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Messages - GweylTah

As an Irish citizen myself, what was all that about Bradford and Oldham about Bally-man?
Quote from: nifan on August 03, 2007, 05:47:22 PM
Gwyltah - i havent been to casement, but many of my friends have offered to take me to a game - to say i wouldnt be welcome is simply untrue, there may be some dicks, but nearly every one i know who goes is fine with "prods"

Why not go yourself if and when the opportunity arises?  And good luck and be safe if you do, and keep the head down.  (It was noticeable that the BBC on their recent programme about Catholic and Protestant attitudes didn't risk taking the Linfield supporters to Casement, but rather to Clones - they were probably aware of their Duty of Care to participants in their programme.)
General discussion / Re: BBC & UTV - shame on you
August 03, 2007, 08:50:59 PM
Actually, the unsurprising revelation that Darren Graham was and had been continually been verbally abused by GAA-playing and supporting bigots wasn't the big story - the really big story was that they had found ONE Protestant in the North who was playing the game.

One too many for plenty of people, clearly.

Given that plenty of Catholics support the NI soccer team and the ground has also hosted Cliftonville and Dunganon Swifts home European games, and their fans, recently, as well as fans of all the Irish League teams and those teams taking part in the Setanta Cup, the evidence would suggest it isn't intimidating in the least, in a concern for safety kind of way.  Oh, and the camogie team training there, happily by all accounts. That's just a few examples.

If Windsor Park is intimidating to away teams and fans in a getting behind the home side sort of way, so what?  That would be a good thing, as in sport generally.

Prods in Casement Park, on the other hand ...  that would be like the Bernard Manning Fan Club appearing at Notting Hill Carnival.

The attitudes of neanderthal bog-men here are indicative of the sort of midset we saw in 1980s Yugosavia, where they would have been more comfortable with forced population movements as well as partition.  Is it any wonder non-nationals get a hard time in Ireland?
The Editor of the Irish News is Noel Doran.

Are you an Irish News insider or Outsider, Snatter?

Nenagh is pretty revolting, but Ardboe would make even it look like the Ritz.
Constant Craving - kd lang.  Smashing!   :)
Quote from: MW on August 01, 2007, 05:57:11 PM
Quote from: T Fearon on August 01, 2007, 03:46:48 PM
NIFan will you be going to see the play? It is drama that often leads one to revise one's own prejudices etc.

Quite. Marie Jones and her family now enjoy the drama of NI fans as 'members' of the GAWA.

How about you learn the same lessons she has?

Yes, you can't keep them away from NI games (home and away, different generations of the Jones/McElhinney clan) for love nor money. In a small way, it's a bit of a vindication that the Northern soccer fans and IFA should walk tall in knowing about.
So would this Tom Kelly fella in the Irish News be a GAA insider or a clueless Outsider?

General discussion / Re: Brits out, peace in.
August 01, 2007, 12:27:05 AM
Quote from: inisceithleann on July 31, 2007, 10:11:05 PM
Have to agree this is the latest step on the road to a United Ireland.

Don't believe everything they tell you.  They were here in their thousands at the click of a finger, they could be back again in their thousands again if required. Let's hope they aren't.

There would have been civil war in NI without them, and the eventually ground-down the terrorists and infiltrated them to such an extent that the paramilitaries knew their violence was pointless.

Mission accomplished is someone else's line, but it fits the story.
Quote from: inisceithleann on July 29, 2007, 08:48:09 PM
I have to agree entirely with what Maurice Kennedy has written. In my opinion the GAA is only supporting the new stadium as part of a PR exercise, to make it look to the outisde world that they can be friends with other sporting organisations. It will be an absolute disgrace if the GAA allow any big games be played in any proposed stadium wherever it is located. They have spent millions of euros on improving stadia. What sense would be to allow their games to be played in a stadium where they possibly would not get all the revenue from gate receipts? My own club's ground at Brewster Park has been given thousands of euro to install flooglights and improve facilities. We would hope to therefore stage more big games and if the GAA turn to the new stadium this will prevent us from availing from this oppurtunity. I agree with Maurice Kennedy, that the GAA's main provincial stadium has to be in the centre of Ulster not right up beside Belfast. It's over 70 miles to the maze from enniskillen and even further from other areas in west fermanagh and county cavan. What are you saying to these fans if the GAA play some of their big games at the maze?

Fair-play to you for articulating a decently thought-out opinion, rather than the endless side-tracking and white-washing of those who fill these threads without ever actually adding anything to debate, instead just playing the man or woman and demonstating an inability to debate at all - the internet version of grafittiing that mural in the Bogside last night.
Whatever you say.

And your views on the stadium and whether the editor of Gaelic Life is an insider or an outsider?  Are you an insider or an outsider?  Are your comments here just fillers?  What is it?
Donagh, well then offer your perspective, analysis and teaching to those of us who are outsiders or just interested spectators.  Are you an 'insider', or just someone on a high-horse?
Who would be regarded as "GAA Insiders", then, anyone who has anything to do with the GAA who says something critical about this seems to be branded an outsider or ignorant.

Does the GAA not see how it might be being manipulated with this, does it and its members enjoy having their strings pulled by darker forces or those who have an interest in the scheme that doesn't have a concern for the GAA at all?