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Messages - theskull1

March 15, 2007, 10:59:53 PM
Quote from: milltown row on March 15, 2007, 04:49:02 PM
haven't been on for a while Cheltenham is costing a fortune...... but to be dropped at this stage and be as good as Cunning is crazy, the players left in there at the minute compared to Conor are rubbish.

In fairness milltown, I do think that Conor hasn't been firing at 100% for a while now and didn't think that he would have been in the new managements plans. I just wonder why they included him but didn't give him any real chance to prove himself before cutting least he got the good of the training I suppose. Sambo and Woody would need to watch that thier credibility is not eroded by inconsisteny in applying principles to the squad.
March 15, 2007, 04:31:32 PM
As I've said before, I'm glad that Conor will have more time to dedicate to club duties. I do think he has lost some of his edge over the past couple of years and he has become a bit injury prone. However, I also heard that he was an excellent attender at county training and challenge matches (something some of the established players couldn't say). He was however given no chance at all by the management to stake his claim. If they didn't think he was up to standard, why did they not give go in a challenge game and then make up thier mind based on his performance(s)? But to let a man train all winter, give him no opertunity at all to show his worth, then cut him from the panel was very disrespectful. Hardly good management when you consider at the outset that they demanded the level of commitment that Conor was giving them.

I hope he will show his worth this year for Dunloy
March 12, 2007, 10:25:17 PM
Quote from: Ruairi Og exile on March 12, 2007, 09:03:08 PM
I suppose it's a bit suprising considering he's only re-joined the county panel this year. But i'd have him starting on the team on the form he showed for us last year. It will interesting to see how he gets on.

Think thats how every county team should be selected...on last years performances with their clubs and even performances in the early part of the season

The assumption is that they get to play for their clubs
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
March 12, 2007, 05:12:28 PM
Quote from: milltown row on March 12, 2007, 03:50:50 PM
Lets bring back the fun factor, let the players play with their clubs and select a panel based on the best players. Season starts in three weeks

Tried that with admin on the antrim website amongst other suggestion. admin thanked me for my suggestions and then proceeded to rubbish every one of them. They seem to know best
March 08, 2007, 10:55:06 PM
Conor has put alot of years in with the county along with playing both codes for Dunloy. He has looked jaded for a while now. I think a rest from County activity will do him good. 
March 08, 2007, 11:37:23 AM
I have both football and hurling but they are in spreadsheet format. Can someone recommend a site where these could be up loaded?   Think they still have a bit of tweaking to do

March 02, 2007, 11:33:36 AM
Yip...sometime June/July. Don't ask me for a date as I'm not a woman :).
March 02, 2007, 11:16:40 AM
With Johnny Tosh injured, I really don't know where the scores are going to come from to win the game. Can't blame Sambo & Woody for this. We have a distinct lack of scoring forwards at the minute. Hope I'm proved wrong
GAA Discussion / Re: GPA or GAA?
February 27, 2007, 12:41:30 PM
Quote from: believebelive on February 27, 2007, 10:32:31 AM
Quote from: theskull1 on February 26, 2007, 11:49:57 PM
Quote from: believebelive on February 26, 2007, 06:58:16 PM
If the GPA were really interested in player welfare then they would be lobbying hard for a reduced season - but of course they are not because it goes against their long term aim, which I believe is to create a top tier of semi professional athletes.

As much as I'm anti GPA, on balance I have to say that Croke Park aren't making any noises about doing this either as it would have an negative impact on income. I think this is the only reason why GPA are getting so close to being recognised. The both appear to want the same thing in this regard albeit for very different reasons.

Enjoyed your contribition Lone Shark

Of course Croke Park are not saying anything or doing anything to really tackle the current fixture problem or the club v county debate because to do this, as you say skull, would seriously impact income. At the minute we have a 'players union' that simply wasnt recognition and pay for play/compensation for elite players and Croke Park who want ot make as much money as is possible. Neither in my opinion have either the welfare of the current county player at heart or what is best for the club player at heart. Money runs the GAA already lads and the more I think about it the more I think there is nothing we can do about it.

So the GPA would have Croke Park by the short and curlies then do they not?

Have they put an ultimatum to Croke Park along the lines of...
"start a process that initially provides us with official recognition wherby we can then work towards acheiving our objectives or else we will demand a reduction of the intercounty season due to players welfare concerns.."
GAA Discussion / Re: GPA or GAA?
February 26, 2007, 11:49:57 PM
Quote from: believebelive on February 26, 2007, 06:58:16 PM
If the GPA were really interested in player welfare then they would be lobbying hard for a reduced season - but of course they are not because it goes against their long term aim, which I believe is to create a top tier of semi professional athletes.

As much as I'm anti GPA, on balance I have to say that Croke Park aren't making any noises about doing this either as it would have an negative impact on income. I think this is the only reason why GPA are getting so close to being recognised. The both appear to want the same thing in this regard albeit for very different reasons.

Enjoyed your contribition Lone Shark

I do think this rule seems (in this instance anyway as I know the clubs you are referring to) to be unfair. I'm sure though that there will be many that will be able to illustrate why the rule is there in the first place (e.g. You competing for your hurling club against teammates from your football club although that happens between county players).
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyone Responds To GPA Regonition
February 21, 2007, 02:34:47 PM
Quote from: magpie seanie on February 21, 2007, 12:44:09 PM
QuoteIts obvious the GPA understand the level of greed within Croke Park

Would you care to expand on this mind boggling statement? Greed in Croke Park? Taking in money to redevelop grounds, provide grants to clubs, reinvest in the association - the greedy hoors.

I am saying seanie that Croke Park, in the interests of raising revenue, are killing our games slowly but surely at a local level (Minor and Senior level). Money to better our facilities is one thing but money can't buy the following

Regular League Programmes in the summer months with full squads
Well attended games at these regular fixtures
Decent preparation time prior to championship games
Players getting the appropriate ammount of rest between traning sessions/matches

Local communities are walking away from local GAA activities because it doesn't offer decent enough competitions in the summer months. It's the core GAA people who keep things alive but we are getting more and more frustrated by those who seem to only be convinced something's a good idea if there is money to be made at it. All that glitters is not gold.
February 20, 2007, 03:54:51 PM
Quote from: johnjoe on February 20, 2007, 02:14:06 PM
At the end of the day, Dr John will be judged on how Antrim hurlers do. Coming from the heart of the Glens he knows that better than most. He obviously believes strongly that Sambo and Woody are the men that can, IF ANYONE CAN, take Antrim hurling forward during his regime.

JohnJoe I think John McSparran should be judged on how Antrim Hurling is doing rather than just the Antrim hurlers. For too long now the focus has went off the importance of developing talent through club competitions. Antrims performance on Sunday is a reflection of where Antrim hurling is at at the minute

But there is nothing to be gained by gloating. Our only chance is putting the shoulder to the wheel, together, and attempt to drive forward. Negativity will solve nothing.

Thanks to Jingo for a big, respected effort, but its upwards and onwards. Its a long haul, and the wake up call on Sunday is only the beginning. FFS, five minors got a run out on Sunday, I am led to believe! C`mon lads, give the thing a chance!

The difficult question JJ is what do all these cliches mean? No one in Antrim is stepping back and asking questions of the way we are going about trying to bring about success. I gaurentee you they wouldn't be able to tell you what they would define as success for Antrim Hurling.

The focus in where efforts are made need to change. If I had the reins I would

Ensure that management teams can look after a senior div 1/2 side ONLY if one of them has a level 2 coaching qualification - this should help standardise the level of coaching taking place at club training sessions throughout. Div 3/4 sides would need Level 1 minimum. This could also include the minor grade

Collective county training sesssions could then be cut to once a week at most

Bring back a regular league program with full squads. Cut back on County Friendlies to free up more weekends

Get financial sponsorship for the leagues to provide a bit of an incentive to every team to compete (eg Money for the top 3 sides in each division)

Market the leagues better. Get every club to develop strategies to encourage local people BACK into attending hurling matches

The County Manager(s) with the extra time available to them could attend more matches and see who is cutting it in the leagues. He/They could also attend some club training sessions/even take a few.  Doing this would give every club the understanding of the level/pace of training required by the County Manager to bring players on. He should pick his panel before any game based on those who are performing well in the league

Players chosen to represent the County then prepare on their own 7 days before any matches in the summer

To me this approach provides a much better balance between County and Club activities and will reinvigorate the game at a local level. In time the benefits will come about at County level and I can gaurentee you that performances (at County Level ) at the very least will be no worse.

Massive restructuring like this is needed otherwise we will go slowly but surely in the some direction we have been for the past 10-15 years
February 20, 2007, 01:59:34 PM
Quote from: Arthur_Friend on February 20, 2007, 01:42:16 PM
You hit the nail on the head..he wouldnt give me a reacharound, thats my beef!

February 19, 2007, 11:10:12 PM
AF, I've been reading through each of your 4 posts. Are you a lover scorned? ::)

I look forward to some valuable contributions from yourself when you're over him.