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Messages - cicfada

General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 17, 2007, 08:46:27 AM
I have admitted that the parents are somewhat responsible for the disappearance of the child but at the end of the day an abductor did take the child. I believe they are being punished enough and if the child is not found would have a lifetime of punishment.WOuld this not be enough for you??What possible good could come out of  prosecuting the parents other than to keep the baying mob happy??And have any of you considered the punishment that the other 2 children would suffer, if their parents were put away for a stretch??that's my humble opinion anyway, we'll agree to differ I suppose.That's my last word on this tragedy!!
And that evidence was recently threatened to be published on another DB  by somebody from offaly...................................hmmm I wonder who that was??I know you wouldn't do it hurl!! ;)
I am follically challenged myself but  as I say to the wife, it's a solar panel for a sex machine so she wouldn't be keen to see  me with a full head of hair!! :P
General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 16, 2007, 09:11:35 PM
Quote from: SammyG on May 16, 2007, 09:06:34 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on May 16, 2007, 08:25:17 PM
Quotecan anyone (parents that is) sit here and tell me they haven't made mistakes/ bad judgements/ etc etc with their children??
there's a difference between a mistake and negligence!

Maybe those of you who are judging them  will be comforted by the thought that the child may never be found and that will punish the parents to their graves!!Yes,  they were irresponsible  but the focus now should be on finding the little girl
And that's just silly.

Not something I say very often but I agree 100% with pog. I hope the kid turns up safe and well but when she does the parents should be prosecuted for neglect.

Glad I brought ye together Sammy!!charges   could  well be brought but how do you prove neglect or negligence in this case??God forbid that  either of the parents could be more culpable in another way  in this case as well!
General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 16, 2007, 07:52:57 PM
Quote from: hardstation on May 16, 2007, 07:51:29 PM
QuoteParenting is a learning curve that you  childless ones will find out yourselves and unfortunately for these parents, it has been a curve too steep
True, but a certain amount of common sense is required by the parents before they should even think about having children.
Yes I agree but as we know common sense isn't that common now is it??
General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 16, 2007, 07:43:29 PM
Obviously the parents have to take the ultimate responsibility here as it was their  big mistake that facilitated  the kidnapping.But my heart does go out  to them as they will have to live with this for the rest of their lives.I am not going to sit here though and judge them though unlike others. can anyone (parents that is) sit here and tell me they haven't made mistakes/ bad judgements/ etc etc with their children??There   are no such parents I guarantee  you.Parenting is a learning curve that you  childless ones will find out yourselves and unfortunately for these parents, it has been a curve too steep!!Maybe those of you who are judging them  will be comforted by the thought that the child may never be found and that will punish the parents to their graves!!Yes,  they were irresponsible  but the focus now should be on finding the little girl
General discussion / Re: Maddie McCann
May 14, 2007, 11:15:16 PM
I do feel  sorry for the parents. They were going back every half hour to check on them!!How could they have anticipated someone stealing their child for Christ's sake!It's easy for people to criticise them  but unless you're a parent yourself then you can't really comment on it as you know little of the stresses that parents go through when raising kids!!It's impossible to be 100% on guard over your children all the time!How long were the parents in the bar for??HOw many drinks did they have??How far away was the apartment??I have heard so many versions of answers for these questions, that's it's hard to start blaming the parents!!
Michael Meehan  is carrying an injury, a dead leg I believe.He did not play  in a club match on Saturday but hopefully he will recover in time for the  big one!
Congrats to Broken Crossbar on the birth of his second son today.He was 7lbs 4oz. Congrats to Mrs  Crossbar as well. Both are said to be fine and healthy!!Now will ya ever leave her alone ya hoor.The first  of their children  born in Cork too!!Good luck to the little langer!!!!!!Maybe he can celebrate with me tomorrow night now!!!!!!!!!! :P
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 09:42:21 PM
wow, I  said that Utd were down and out but now they have a chance.They still will need one or more of the defenders back from the injury list though!!Ronaldo kiss my arse!!!
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 09:03:21 PM
2-2 Rooney, a little pride restored
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 08:30:56 PM
Hats off to Milan though, they are 10 times better than Roma!!!I hear Ballack is out of the match tomorrow as well. Good news for Liverpool I would have thought!!
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 08:28:51 PM
now if Ronaldo is the best in the world, he can show it here.Perfect stage for him, I can't believe lawrenson said he was better than George Best!!God, please let Chelsea beat Pool, Pool would have the mental edge over Milan in any final!!
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 08:26:15 PM
comical defending there, evra and heinze collide allowing kaka to tap in really!!Bye Bye Utd, the injuries really hurting now!!
General discussion / Re: Latest Scores - Soccer
April 24, 2007, 08:22:48 PM
brilliant goal by kaka, such pace to get into the box