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Messages - rrhf

On a final point from my understanding many nationlists now play for Linfiedl than used to be the case.  Will their club colours change.  Fair play to them as at least they respect their tradition.  
so now its choose your favourite song.  Irelands call is that worthless is it?  to have 15 standing singing and crying over Irelands call is frankly rather embarassing.  The GAA dosent alter the national symbols it respects them.  I think the last rugby world cup  some idiot had a pint of Guinness in the middle of our national flag.   Some people need locked up.  I wish some of their playerss would speak out and give a little leadership on this.  Or they really for playing / representing their country these days or just their own fans form whatever political viewpoint they choose to come from.   
UIt also opens a stranger phenomenon.  What say Outside Ireland you had a rightwing presence in majority control of a national team.  By the logic given so far on here technically a swastika emblem could be incorporated into that sporting body's symbolism, representing their tradition and beliefs.  I personally dont recognise any sporting authorities right to trade as a national team, if they have the right to change their national symbols.     
I love the way now that the Irish Rugby team represents just the rugby fans in North and South Ireland but not actually the entire nation.  They'll probably not call it the 6 nations next year then.  Probably something more appropriate like the six groups of rugby loving fans cup then. :D  Next time a runner wins a medal at the Olympics they'll be representing only the Irish athletic fans so  therell be a flag of the Irish Athletic fans Organisation and the favourite song of the athlete.  What a crock of shite.
Does the rugby team not represent Irish nationalists in the North then or do we all really want a tail to wag the dog with.  Anyway shoe your Irelands call.  it should be renamed irelands Fall -
As a Northern nationalist Tubberman, may I suggest you shove your opinion back up that hole it came from. 
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 24, 2007, 11:58:02 AM
Could you imagine Niall mc Ginn playing for a team that could get the ball to him ie imagine playing off Brian Mc Guigan. Dont forget the lads only 20 so hes a lot to learn no doubt, but if there was a better forward on the field yesterday I ddint see it.  As for Peter Donnelly, Kelvin Hughes was unfortunately flued up going into the game but Donnelly still had to play and looked the part. 
GAA Discussion / Re: Good solid GAA names
September 24, 2007, 11:49:46 AM
Aodhain Mac Ghearalt
I think the og O Hailpins win it out of the park. 

GAA Discussion / Re: Good solid GAA names
September 24, 2007, 10:36:08 AM
Frankie Stockwell
Francie Burke
Red Pat Collier
Sean Purcell
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 24, 2007, 10:09:11 AM
Well done Coalisland and o Neill cup2007 they played better in the important periods of the game and turned the game on its head.  We didnt perform in the second half and therefore didnt deserve to win simple as that.  Terrible officialdom contributed to at least 3 of Coalisland points.  Coalislands last point before half time was an absolute joke, a line ball was given in error which lead to a point and a yellow card. and a rugby tackle on a Mulgrew ended up with a point on the far side.   If we had performed ourselves in the second half we would have won the game, in spite of the officials so we will not be laying any blame on their incompetence. As for kelvin and Darren - our worse fears were confimed - both men had flu in the lead up and this contributed to their performance - As for Mc Ginn, we lost the game when we stopped feeding him the ball.  he has the potential to be the next Canavan / O Neill in Tyrone football. I think Mickey needs to have a talk with the lad.     
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 22, 2007, 09:48:29 AM
Can some of you techies see if that link works.  it dosent for me..
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 22, 2007, 09:10:13 AM
For thos interested theres a match preview on Q101.2 west on Saturday sport from 200 PM to day and a live radio broadcast from O Neill Park at 4 00PM tomorrow.  For expats and ex fianna listening on the web  men visit (Q101 site)   Fair play to these guys for covering these games.
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 22, 2007, 09:04:18 AM
jeez no worries Mac. keep it up.  Out of 3 teams left we are the third favourites so its unlikely but we'll give it a rattle.  Congratulations to Dromore and hard luck to Cookstown on a great morale raising effort this year.  Its not so long ago since they were writing about the demise of town GAA in Tyrone...., but lets hope its an all village fina  ;)l sorry oneillcup.  I think its great that theres an Eaat Tyrone team going to be in the final and if it is to be the Fianna Ill be wishing them all the best. 
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 21, 2007, 03:55:05 PM
Donaghmore V Coalisland: Referee K Kelly: Kildress
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone Club Football and Hurling
September 20, 2007, 09:56:51 AM
Some great previews. That Tyrone 86 is the best one Ibve read yet.
Im going against all logical thought here and tipping Cookstown here, theres a twist or two in this season yet perhaps.  But can anyone understand the Cookstown club, full of talent yet need refocussed consistently over a season.   Any team that can win a championship quarter final without their star man regardless of the opposition are capable if they get him back in there.  I suspect he'll be sprung from the bench.  Dromore deserve it as much as anybody but like all the contenders they are to be respected not feared.
As for thon other auld game, Im nervous as f**k about it.  To me the Fianna have exuded flair that no other team has in the championship so far, but I believe they are meeting their closest rivals yet.  Theres 4 miles between the Donaghmore and Coalisland clubs,  theres nothing between them on the field though,  Donaghmore have a little more experience, Coalisland have a little more sharpness in attack.  If Coalisland maintain a 3 goal a game average then they will win, but if they score only 1 or none at all then Donaghmore will outscore them in points..  But one things for sure those who choose to sit in and watch Rugby world cup this Sunday evening will miss a cracker,  this game has the potential to be an absolute classic.  Two of the foundation clubs in the GAA in Tyrone go head to head in a battle some 104 years after visionary men in peak caps and trimmed moustaches brought them to life and told them to play football . Only one O Neill cup final was ever contested between these two .... In 1928 between the two clubs Coalisland became only the second club to lift the  ONeill cup after Donaghmore in 27 denyiing the village club their only 2 in a row attempt.  There truly has been a famine for all 4 teams left in this competition.  On October 14th that famine will be over for only one of the 4.  But for 3 others the pain will endure.  Whatever happens come Friday evening under the sparkling floodlights in the magnificent modern ampitheatre of Healy Park, Omagh and On Sunday afternoon in the more modest but symbolic environs of the ancestral home of Tyrone football - O Neill Park Dungannon  -  a new era in Tyrone Football will  well and truly have begun and the East Tyrone clubs will never sit in the shade for so long again.  The Ulster club championship can wait.