replies
"I'll take the kickin'"  :)
Antrim / Re: Antrim Hurling and Football Thread
November 27, 2006, 01:21:01 PM
You've actually checked out Josies ass???  :-[

GAA Discussion / Re: bleep bleep
November 24, 2006, 04:43:01 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on November 24, 2006, 03:55:00 PM
Isn't there 12 beeps in each level?

Just downloaded a beep test mp3 and can confirm that there are 12 shuttles per level. So multiply by 12 people. Youre actually fitter than you thought
GAA Discussion / Re: bleep bleep
November 24, 2006, 03:55:00 PM
Isn't there 12 beeps in each level?
Quote from: 2gdias on November 24, 2006, 12:01:07 PM
On the physical side it is a mismatch, not from lack of heart but from lack of full time training.

This is the main reason as amateurs, Ireland cannot compete with the AFL players. Whenever the aussies get a hang of the game, they will destroy Ireland every time whatever the rules. It's only a matter of time (I would say just after a new TV deal is struck) before the GPA highlight this. They will use this argument to help bolster their pay for play agenda.
Quote from: Uladh on November 24, 2006, 11:21:44 AM
Skull, that is the biggest crock of shite posted on this board in weeks.... bear in mind Fearon and o'neill post every day."
Your opinion is not strengthened by the use of profanities Uladh

You honestly believe and can post on a gaa discussion board with all sincerity, that the gpa have told their members to "say nothin" in order to protect some clandestine secret?

I do have that suspicion yes. If not why are they not more open about it?  Hopefully you'll be able to explain that for me?
Quote from: magpie seanie on November 24, 2006, 10:57:45 AM
Why don't we form a GAA officials association and go on strike ourselves? Many of us put in incredible amounts of time and effort for much less reward than even an average county player. The reason why is we love the games. Maybe Desmond and the shop steward should try to remember that.
I think it could come to this seanie. IMO the administration is not dealing with these guys effectively (unless work is being done in the background). HQ are not representing the feelings of 95% of the GAA population which wants this group smoked out of their hidouts. Its like the bloody masons have infiltrated the GAA, such is the cloaked silence from the GPA membership. I know a few and have NEVER heard one defend the GPA whenever someone has ridiculed them. Deathly silence is all you get. Now you can't tell me they haven't been told "keep stum". Now why would they be told that if the didn't have a secret agenda? >:(
Can we not call a spade a spade...while the rest of us were concerned about player welfare and wanted the IR series scrapped, the GPA who cliam to represent the players taking the hammering, think that it should be maintained.

We all know why this is their stance, because it bolsters there argument for and white

It is ALL about the money making potential and nothing to do with representing your country.
Quote from: Hound on November 24, 2006, 10:27:09 AM
Its the like of you who actually created the GPA. And you're too ignorant to figure out how or why

Well mabye you would like to enlighten me Hound instead of leaving me hanging. Tell me why I'm to blame?

Antrim / Re: Antrim Hurling and Football Thread
November 24, 2006, 12:23:15 AM
Flipping back to hurling

What opinions do you (who are interested) have on the following questions

With Jingo not going quietly, this has obviously added to the pressure Sambo and Woody will be under to deliver the goods next year. What I would like to understand is

1. What are the goods which they need to deliver? What I mean is, has a definition of "SUCCESS" been defined for them or more importantly, has a definition of "SUCCESS" been defined for Antrim hurling and is there a possibility that the those two objectives if they exist (which I have to admit I don't believe they do) are opposed to each other, thereby making FAILURE inevitable at AT LEAST one level if not two?

2. Taking these questions forward, what are your expectations of the Div 1 club league next year? (even after this years disaster..which the County board are still making excuses for)

3. How many of you believe that the number of intercounty matches in the summer months and the subsequent lack of club matches is directly ruining the game for the local communities?

4. Have you any suggestions to improve the current situation with club matches(which has existed for 10 years or more)?

Quote from: highking on November 23, 2006, 10:57:32 PM
It would be very easy for the GPA to organise a strike at any moment. It could happen next year.

Let them try it. They probably possess the good sense to know that this would be suicide for themselves from a grass roots perspective. I do think its time for this membership to let itself be known to the general public. I'm sure it is not a clandestine association for nothing. They are a cancer within the GAA (along with a few others I might add) and the sooner they do their business in public the better, but I think we all know that is not going to happen >:(
GAA Discussion / Re: Eoin Kelly(Waterford)
November 23, 2006, 11:29:30 PM

QuoteBTW - surely you dont have a favourite child   :D

sssshhhhh don't tell the rest of them :)

QuoteWe're close on this one skull, and a reconsiliation may be closer than we think :D

I'd agree.....although I hate it when debates end in agreement  :)
GAA Discussion / Re: Eoin Kelly(Waterford)
November 23, 2006, 05:57:50 PM
Quote from: The Claw on November 23, 2006, 05:37:13 PM
It is important to understand and look after tempermental players, it is not an ideal situation but thats what has to be done to get the best out of players.

I agree to a point, but that becomes damaging in the end if you have to focus so much effort on them whilst neglecting the rest of the panels needs. (a bit like focusing all your time on your favourite child)

I think most of the important information a manger would lay out to his players should not be open to vast interpretation. Most players can see another player swinging the lead and when that happens a manager whould be dealing with this asap so that the rest of the panel see that the manager is on the ball and will not allow it to happen. If he tries to deal with it in as positive a way as possible and the player doesn't respond in the right way then the manager has no choice. He has tried to get the best out of that player but at the end of the day it is the player who really makes the managers decision for him.

I think these temperamental players should go to a physchiatrist rather than expect rest of us to "understand them" and let them away with things the rest of us wouldn't
GAA Discussion / Re: Eoin Kelly(Waterford)
November 23, 2006, 05:19:07 PM
Quote from: Maximus Marillius on November 23, 2006, 01:51:31 PM
Maybe its just me, but I would hit a nother ball for that club manager if it was me. As a manager its fine and dandy to have rules/principles, but at that stage of the compo when it comes not to often, winning is what it as all about. Who gives a toss about ur principles. Bet any money the manager is history before the story finishes. 

Wrong Max. Principles is what it's ALL about. I don't want to comment too specifically about Eoin Kelly as I don't have all the details. But whenever a talented player is not demonstrating the right attitude and application in training yet is still getting picked it is like a cancer through a panel of players as the fringe players start thinking "whats the point in me busting my balls while that lazy b4st4ard keeps getting on". To me a good senior manager sets out what is expected of his players from the start of the year and then allows them to be adults and make their own decisions about the effort they are going to give. The ones you have to hand hold, are always the ones who let you down in the end. I do feel sorry for this type of player because they are normally the child protege who was given the bye ball too often at underage and as a result never quite understood the importance of everyone playing their part within a team.