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Messages - Pangurban

Absolutely disgusted by this decision. I am sure it contravenes the Official Guide but dont have a copy at hand to check the relevant rule. Whatever about that, lets not get mad,lets get organised and let Croke Park know exactly how the grass-roots feel about this decision. This is the equivalent of selling ones soul to the devil
I fully agree with your comment Armaghniac, but that should not preclude reasoned,dispassionate debate. We may condemn the type of language used by Mc Connell and Robinson but we should not rush to convict them of bigotry, that is the liberals tactic.
Failure to permit proper,rational,reasoned debate on any subject, inevitably leads to the rise of extreme right parties as we are witnessing all over Europe. The so called Liberals[though they are nothing of the sort] have attempted to discourage debate on issues such as Immigration, Homosexuality, Islamization, Europe and many other topics. The uniform stance of all the various media, controlled by large corporations, not only deny free expression, but combine and hasten to demonise and ridicule any group or individual expressing views at variance with their world view.Instead off encouraging debate and participation, the mainstream parties and press throughout Europe and the U.S.A seek to enforce a rigid orthodoxy to their illiberal creed. No view which has received their impra-mater will be tolerated. They call it political correctness, when its real name is censorship.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 25, 2014, 10:26:32 PM
Lads there is no point or justice in slagging off individual players. No one goes out to play badly. The truth is we are just not good enough. What little ability we do have is being suppressed by by tentative management who have more fear of losing than hope of winning. In all our games this past two years we have only produced big performances when we threw the shackles off and went for it . We are at our best going forward not playing lateral possession in our own half. So what if we we lose, lets at least give it a lash and go down fighting. We are all agreed that our back six are no great shakes defending , so let give our forwards a chance, to play as forwards not half backs
Best team won. Down management lost this game, completely wrong tactics, juvenile defending  high balls played in on top of Conor Laverty,ging him no chance. Every time got a low ball played in he toreTyrone apart, and eted scores.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 19, 2014, 08:56:50 PM
Put Ambrose at FF and drop high balls on top of that shaky Tyrone back line , allowing our forwards to feed of the breaks
We thank Tyrone for the lesson in the finer arts of football. As you have seen we are quick learners, and look forward to welcolming you all to the Marshes to continue our education. Who knows ,it could be a case of the pupils teaching the Masters.
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 18, 2014, 09:29:22 PM
Conor Lavery was magnificent today, and any Down supporter bad mouthing him is beneath contempt. Having said that ,why were Down so negative in the first half. It is clear from all our games  that we are better when attacking, yet we continually sit back and allow teams to come onto us and dictate the pace of the game. Allowing for the weather our handling and passing in the first half was atrocious, particularly in defence. But onwards and upwards, home advantage and hopefully a seventy minute attacking performance could see us through
That game today will help bring Tyrone along in their quest for the Anglo Celt, and a Saturday night in Newry packed to the rafters with Down Fans,and a Down team smelling blood, will bring them on further. You Tyronies may not respect us but at least you should thank us
We Down Boys are lying low and saying nothing, that is when we are at our most dangerous. Expect a few big changes in our line-out tomorrow
Our forwards will score goals, if we can get good quick delivery to them. Hope Down throw caution to the wind and go for an all out attacking game,keep Tyrone on the back foot as much as possible
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 14, 2014, 07:21:20 PM
Barely mentioned on here, in most peoples minds this game is already conceded, we are at a very low point
All a big corporate wheeze
Corrupt societies produce corrupt politicians. At the root of all the problems is the Irish disease of clientelism. This provides the platform for the bull-shitting politicians to appear to be doing something, when in fact they are doing nothing. If you are entitled to a service or benefit by virtue of your circumstances or citizenship you do not need the aid of a con-man to obtain it. An honest politician will not attempt to bribe you with stupid promises, that are only intended to make you feel disempowered. He will empower you and your community by listening, determining your needs and advising you are the community how best to organise your campaign plan. In this way he will empower individuals and communities, encourage them to employ their talents, become involved in decision making and not be treated as brain dead voting fodder. SF have absorbed this approach in the North, as have the DUP, hence their success. I dont believe the old traditional parties in the south are capable of reforming themselves, as there no real ideaological or politiical differences between, they are burnt out and lack vision. All that maintains them is stroke politics over petty parish pump issues, and the need to keep their electorates misinformed and grateful for small favours
General discussion / Re: New Saints
April 30, 2014, 11:32:04 PM
On that point you are correct