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Messages - stew

Quote from: Main Street on February 26, 2018, 07:19:31 PM
Quote from: Targetman on February 25, 2018, 10:09:18 PM
Good to get a win today and not concede a goal, the reaction from Broony when tackled by about 4 sheep men was priceless, Hail Hail!!
In the middle of this article there's a video snip of his reaction to the reckless assaults, it was priceless.
I think there were 3 red card challenged in there including booting the ball straight at him with full force.

Lashing the ball at him with him on the ground was cowardly, the same sc**bag that did it claimed racism against another player and it got turfed out because he made it up, that bastard should be done up like a kipper the next time they play with about two minutes left and the game already won, I hope he is.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 10:46:11 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on February 26, 2018, 10:38:16 PM
Quote from: stew on February 26, 2018, 10:34:49 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on February 26, 2018, 01:50:31 PM
Stew, FFS. Would you look at what you're saying.

" I have never seen a single one work in Armagh, not a f**king one of them!"
" I do see the fact they are cold, unfriendly people so far to a man/woman."

Do you not realise how that sounds? Are you seriously saying that every single Muslim person who is allowed to work (what's the rules around them working in NI?) is refusing to? And they are all 'cold and unfriendly'. I mean seriously?

You are the master of hyperbole, but that sort of talk is straight out of UKIP. Is that whom you wish to be aligned with, in terms of your thinking?  And have you ever, once, thought that maybe they are not 'cold and unfriendly' people. Maybe they are thousands of miles from home, shy and nervous, and avoiding social interaction precisely because of the sort of venom you have just said? If I was in a town where I knew people said I was a lazy sponger, and very unfriendly and 'cold', I'd be avoiding too much contact, hoping to avoid confrontation.

I have three families of them living in my apartment block, they are rude, inconsiderate arseholes who leave the front door open so everyone can hear them scream at one another, ther parties are special, they have had the cops called on them twice an d one of the f**kers was arrested once for batin seven shades of shit out of his missus, and her with a newborn, its madness.

Of course not all of them are spongers, they are like everyone else in that there are good and bad among their people, I have yet to experience any good at all to be honest, that said point taken on the Irish that would steal the eye out of your head, as for UKIP, no, I wold not want to be aligned with them, I am speaking to my experience thus far.

Over 3000 deaths in the north during the troubles, no Muslims involved during that period, just good old white Europeans, you know the type?

The 14 Muslims that were here behaved impeccably during the troubles it's a pity they cant stop gang raping women in Sweden however, since, you know, they have hit that country like a tidal wave!

95.6% of rapes in Sweden are said to be caused by Foreign nationals, rape is up over 1600% since the eighties, that is madness!

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 10:38:00 PM
Quote from: Main Street on February 26, 2018, 05:26:17 PM
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on February 26, 2018, 02:03:55 PM
Musilm family have lived next door to me for 12 years, both work, have property that they rent out, 3 very smart kids that have nearly all finished their college courses and will be staying to get jobs, they are not shy and sometimes I've to make up and excuse to get into the house when the husband is waffeling on! Ive never heard a peep from them or when their extended family or friends come round and close down the road in their fancy cars! All paying tax!

The father even went to work in London to be near the son who was having a mare while in College in London, eventaully taking him back home to finish the course in Queens, Ive yet to find this Muslim you talk about stew, though I know plent of fecking home grown wasters who'll not think twice about stealing your car , break into your house and tell you how to get the most money from the dole!!

But hey, Muslims are an easy target, bit like the Irish when they first went to England and the States
I'm not disagreeing with you but that type of response just plays along with Stew's racist agenda and empowers his type of argument.
The real issue here is the blaggardly racist agenda, not the integrity of muslims.

Just because liberals claim racism does not mean that racism exists lads, true story.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 10:36:38 PM
Quote from: J70 on February 26, 2018, 02:12:09 PM
I've said it before, but this site desperately needs some sane, intelligent conservative contributers. This thread and many of those like it have gone to the f**king dogs and aren't worth bothering with any more. Most of it is taken up with futile (as in logic and facts don't seem to matter) attempts to debunk far right, paranoid, half-baked nonsense. Its like a never-ending game of whack-a-mole. Same shit keeps coming back, unchanged, undeterred, unmoved by reason and logic and evidence.

I know right! Where would we be without your liberal calm, the leftist rationale?

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 10:34:49 PM
Quote from: AZOffaly on February 26, 2018, 01:50:31 PM
Stew, FFS. Would you look at what you're saying.

" I have never seen a single one work in Armagh, not a f**king one of them!"
" I do see the fact they are cold, unfriendly people so far to a man/woman."

Do you not realise how that sounds? Are you seriously saying that every single Muslim person who is allowed to work (what's the rules around them working in NI?) is refusing to? And they are all 'cold and unfriendly'. I mean seriously?

You are the master of hyperbole, but that sort of talk is straight out of UKIP. Is that whom you wish to be aligned with, in terms of your thinking?  And have you ever, once, thought that maybe they are not 'cold and unfriendly' people. Maybe they are thousands of miles from home, shy and nervous, and avoiding social interaction precisely because of the sort of venom you have just said? If I was in a town where I knew people said I was a lazy sponger, and very unfriendly and 'cold', I'd be avoiding too much contact, hoping to avoid confrontation.

I have three families of them living in my apartment block, they are rude, inconsiderate arseholes who leave the front door open so everyone can hear them scream at one another, ther parties are special, they have had the cops called on them twice an d one of the f**kers was arrested once for batin seven shades of shit out of his missus, and her with a newborn, its madness.

Of course not all of them are spongers, they are like everyone else in that there are good and bad among their people, I have yet to experience any good at all to be honest, that said point taken on the Irish that would steal the eye out of your head, as for UKIP, no, I wold not want to be aligned with them, I am speaking to my experience thus far.

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 01:04:34 PM
Quote from: Hardy on February 26, 2018, 11:38:30 AM
Now it's getting nasty.

See those people. Those muslims. That's the label we'll use. They're all the same. They're different t you. You're better but they're getting all the breaks. At your expense. We have to do something about it. This is our country.

You know where that stuff leads. You're better than that. Aren't you?

Dont patronise me! I have never seen a single one work in Armagh, not a f**king one of them! I do see the mponey they are fanning about, I do see the fact they are cold, unfriendly people so far to a man/woman.

No one is better than anyone else, I have always maintained that and I work and pay my taxes, I hate snowflake liberals with a passion, I work for what I get, I dont like people who come here and get everything handed to them without lifting a finger in the same way I have no regard for Irish long term dole merchants who are too f**king lazy to get off theior asses and contribute!
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 11:20:18 AM
Quote from: seafoid on February 26, 2018, 09:33:33 AM
Quote from: stew on February 26, 2018, 09:23:38 AM
Quote from: seafoid on February 26, 2018, 05:03:30 AM
Quote from: stew on February 25, 2018, 05:29:13 PM

Sid Wadell told us all the best country in the world was Sweden of all places.

It is a shithole, not a great country and the liberals are the reason why!
I thought you were from Armagh, Stew. Projection is a hoor

Armagh is a city not a country there Foid, if that was meant to offend it did not work.

95.6% of rapes in the country of Sweden are carried out by foreign nationals, that is incredible, awful and if I was a Swede I would be outraged, I am outraged, but if they wont do anything about this abuse why should anyone else care?

Sids utopia is dying, that is what extreme liberalism does, Sweden will never recover from the blight that is overextending themselves when it comes to refugees, they are going to be a minority in their own  country and  seem hell bent of destroying their own culture to accomodate refugees, that is a special kind of fucked!

Refugees become middle class , Stew. They end up like MR2, searching out wine bargains . Even the Muslims  ! 
Sweden will be grand. You should dial down your Fox intake.

Fox is 120% Bullshit

120% is impossible but then you liberals were always shit with numbers.

You are just another tired liberal who throws out lines about Fox, you dont know me or what I watch, I watch most of the main channels for news with the exception of MSNBC because they are fucked in the head.

Change the record and be accountable for the erosion of the male of the species by your people, you people are trying to turn men into non gender specific things and that wont f**king fly.

By the way, from what I see in my home town there are a lot of very hard working EU citizens from all over Europe working their asses off to get ahead, the refugees from the middle east? Not so much, but they are great at flashing their money in the shopsto klet you know they are doing just fine without working, it is no wonder they want to flood into the UK, why wouldnt they!
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 09:23:38 AM
Quote from: seafoid on February 26, 2018, 05:03:30 AM
Quote from: stew on February 25, 2018, 05:29:13 PM

Sid Wadell told us all the best country in the world was Sweden of all places.

It is a shithole, not a great country and the liberals are the reason why!
I thought you were from Armagh, Stew. Projection is a hoor

Armagh is a city not a country there Foid, if that was meant to offend it did not work.

95.6% of rapes in the country of Sweden are carried out by foreign nationals, that is incredible, awful and if I was a Swede I would be outraged, I am outraged, but if they wont do anything about this abuse why should anyone else care?

Sids utopia is dying, that is what extreme liberalism does, Sweden will never recover from the blight that is overextending themselves when it comes to refugees, they are going to be a minority in their own  country and  seem hell bent of destroying their own culture to accomodate refugees, that is a special kind of fucked!
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 26, 2018, 08:48:25 AM
Quote from: Jell 0 Biafra on February 26, 2018, 12:45:01 AM
I wonder why white Republicans so scared of the possibility of one day being a minority....

Keep drinking the liberal masters kool aid Jell O, White republicans! Listen to yourself.

The left are the ones obsessed with race, not the republicans, you people are special, the liberal elite keep pounding out their agenda and the lapdogs do what they do best, lap it up and spew it out, think for yourself for once man, republicans know they area a minority already, a better question would be, what could the liberal elite possibly have to gain by letting all comers in to the USA, I will give you a hint, the answers rhyme with honey and goats!.

In the last election you lot managed to cheat to get the single most unpopular woman in political history to run for you against of all people Donald J Trump and you lost, the shock waves around the world were incredible and not once have you lot taken ownership for the cancer pervading your party!

So keep rolling out the Liberal Hollywood elite to tell everyone what way they should live their lives/vote and sit back and enjoy having DJT as your President for the next six and a half years, nobody has ever done less with more than Pelosi, Clinton and the current corrupt Democratic party, it is amazing to me how utterly bereft of talent, morals and decency you are at the moment.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 25, 2018, 10:36:28 PM
Quote from: screenexile on February 25, 2018, 06:27:36 PM
Quote from: stew on February 25, 2018, 06:00:30 PM
Quote from: screenexile on February 25, 2018, 05:40:34 PM
Quote from: stew on February 25, 2018, 05:29:13 PM

Sid Wadell told us all the best country in the world was Sweden of all places.

It is a shithole, not a great country and the liberals are the reason why!

That dude is not a reliable source stew!!

Did you watch the video?

What exactly did he lie about????

The Swedes are absolutely killing their culture, they will be a mnority in their own country by 2050, the left has fucked them every which way.

I've seen enough of Watson's videos to know he's another Alex Jones mouthpiece who distorts facts in order to pretend the world is being taken over by Islam and global elitists.

Yes the Muslim population is growing in the West but are they going to be in the majority in 2050?? No!

I never said they were going to be in the majority in Europe in 2050.

I said they will be the majority in Sweden in 2050 not Europe as a whole.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2018 NFL Division 3
February 25, 2018, 07:10:49 PM
Quote from: DuffleKing on February 25, 2018, 05:28:10 PM

Listened to the Down game on we are ulster today then swapped to the armagh tv 'commentary' for our game. The difference in what was provided was, eh, startling. I 'listened' to the rest of the game on twitter.

Why would an Armagh man listen to a Down game over his own teams game?

I thought yer man was drunk at first, he was all over the place and I enjoyed the craic, the actual commentary itself was rough to say the least but for the league he was grand as nobody really gives a shite compared to championship football.
GAA Discussion / Re: American Football gloves in GAA
February 25, 2018, 06:24:53 PM
Quote from: Nanderson on February 25, 2018, 05:33:54 PM
Just a thought that came into my head today but would the american football style gloves be any use for catching a gaelic football when you see the types of catches the americans can pull off. The likes of under armour, nike etc don't specify the type of grip used on their gloves, whilst the Irish companies would use standard latex.

The American football gloves are thick, they would be useless in gaelic football as there is very little give in them compared to ours, that said that is a great point in terms of technology, no reason why a hybrid glove could not be used, I have no doubt they would help players field balls better if they made them right.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 25, 2018, 06:00:30 PM
Quote from: screenexile on February 25, 2018, 05:40:34 PM
Quote from: stew on February 25, 2018, 05:29:13 PM

Sid Wadell told us all the best country in the world was Sweden of all places.

It is a shithole, not a great country and the liberals are the reason why!

That dude is not a reliable source stew!!

Did you watch the video?

What exactly did he lie about????

The Swedes are absolutely killing their culture, they will be a mnority in their own country by 2050, the left has fucked them every which way.

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
February 25, 2018, 05:29:13 PM

Sid Wadell told us all the best country in the world was Sweden of all places.

It is a shithole, not a great country and the liberals are the reason why!

GAA Discussion / Re: 2018 NFL Division 3
February 25, 2018, 04:53:25 PM
Quote from: naka on February 25, 2018, 04:40:34 PM
Armagh by 6 in the end(1-15 to 1-9)
A dreadful sesond half by both with only 9 points scored
But a wins a win.

The radio commentary was hilarious, at one point yer man had ELO singing a song by I think Mannfred Mann, he was all over the shop, entertaining and to be fair, Armagh were very solid and but for some wayward shooting (again) We would have won by another cricket score.

Good to see Offally on the rie again, they went at it hammer and tongs and fought til the end, good luck to them the rest of the way, their schedule gets easier from here on out.