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Messages - DennistheMenace

Sky are leagues ahead of RTE in terms of analysis already, I hope they get more games next year.
GAA Discussion / Re: The Sunday Game
August 11, 2015, 09:23:24 AM
Monaghan are a tough side and are much smarter about the 'dark arts' than Tyrone it seems. See Dick Clerkin reaction in last minute v Donegal for example.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2015 All Stars
August 10, 2015, 11:54:12 AM
Mattie Donnelly?
I guess it's some closure for the family in the form of hard evidence, there will still be the usual conspiracy theories nonetheless.

Really hope they find the black box and main wreckage.
Quote from: nrico2006 on August 05, 2015, 08:37:48 AM
Quote from: blanketattack on August 04, 2015, 05:38:50 PM
Kerry are missing probably the best minor midfielder in the country in Mark O'Connor and one of their best players in Cormac Linnane and are still steaming ahead. Can't blame it all on injuries.

Conor Glass.

Having watched Glass a few times this year for the first time I was mighty impressed, if there is a better minor midfielder than him he's a good one.
General discussion / Re: 2015/2016 Premier League
August 04, 2015, 09:03:59 AM
Man Utd
Man City
West Brom
Crystal Palace
West Ham
Aston Villa
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
August 03, 2015, 01:11:14 PM
Can't wait for this season, hoping to get over to 15 games and let out my season ticket for the rest. Rooney has a great chance to get 20+ goals if no other striker is brought in.
Big statement alright and would this possibly not lead to tension between your wife and current staff & management (albeit your kids education is priority) Weigh up the pros and cons but I would have thought the kids having their mother working at the school as a big pro to keeping them there.
Yeah because using graphics to show the route a bottle took is similar to trying to trace a plane at the bottom of the sea in a search area of 100,000 sq miles
General discussion / Re: The Milk Cup?
July 30, 2015, 10:08:07 AM
Quote from: Keyser soze on July 30, 2015, 10:02:16 AM
Well sure the Irish News can cover whatwever it likes, if you don't like it, don't buy it.  The BBC however must be paid for if one has a TV and is must therefore be held to a higher standard of impartiality.

They are providing god knows how much coverage to this tournament, there would be more people at a decent club match than would attned the whole thing, with the exception of when Man Utd were playing or for the final.  For the vast majority of games there wouldnt be 2 men and his dog at it.

A high international standard?? Wtf? Ghana????

Sure Ghana is a hotbed of quality players like Asamoah Gyan and the Ayew's. BBC do a good job in my opinion and have came on leaps and bounds in the last few years. The Ulster Club really should have some sort of TV coverage though.
General discussion / Re: The Milk Cup?
July 30, 2015, 09:49:33 AM
Quote from: Keyser soze on July 30, 2015, 09:40:10 AM
Quote from: JoG2 on July 29, 2015, 08:37:01 PM
Quote from: Keyser soze on July 29, 2015, 05:27:11 PM
Well I certainly agree with a lot of what cockahoop is saying in terms of organisation and fair play to his lads playing a bit of soccer and doing well at it. The organisation of underage GAA in Derry is a complete joke.

However my quibble with the organisation of soccer versus Gaelic is the way in which they are publicised and funded. How many soccer matches would be played if public funds weren't providing the playing spaces for them? I would hazard that it would be a grand total of none quite frankly as there are a miniscule number of clubs that own their own ground. Why should the public purse pay to provide soccer grounds and not Gaelic grounds?

In terms of publicity I read the News Letter most days for a laugh. Today in their sports section they had a 2 page spread on pigeon racing, [I kid you not] another page on cricket, a few pieces on bowls. There wasn't a mention of GAA at all in their coverage. Now that is fair enough as it is up to any paper to print what it thinks its readers want. But that does not wash for a public service broadcaster such as the BBC and i think it is obvious they have a similar attiude to the GAA as the Newsletter does. In particular their treatment of the Milk Cup shows the bias they have towards any sport that is not GAA. the success of their efforts is obvious on here by the number of people who are proclaiming this to be a world class event. It's not. It's a crowd of wains running after a ball on a pitch that the soccer authorities havent paid a brass farthing for.

Do you go out of your way to get offended?  Funding for the Milk Cup and GAA coverage in the Newsletter....sweet jesus but your stress levels can't be good

My stress levels are quite obviously much better than your comprehension!

The News Letter reference was merely used to illustrate an determined attitude amongst a large swathe of the population to steadfastly ignore the GAA as if it doesn't exist, and big up anything that reinforces the unionist hegemony. An unfortunate viewpoint that is clearly held by many influential figure in the BBC NI sports dept. It's not quite the 'IRA at play' anymore but it is only slowly moving away from that IMO.

Do you think it is ok for a local council to provide and maintain scores of pitches for one sport and the grand total of zero pitches for another equally popular one. It's hardly a level playing field now is it?

The Irish News whilst they don't ignore local soccer they don't exact cover it in all it's 'glory' which is understandable as their market research shows their readers aren't interested. BBC NI sports I don't get the criticism really, they showd every Ulster game this year (except Derry/Donegal) and provide decent coverage of GAA.

Back to the main point, the Milk Cup is a superbly run competition and a great opportunity for many young fellas to display their skills at a high international junior level.

QuoteProfessor Charitha Pattiaratchi, an oceanographer from the University of Western Australia, said the possibility debris from MH370 had washed up on Réunion was "entirely consistent with the area [west of Perth] that the search team is looking at – it's entirely consistent in terms of oceanography, in terms of the modelling", Michael Safi reports.

"It makes sense based on some of the modelling we did 12 months ago, that some time with 18 to 24 months after [the crash] this could be the area the debris would have ended up in," Pattiaratchi said.

He said it was difficult based on photographs of the debris to ascertain how long it had been in the ocean, but said it would be "at least six months".

Hopefully hear soon if this is part of the plane, if it is then they obviously were looking in the completely wrong area for the last year.
GAA Discussion / Re: Divers (and face holders)
July 21, 2015, 11:47:06 AM
As a netural at the game, Dick dived and the contact wasn't enough to go down as he did. On top of that he exaggerated the extent of his injury to waste time. Happens all the time but just pointing it out. I have no bias whatsoever.
Murphy quiet again, same with Tyrone and Derry game. He's had 1 good game in the Championship this year. Donegal still deserved the win I thought.