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Messages - BennyHarp

GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 10, 2012, 01:58:44 PM
Quote from: Benny Sweeney on February 10, 2012, 01:49:01 PM
Quote from: Jinxy on February 10, 2012, 01:23:06 PM
I really hope Derrytresk get hammered out the gate this weekend.

Derrytresk have embarressed the organisation and brought great shame t it

You are an embarrassment to whichever school taught you how to write.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 10, 2012, 10:56:38 AM
Quote from: oakleafgael on February 10, 2012, 10:42:06 AM
Quote from: BennyHarp on February 10, 2012, 10:21:35 AM
Sheamy, your posts are making me laugh - you are criticising every account that people are recalling from people who were actually at the game - yet you seem quite happy to speak matter of factly even though you probably didnt even know the game was taking place until this all blew up last week. Will you be at the game on Sunday? If not, i await your match report.


I was at the game and the contradictions between the accounts is clear for all to see. The most vocal defenders of the Hill on this thread weren't at the game either from what I can make out. As a BTW, it was a good enough game of football for the standard expected of Junior football. I'm not going to try and say what appears to be a strike by DOS in the photo didn't happen, but I didn't see it if it did happen.

This following isn't meant as a justification for striking as I have been consistent on this from the start, IE. any man who does it should at the very least expect a slap in the mouth. The niggling, shite talk, heel tramping and other actions that DOS had to put up from the first whistle to the last and after the match is unacceptable in any form. It seems to have become more and more an accepted part of the game which is disgusting.

There was some squad from Derry at the game.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 10, 2012, 10:30:44 AM
What will you do with your time when all this blows over AZ?  :P
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 10, 2012, 10:21:35 AM
Sheamy, your posts are making me laugh - you are criticising every account that people are recalling from people who were actually at the game - yet you seem quite happy to speak matter of factly even though you probably didnt even know the game was taking place until this all blew up last week. Will you be at the game on Sunday? If not, i await your match report.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 10, 2012, 10:08:29 AM
Quote from: sheamy on February 10, 2012, 10:00:09 AM
Quote from: bigtogs on February 10, 2012, 09:34:14 AM
Dos should not be jailed or suspended in my opinion just pointing out he ain't as squeaky clean as it potray the few days following the game. I was at the game and I would say declan o sullivan should have been sent off for sure due too his behaviour but was not.If derrytresk was your club would you be happy will all this and the way it was handled on all fronts.On another note on the night off the appeals derrytresk's 5 that appealed and mentors where kept in croke park too half three in the morning hoarded up like animals.

Ok, so the shoulder incident happened separate from, and after, the punch? He was being taken off by stewards presumably after this punch and the handbag attack. He then attacked another derrytresk player. Is that what you're saying?

From the accounts of people here, the irish times photo shows the incident where DOS punched a player who was trying to shake hands with him. He was then allegedly attacked by the woman with the handbag. The stewards then issued him off the pitch where he assaulted another player who was also trying to shake hands with him.

Sheamy, you seem to be very vocal in all this - you must have been at the game, was it any good?
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 09, 2012, 11:21:55 PM
Jaysus AZ! Are you still going on about this?
General discussion / Re: PDC Premier League of Darts
February 09, 2012, 10:39:21 PM
Quote from: sammymaguire on February 09, 2012, 10:27:26 PM
Some game Taylor v Lewis with Taylor 6-1 down coming back for a 7-7 draw  :o

Unbelievable stuff! Taylor averaging 112 and Lewis 104.
GAA Discussion / Re: Where is the GAA going?
February 09, 2012, 02:45:38 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on February 09, 2012, 11:56:49 AM
I've said it before. We (the GAA) need to spend serious money once and for all, and get a crack team to take a year to rewrite the rule book. Top to bottom. The Playing rules are fine being handled as they are, but the rules regarding eligibility, suspensions, sponsorship, amateurism, etc all need to be taken apart and rebuilt to suit these times.

We need Clarity as to what the rules mean. No more loopholes or grey areas. We also need Consistency in the penalties applied in terms of breaches of those rules. There can be no more instances where two cases attract vastly different penalties depending on the visibility and profile of the incident. There should be no difference in penalty handed down by Offaly CCC in a Junior Club match, versus the same offense in an All Ireland Final.

Finally, we need to stop, just stop, the spurious appeals as well. This is facilitated at the moment because the rule book is so subjective in areas, and has loophole that Frank Murphy could drive an ass and cart through. It's then taken advantage of as humans are humans and always want to fight for their man and stand by him etc. However, if the rules are watertight, and the suspensions are consistant, then I would propose that any appeal that is thrown out should get at least 50% more added to the suspension.

I have sympathy in one way for Derrytresk, and that is that I have no confidence that a row in Offaly next weekend would attract the same penalties for the club.

I agree totally here - its time we had a new water tight, loop hole free rule book and hopefully that will make appeals less likely to succeed therefore less likely to be made. While they are at it, they could implement a sanction for appeals that are unsuccessful.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 09, 2012, 08:48:43 AM
Quote from: Jinxy on February 09, 2012, 12:58:37 AM
Why was a Derrytresk sub near him in the first place?
Commiserating with him no doubt.
Anyway, still pictures can be very misleading.

::) How is this picture misleading?
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 02, 2012, 04:58:05 PM
Onion bag - I think that if going by the video evidence there is no way 4 starting players from Derrytresk should have been suspended and I certainly don't think that just because it was shown on YouTube that the suspensions should be any lengthier like you suggested earlier. However, I think that the subs identified can be banned for as long as the rules allow.

Eddie D - I was making that point to show the ridiculousness of an earlier post - keep up!
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 02, 2012, 02:53:04 PM
Quote from: Lone Shark on February 02, 2012, 02:47:51 PM
Quote from: BennyHarp on February 02, 2012, 02:38:53 PM

Who released the video into the public domain? Shouldnt they get some sort of ban for bringing the game into disrepute? The reason why this story has become such a media junket is because of the ill grace of the team that lost the game. There are many examples of worse behaviour than what happened that day which have led to less or no suspensions and until the GAA has a consistent approach to these incidents they will continue to happen. Slapping a few suspensions willy nilly on a small club on the cusp of an all ireland final is not going to deter anyone in the future. Good luck to Derrytresk in the final - hope they can pull it off against all the odds!

Take a minute and think how ridiculous that sounds. That showing footage from a game is "bringing the game into disrepute". Blame the whistleblowers, in other words.

Anyway, how is the GAA supposed to have a consistent approach if they don't start somewhere? If they stick to their guns here, it'll be a lot easier to make the next one stick, whereas constantly going lightly on teams means the cycle will never be broken.

And whatever else, there is no way any suspensions here were "willy nilly". Everyone involved in the CCCC knew before they started here that no matter what they did, it would be appealed. They're not going to suspend someone without evidence - whether that evidence is the referee's report, video footage we haven't seen, or whatever.

Of course i know its ridiculous - but it was in direct response to the the equally ridiculous point that this is somehow made worse and suspensions were light because it was "all over Youtube"

And i will wait and see if this is now the consistent repsone from the GAA.
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 02, 2012, 02:38:53 PM
Quote from: Onion Bag on February 02, 2012, 01:56:19 PM
For those who reckon that these fines and bans were too much for the clubs involved, what would they suggest?

i actually think they got off lightly, gaa is now all over you tube in the wrong light, the whole world is watching it, so anything that will attempt to deter people can only be a good thing.

Who released the video into the public domain? Shouldnt they get some sort of ban for bringing the game into disrepute? The reason why this story has become such a media junket is because of the ill grace of the team that lost the game. There are many examples of worse behaviour than what happened that day which have led to less or no suspensions and until the GAA has a consistent approach to these incidents they will continue to happen. Slapping a few suspensions willy nilly on a small club on the cusp of an all ireland final is not going to deter anyone in the future. Good luck to Derrytresk in the final - hope they can pull it off against all the odds!
GAA Discussion / Re: More Thuggery on the GAA field
February 01, 2012, 08:46:09 PM
Quote from: gerry on February 01, 2012, 07:51:10 PM
Derrydresk 8 men suspended

4 starters and 4 subs apparantly
Quote from: ziggysego on January 31, 2012, 07:30:42 PM
Sad to hear that Kevin has retired from the Tyrone team. Doesn't get enough credit for the work he has put in for Tyrone over the years, a real power horse. Always great to see him lining out, but I'd admit I always got nervous when I seen him going for a score.. ;)

Teamtalkmag have announced there's breaking news at 10pm on their website. Could there be another retirement?

Teamtalkmag thinks it's Sky Sports News. They'll be reporting from outside Hub's house next!
Another big game player gone - I always thought he did the donkey work that enabled Sean to have his freedom from midfield. Did a job for Tyrone that nobody else could for manys a year in midfield. Fair play to him and I wish him all the best for his retirement.