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Messages - Mario

General discussion / Re: Dissertations
May 13, 2009, 11:15:43 AM
I found it quite an unfair process, i had an old fashioned professor as my supervisor who lectured back in the day when students actually enjoyed studying their subjects, he would make me do everything myself, as he should of. Other students would get their supervisors to do half of their project, it used to really piss me off!
General discussion / Re: Dissertations
May 13, 2009, 10:09:11 AM
As stressful as they can be, they have to be looked on as handy marks that you probably wouldnt score in an exam
General discussion / Re: USA
May 05, 2009, 03:27:11 PM
Dont be coming back with swine flu if you visit Tijuana
Ive passed them all  8)
I wonder how i was ever a fan of moyles when i hear him now, have i just got older or has he got crap? I remember my mum used to give off in the morning when i was listening to him before school but i thought he was good. Now i think he is an absolute p***k.
General discussion / Re: Winking
April 22, 2009, 10:43:50 AM
Quote from: TacadoirArdMhacha on April 21, 2009, 11:36:43 PM
Quote from: Our Nail Loney on April 21, 2009, 08:28:22 PM
So what did Stuart do??

He was an awful aul bollux to Penny one night then hugged her the next mroning but gave the wink to someone while he was hugging her. Fierce stuff anything. Davina went buck mad.

Christ I can't believe I'm so f**king sad that I remember that.
This was also the first thing i thought of when i seen this thread
General discussion / Re: Maths is Interesting
April 21, 2009, 08:00:08 PM
I've a masters in maths  8)
General discussion / Re: TV is shite these days
April 20, 2009, 03:52:14 PM
If you haven't watched the inbetweeners yet i would advise you to start, think its hilarious, and im not easy pleased when it comes to comedies
General discussion / Re: Soccer is boring
April 20, 2009, 11:37:29 AM
Quote from: whiskeysteve on April 20, 2009, 11:05:31 AM
Soccer IS boring.

I dont mind the latter stages of the champions league or maybe the knockout stages at the World Cup. But watching your average mid-table clash? Away te f**k. For me unless watching your county, watching the average NFL clash except the top teams can be equally boring

Most importantly, lacks the HONESTY (in every sense) of its lesser paid counterparts, GAA and rugby. GAA and Rugby has it primadonnas, in general you are not going to be a top level athlete unless you have the commitment and honesty to get to the top. Sure there is a bit of diving, but there is plenty of cheating in the GAA, why is a dive anymore of a cheat than a corner back pulling someones jersey, or the umpire at the local club match waving a tight call of a point wide when it is a score, or Aidan O'Mahony last year etc etc..

Lasts 90 MINUTES (or more!) and has LESS SCORES. This means a score means much more and gives a greater 'buzz'

There are THOUSANDS of games every season so games live short in the memory. Usually you would only be a fan of one team in a certain division so i dont see the problem of thousands of games, this just indicates the world wide popularity of the sport

The game is ridden with divers, cheats and mediocre players on OBSCENE money. Believe me there is no mediocre players in the premiership, its basic economics is the reason they are so high paid, Demand and supply, very few players can play at that level and everybody wants to see them, this equals big wages, same in any line of work. The best player in your local town probably wouldnt have a chance at getting near a premier league team the level is that high. We all think GAA players are extremely talented, if the whole world played gaa the last 120 years, the likely hood is sean cavanagh for example would be rated as highly as robbie keane in the world game, robbie keane prob wouldnt be in the best 100 players in the world

Conversely, the game is a RIP-OFF to supporters (tickets, shirts, etc). This is only true at the very highest level were everyone wants to see games, hence the high prices.

Many players have little LOYALTY to clubs, fans, managers, whatever part of the world they're in or each other. This is true, though plenty of players do have loyalty.

The owners of the clubs have no LOYALTY and being a soccer man is a low priority.Again only at the very highest level this could be true.

In no other sport are there so many OBNOXIOUS fans, i.e. the game is quite frankly ridden with SCUM I agree they could learn from the gaa here

In summary, the game has little RESPECT and as such is not deserving of RESPECT. In this day and age it functions primarily as a business anyway. Money > Entertainment > Loyalty. In my eyes the money just adds to the prestige of the game, the coverage and hype of say a champions league final or world cup final makes it an unbelieveable stage for a footballer, imagine a billion people watching you play.

A giant con of a sport.Agreed


If there was a soccer section, i am convinced it would get more views/replies than the hurling section.
General discussion / Re: Google Chrome
April 17, 2009, 02:49:26 PM
Its also got an Incognito mode, if you want to lookup something and not have it on your history/drop drop menu, for whatever reason  ;)
General discussion / Re: WISDOM TEETH!!
April 17, 2009, 11:43:53 AM
I know this thread has been dead for a few days, but im currently been driven mad by my wisdom teeth, it appears that everytime i have a considerable amount to drink that i will have a sore mouth for a week after. The bottom two wisdom teeth are pushing against the other ones and they are all sore, they are only half through.
General discussion / Re: Google Chrome
April 17, 2009, 10:44:49 AM
You must not have looked too hard. Its a web browser like internet explorer, or firefox.
Longball, your search will not have been made any easier following KPMGs recent announcement. They are laying off 200 people, most of them high level staff or recently qualified chartered accountants.
General discussion / Re: Great Phrases
February 19, 2009, 07:51:34 PM
When discussing the new (sexy) pakistani girl at work who we discovered was married, a lad from kerry said 'a ring never blocked any hole'