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Messages - gawa316

Jimmy Rice 25 January 2007 
  Welcome to Celebrity Kop Club, a unique band of Reds who've risen to fame with hope in their hearts and a Liver Bird on their chest. The third inductee might come from OZ, but he has more than a little understanding of what it means to be a Red... 

Everybody needs good neighbours - so goes the theme tune of the popular Aussie soap. And it seems Anfield could soon be getting one of the best ever.
"Eventually I will move to the UK and I think Liverpool may well be the place I end up. It'd be great to be able to take my lad to Anfield," reveals Dr Karl, aka Alan Fletcher.
While Neighbours' fans are led to believe Susan is the love of his life, The Doc has in fact been cultivating an affair thousands of miles from Ramsay Street.
"I'm in love with Liverpool," he confesses. "I was attracted primarily because it was the home of the Beatles. I also have some distant relatives living on Merseyside, so the Reds were a natural fit for me.
"I've been over about five times in the last two years. Perhaps it's the Irish influence in the city, but I find Scousers to be incredibly friendly, open people with a delicious sense of humour."
Okay, so he loves our great city, and he's chosen the correct team. But it can't be easy being a Red Down Under, can it?
"No," admits the ultimate out-of-towner. "It's very difficult to see games because of the time difference; they're played in the middle of the night.
"The SBS television network shows all the football highlights, but I'm planning to get an e-Season Ticket to make things easier.
"I take my allegiance to LFC very seriously. I still have an enormous amount to learn about the team, though. My son and I spend a lot of time watching DVDs about the club and its great victories.
"My favourite is 100 Years of The Kop. I can only imagine what the atmosphere was like crammed into that stand watching the Reds at their finest."
The 49-year-old tries to get to as many games as he can while on tour with his band, Waiting Room. And he likes to reveal his support in another, more vocal fashion.
"I started singing You'll Never Walk Alone at gigs as a tribute to the club," he says.
"The great thing is that everyone loves to sing along with the song regardless of who their team is.
"We were playing the Walkabout in Nottingham on the night of the Champions League final. Minutes after we won I walked on stage and sang it wearing my shirt. The audience went wild."
Such is the force of The Doc, he's even managed to get a bunch of Evertonians singing their hearts out to our famous anthem.
"After the FA Cup win last year I was performing in Liverpool for the Edge Hill College ball. Again the crowd went berserk for it. Even the Everton fans joined in!"

KK is clearly doing his best to spread the Liverpool word, then. So how come YNWA never featured when he appeared on Soapstar Superstar earlier this month?
"We had no choice of songs for the show," scoffs The Doc, not hiding his irritation. "Sadly they didn't choose it as part of my repertoire."
Coming from OZ, The Doc's passion for the Reds has to compete with an unhealthy interest in cricket and Aussie rules. But when push comes to shove, there's only ever one winner.
"The thing is, because Aussie rules matches are high scoring, the crowds have frequent occasions to release their tension," he explains.
"The tight nature of the scoreline and speed of British football makes the game so much more exciting and tense.
"Football is very popular in Australia because of the big European population and the success of the Socceroos in the World Cup. The game is still dwarfed by Aussie rules but that is changing rapidly.
"When my son and I have a kick down at the park and we wear our Liverpool strips, many people stop and profess their support for the club."
This is the same strip – with FLETCH embezzled on the back – which he wears on the set of Neighbours, though he admits he's yet to convince any of his co-stars to join him in the Kop.
"I don't have any friends who support the Reds but I do have a mate who follows West Ham, and I've had some fun at his expense lately!" he says.
Despite a lack of Kopites in his address book, The Doc is friendly with another member of Celebrity Kop Club – as well as a current Liverpool player.
He said: "I met Euan Blair in London when he came to see my band at the Walkabout in Shepherd's Bush.
"Then I was working in Manchester recently and had the pleasure of meeting Harry Kewell. I had a terrific night with him and his darling wife Sheree."

General discussion / Re: Sheff 1 Arse 0
December 31, 2006, 12:44:34 AM
Quote from: ONeill on December 30, 2006, 10:52:47 PM
Same old story. Head north of Birmingham and Arsenal crumble. Forget the injuries and the 'youth' factor. Until Arsenal replave Vieira's balls, they'll turn into a Liverpool.

What Champion's League Winners?....Doubt it ;)
Team for today:

Finan, Carra, Agger, Riise
Pennant, Gerrard, Alonso, Garcia
Kuyt, Bellamy

General discussion / Re: THINGS THAT P##S ME OFF.
December 13, 2006, 01:54:07 PM
f**kers who take up two lanes when trying to decide what lane they should actually be in.
Always turning the key, window winder etc the wrong way first
People who have been half listening to your conversation then asking you to repeat it..inconsiderate bastards
People who do 25 mph when its foggy, making overtaking near impossible.its feckin foggy its not as if the road is made of ice.
People who speed up when you go to overtake them
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Neighbours Thread
December 13, 2006, 09:56:45 AM
My mate met Katya in Oz land last year and said she has a head on her like the Quality Street green triangle sweet  :o
Its hard to know who will come in and who will leave. I thought at the start of the season we definitely had a squad capable of competing for the title but it just has happened. Reina has found his form of late (this goes for the entire defence) and you can't argue with the mans record. Finnan has been great over the last few seasons so would say he is another keeper. Agger looks absolute quality and alongside Carra they have the potential to be mentioned in the same breath as Hansen and Lawro. Riise has been a loyal servant whether at left back or in midfield. However when he's up against a quality winger he can be caught out. Mid-week against Galatasary being an example. Gerrard, Alonso and Sissoko speak for themselves, its just hard gettin all 3 into the team. Up front although its early days Kuyt looks a class act and Bellamy has shown the form we know he can produce over the last few weeks. Jury is still out on Gonzales. he has got the pace to frighten any defence, i reckon (and I hope) he just needs time to settle (as most foreigners do).

So to conclude I would retain Reina, Carson, Finan, Agger, Carra, Hyppia (got another season in him), Riise (good back up), Gerrard. Sissoko, Alonso, Kuyt, Bellamy

The maybe's would be Garcia, Gonzales, Kewell (displayed good form last year), Fowler(just because he's God), Crouch

Out would go Dudek, Pennant (failed on the big stage), Zenden, Aurelio (doesn't seem up to it although I would love to be proved wrong as he has the sweetest left foot).

In i would go for Simao (rips ushited to shreads), SWP or Joaquin, Alves or Nelson (Benfica) for right back, Bridge or Lahm for left back, a quality left sided midfielder (Van der vaart, Victor ??),  and up front some one with pace like Defoe, Bent or equivalent. Also possibly cover for centre mid, some strong defensive midfielder
Happy days, great win for the lads. Just what the doctor ordered. With our run of games coming up we should be able to cement our place in the top 4. Is been quite a while since we last conceded in the premiership as well. Apart from the arse game i think its about 8 games