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Messages - Yes I Would

General discussion / Re: A man of peace
December 09, 2009, 11:07:12 PM
Sweet Lord, Who the hell is Wee Hughie?
Im really struggling to look beyond number 2!!
General discussion / Re: 100 worst Irish people
December 09, 2009, 10:02:02 PM
1. That bastard Brendan Smyth
2. Neil Delamere
3. Jim Allister
4. William Frazer
5. Eoghan Harris

Honourable mentions for Ray Darcy,Michael Mc Dowell, and that ballbag David Mc Williams!
Agreed. Since santa stopped coming the day itself is pretty drab.
Much prefer xmas eve and Boxing St Stephens Day.. Usually dick all on on TV other than the same old repeats and soap shite. The only benefit is that its a day to recharge the batteries after the excess booze in the build up and to ensure that the boxing day feast can be consumed in the knowledge that it will stay down..   Its really a day for the weans!!
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
December 05, 2009, 05:02:07 PM
Quote from: EC Unique on December 05, 2009, 04:58:35 PM
Good result for big Sam. Will help his recovery. Like the Man.

Hes an arsehole.. Is it cos he sucks Fergies c**k?
General discussion / Re: Ultimate Ulster
November 27, 2009, 08:29:54 PM
Just caught last few mins.. Best thing about this place, voted by the people is the people, Before that we had our coastline, and our dry wit. Missed a few others as i went to throw my dinner back up. 
Oh football also in top ten. Irish league football that was with an average weekly attendance of about 80!
General discussion / Re: Ultimate Ulster
November 27, 2009, 08:25:39 PM
Holy f**k... This is truly shocking!!  We hate each other!!
General discussion / Re: Clerical abuse!
November 26, 2009, 10:30:38 PM
Quote from: pintsofguinness on November 26, 2009, 10:16:52 PM
what's happening on prime time?

Pretty graphic detail what these evil bastards were up to, and how it was covered up and brushed under the carpet!!
Hope they rot in hell!
General discussion / Re: Clerical abuse!
November 26, 2009, 05:11:22 PM
Quote from: Lazer on November 26, 2009, 04:50:08 PM
Quote from: mylestheslasher on November 26, 2009, 04:10:05 PM
So here we are again another report another outrage. The sheep will claim it was a minority and the government should have done this and that. Sure they said sorry. Sure they paid compensation. Is it worth going into it anymore? I just want to say this.

If you are a christian and believe in the bible as the word of God thats grand. If you want to lead a good life by the rules of the bible thats fine. But why why why do people need to be apart of an organisation that...

- Put their own survival above all else.
- That allows little children to be raped, abused and destroyed by its members.
- Protects the evil paedophilles within its ranks.

- Frustrates all attempts at investigation.
- Offers mealy mouthed apologies decades on.
- Thats fights tooth and nail not to compensate until public opinion (& dwindling crowds) force it.

I could add more but whats the point. The hardliner catholics on the board will avoid commenting on this thread, probably because they are still clinging to the "minority of bad apples" theory or the big bad "anti catholics" just turn it into a slagging match. Or maybe their brains have been short circuited by the shock of the truth. Maybe they can't deal with everything they believe in being turned on its head.

But stop and think - if you believe in the word of God as written in the bible, how can you belong to an organisation that perpetrates crimes so outrageous against the most vulnerable. Ask yourselves that.

I can only imagine the depressing responses I'll get...

First of all - for the parts in Bold above - should these not been past tense? The church may have done these things in the past - but have taken steps to prevent this happening again

Secondly - A major part of being a Christian is being able to forgive

Not so sure!.. There still exists many within the church in my opinion who were part of this sick and evil regime that was commonplace throughout Ireland and have resisted any attempts at every opportunity to part with control and money at every opportunity. Everyone of the bastards should be named and shamed!!
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
November 24, 2009, 09:33:59 PM
Quote from: maldini on November 24, 2009, 05:18:48 PM
the biggest joke is that today on the down site they hav changed sundays match (prob due to pressure from shamrocks) to an 11am throw in in An Riocht.
thats darragh's whole season coming down to a match at 11 o clock on a sunday morning, their players wud hav to meet before 9am!!
also kilkeel is 10 miles outside newry, its an hour and a quarters drive from darragh cross to an riocht.

The way these play offs hav been handled is making a complete farce of the whole season. why were some teams made to play 3 matches inside a week to get the league finished before a certain date and now 6 weeks on we still haven't got play offs finished up??

What road do you use?
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
November 18, 2009, 09:33:02 AM
Quote from: Onion Bag on November 18, 2009, 09:23:07 AM
I heard there are no dromintee O Rourkes included

I hope Corn02 is ok!!
Sam fox has gone to f**k  :'(
General discussion / Re: Best & Worst sports commentators
November 17, 2009, 10:01:15 PM
As pundits go i never thought i could despise anyone as much as Jamie Lampard Redknapp until i had the misfortune of seeing Andy Townsend in action during Champions league coverage! Ball licking bastard..
Oh also forgot about that yolk Murray who does channel 5. If ever a face for radio!!

In fact some of the best about these days are the cricket guys, Lloyd, Botham and Warne.. Boycott can be ok in small doses!
GAA Discussion / Re: Sigerson Cup 2009
November 17, 2009, 03:14:48 PM
Queens bate 2-10 to 0-4
General discussion / Re: The Poppy
November 14, 2009, 03:19:36 PM
He knows fine rightly why pints but will never admit it on here..
Thank f**k thats them put away for another 1211 months, although if 'our boys' continue to take a pasting in Helmand we could see them out and about maybe early Sept next year.