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Messages - forevergreen

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 24, 2018, 10:08:02 PM
All this talk about Ballyholland showing the Liverpool game and how they should show Down is a load of bollocks.
They are well entitled to show whatever they want. The Down County Board and Ulster GAA had ample opportunity to change the game and maximise the gate but as usual they know better, same crowd who advocated building in BallyKinlar and obviously expecting families to fork out upwards on £70 quid to get into Down game to pay for it.
They don't have any regard for the ordinary 5/8 so why would anyone worry about whether a soccer or gaelic game is on the TV.
Simple if you are that worried about Down take a seat in the stand, if not take a seat in your local club. They'll all have the BIG game on.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
April 01, 2018, 06:27:19 PM
After watching Dublin v Galway, we are in a dire situation. We are miles away from the top tier. Consider that no one could say we will 100% beat Antrim and the reality of where we are at is depressing. In actual fact a quick exit from the championship would do us all a favour. It would certainly mean A time for change. The whole set up needs renewed. Time for new leadership to come in. The current old guard have done tried and failed. Time to stop passing the baton around the same room, we need forward thinking young blood with a drive and vision that will inspire sponsors, clubs and importantly players to give to the Down cause.
Current Team now mirrors the standing of our County Board, no leadership, no direction and huge indifference to glaring problems. All hidden behind the same old bullshit "Down Way.
It's time to build a new approach, New board, new management and a new team, (some of current are well able to play but can't or won't under the current set up).
I'm sure all those involved are Down men who want the best for Down but ultimately in needing a fresh and innovative approach we need to start again and for the current board it means stepping aside. But it also means clubs must bring forward the best individuals not just reward someone because they have been on the committee for 10 years or more. Bring them forward because they're the best at Management, finance, PR, IT, whatever they specialise in.
Run it like a business, with a proper plan and accountability. Maybe then we can use the # Down Rising
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 11, 2018, 11:18:37 AM
Tough test for Down today. A win will keep them in touch a defeat will rule out any possible promotion. And with strong word that Gerard McGovern has gone from panel things could get worse
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 15, 2017, 07:57:06 PM
Quote from: Lecale Gael on October 15, 2017, 03:18:57 PM
Quote from: forevergreen on October 13, 2017, 01:42:17 PM

Paddy Murray talking in Gaelic life about the referees needing to decipher what is a foul and whats not before Sundays game!! oh the Hypocis!!

Funny how he says that now! AFTER they come out of Down (where they have the calls going the right way)

He also talks about how Slaughtneil are looking beyond Kilcoo, that they think its already won! the same statements that Joseph Donnan had wrote and for which Kilcoo demanded an apology for inferring a lack of respect on their part.

They have been getting the 50-50 calls in Down for a long time now and in some cases 30-70 calls when the referee's have been squeezed enough.

When you go into Ulster at this time of year, the ground is heavier, slippier, referees will allow it to flow and the players just have to deal with it.

30-70 ? You got stats for that ? lol

No stats but a set of eyes like rest of the county!! Ah well seems the referee hadn't read this weeks Gaelic life, although made a good job of influencing the lines man today!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
October 13, 2017, 01:42:17 PM

Paddy Murray talking in Gaelic life about the referees needing to decipher what is a foul and whats not before Sundays game!! oh the Hypocis!!

Funny how he says that now! AFTER they come out of Down (where they have the calls going the right way)

He also talks about how Slaughtneil are looking beyond Kilcoo, that they think its already won! the same statements that Joseph Donnan had wrote and for which Kilcoo demanded an apology for inferring a lack of respect on their part.

They have been getting the 50-50 calls in Down for a long time now and in some cases 30-70 calls when the referee's have been squeezed enough.

When you go into Ulster at this time of year, the ground is heavier, slippier, referees will allow it to flow and the players just have to deal with it.

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
September 29, 2017, 10:14:29 AM
Joseph Donnan should be congratulated in reporting the truth. But he only wrote what most in the county already know. Kilcoo are a superb side, fully focussed on winning and they make no secret of the fact that they will all 'die in their boots for the cause'  5 in a row and heading for 6 is some achievement but no ,Ulster title obviously wrangles and is the obvious driver for coming back time and again.

No point denying they have eyes on Ulster when you've been seen watching Slaughtneil a few weeks back.

To say they respect their opponents fully at all times is stretching it but what they always do is prepare fully for each and every game like it's a final, whilst being prepared to go beyond the lines of respectability in order to achieve that goal.

The problem for Kilcoo is Joe has put what the Kilcoo supporters openly say and think in the paper and hence in some way they now think he is helping to motivate Burren.

If Burren need that as motivation God help them. The last 5 years should be enough!!

When the ball is threw in on Sunday what Joe has wrote will have no bearing. He won't catch, kick, block or score. He'll simply wait for his headline. Magpies fly into Ulster again or Burren shoot down Magpies.

Kilcoo shouldn't be asking Joe for an apology they should be gagging those who have given him the material to write either players talking on the field or the supporters in stand or street.

Kilcoo are aiming for heard it here first!!!!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
July 30, 2017, 01:29:59 PM
Garvey and Laverty 2 great players but past is the past. We need to add to current group of players with fresh blood and get new leaders to emerge and drive the group on.

Ryan Brady, Daryl Brannigan, Piaras kane,  Tiarnan Rushe, Pierce Og McCrickard to name a few. All players capable of being developed into top county players
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
July 16, 2017, 09:22:27 PM
Today was always going to be tough and whilst we all hoped for a win I don't think the players looked like they believed it could happen. But for brief spells we looked lost against the organisation of Tyrone. Once they closed up shop at the back, our half back line didn't look like it had the power to break the lines.
We didn't have the intensity in the tackle that was brought to the Monaghan game. Harrison was well shackled and Cavanagh blocked any potential space.
Hampsey done a lot of harm and basically done what McKernan done v monaghan. McKernan didn't get the ball or the space to dictate and whilst his black card was harsh I don't think it had any bearing on the result.
The biggest test will be lifting themselves to topple Armagh or monaghan again but neither of them are world beaters so hopefully players can believe in themselves and go to the well again.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 25, 2017, 10:27:46 AM
Surely there has to be room for Jerome but at very least he'll be sprung from bench. McKernan will likely play sweeper, Aidan Carr thinks he's a sweeper, Conaill McGovern drops back! Danger being that we have too many men who want to be "the free man"

Let's just hope they're all working from the same sheet.

As for the we've always beat them when it matters comment, that's more of the "Down away" mindset that has lulled us into a false sense of worth
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 21, 2017, 01:16:56 PM
McKernan playing against meath is a given but it wont guarantee us a win, even if he plays the sweeper (and he can play it very well).  do we honestly think that Mick O'Dowd is going to happily let him sit in the backline and break out, the likelihood is Meath will push onto him and look to free someone else.

Hopefully the Sigerson win will give him a new lease of life and we see the benefits on Saturday night in Newry, (if he starts).

However the Kilcoo lads should have brought the same lease of life belief into the squad had they been played so here's hoping.

Also worth noting, Marc Reid is undoubtedly a great shot stopper, but he put his back line in the shit on a number of occoasions over the weekend with his erratic short kickouts and could in fact of cost them the game against UCC. (although his tweets would suggest otherwise)

Hopefully he corrects the kickouts in time for Saturday night

Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 12, 2017, 09:53:13 PM
Think he might well be but if approached in the right way he might move, though don't think he would want to be the catalyst for Eamon getting pushed.

After watching Slaughtneill yesterday there might be some merit in considering Mickey Moran after Paddys day. Seems to go about his business with quiet efficiency.

Other thing to consider is that Eamon has made it clear to CB that he has a development plan that involves a bit of pain in early part of league, the selection for Meath will indicate either way.

Need to harness the drive and positivity of the kilcoo contingent and hope it rubs of on the rest but at minute it appears Management think otherwise
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 12, 2017, 09:34:28 PM
Would Brian McIvor take the job.

Has familiarity with Down football. And obviously his son has the experience with Kilcoo.
Players loved him in 2010.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
February 11, 2017, 10:32:54 PM
Obviously the team travelled today so hopefully any changes will be communicated to the team this evening if not done before. Bound to be 4 or 5 from last week and would expect to see O'Hanlon, Johnstone and Poland in from the start. Clare won't be daunted by Down which could be to our advantages. Would like to see Down playing more directly. Reid in from start was bound to happen Cunningham kick outs too slow and predictable.

A win tomorrow will help get things back on track, a loss and it could be disastrous for league prospects and Eamonn's tenure.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
January 13, 2017, 01:18:37 PM
Like all good Neighbours, if its a draw, they'll likely share it, 6 months each :) :) :) :) :)

Either way its tarnished now and the county board have made a balls of it
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
June 28, 2016, 10:50:17 PM
Folks, time to change from yapping and blaming one or a few individuals ans look to move forward. At the rate we are turning on each other there'll be no Down men left.

We all make mistakes and some more costly than others but time to go forward.

Few ideas (that might be pie in sky but I'll take a punt)

1) Regarding the debt - request that Central council park defer payments for 2-3 years, offer Newry up as a neutral ground for bigger games (clubs will supply stewards etc FOC, Down let the gates go back to Dublin against debt)

2) Each club to nominate a potential manager/management team (with the agreement of those nominated) - Those selected or shortlisted should then present on their plan ahead. Vote system (transparent to all involved)

3) Clubs or club managers to nominate opposing players who have stood out in club games this year. (As per O'Reilly all stars) players then play through selection process over 3-4 in house games. County management should welcome this and facilitate it as selection.

4) All clubs to encourage players to go and in turn support county team in terms of Physio support etc for their players.

5) Club games go ahead with county players with a ten day rule for National league playoff or Championship games. NFL games 7 day rule.

6) player gym programmes to be set out and players allowed to do this at home club and assessed ongoing to alleviate time demand.

Maybe I'm mental but have to start thinking constructively