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Messages - winghalfun

GAA Discussion / Re: Concussion in the GAA
October 06, 2015, 05:47:33 PM
Was there not a motion at congress this year to deal with this issue?

How far did it get?
QuoteWe need to reclaim the tricolour from SF rallies

I'm sure SF would gladly let other Nationalist parties have the tricolour if they were willing to take it.
General discussion / Re: The OFFICIAL Liverpool FC thread
September 24, 2015, 11:34:33 AM
47 shots?

To be fair to Brendan Rodgers, bar going out on the field and kicking the ball himself, what more can he do to get it in the net?

If professional football players cannot convert 3 or 4 chances out of that amount of opportunities then that is not his fault.

Confidence my arse, as Jim Royal might say. Its time players stood up and took some responsibility for a change instead of everything falling back on the manager.

I watched the Europa League game last week and yes the lack of urgency was alarming.
I am pretty sure though that the BR team talk did not include the phrases "sure take it easy lads" "don't worry too much about it" "just go out and enjoy yourselves".

Professional footballers are paid exorbitant amounts of wages and should know what is expected of them without having to be told, cajoled or pampered to the extent that seems to be required.

Any sport at top level requires dedication and concentration at all times whether it is an individual or team event. Those who get to the top and stay there have these qualities in abundance (along with natural ability).

Those 11 Liverpool players out on the field last night had the talent to beat lowly Carlisle any night of the week.
Even without a manager the kit man should have been able to send out a team that could do so.

This has sweet FA to do with BR and his options and his decisions and his signings. It is everything to do with players not giving their all.
If the reason for that is a reaction to the manager then that is not good enough because he is not paying the wages - the fans are.

It is very easy for a player to hide behind a managerial assault - it is not so easy for a manager to hide behind a lack of effort.
GAA Discussion / Re: End Game for Mickey?
September 03, 2015, 01:35:38 PM
There was also a special dispensation in 2002 to allow him to continue managing Errigal Ciaran as well as Tyrone.
Errigal reached the All-Ireland club semi-finals in 2003.
General discussion / Re: America`s Gun Culture
August 31, 2015, 12:25:53 PM
"Not till your 12 son" and this was back in 1971
Tyrone / Re: Tyrone County Football and Hurling
August 28, 2015, 04:45:08 PM
Who appoints the County manager? Is it the County board or the club delegates

I vaguely remember Mickey's position being ratified for his second term via club delegates of which I was one.

Or is it 'Here's your choice. Take it or tough?"
GAA Discussion / Re: Tyrone V Monaghan AIQF 2015
August 12, 2015, 12:04:05 PM

I remember watching this when it first came out.

Interesting to note that not one of the highlighted (bad) incidents features Tyrone yet the rules were shoehorned in reaction to RTE and a Sean Cavanagh tackle.

(First 10 to 15 minutes only)

Circle the wagons lads because another attack is on the way.
Giving £2.00 to a Big Issue seller and them getting pissed off that you actually want a copy. Just go and f**king beg.
Maybe a bit naive here but would it not have been better to sit on this information (if true) until the person(s) alleged drew from the well.

Without someone actually drawing any of it out how can anyone prove who it was destined for.

General discussion / Re: Ships that are tall
July 03, 2015, 03:05:36 PM
Thanks J C.
I assume the Boucher Playing Fields for the Park & Ride is the one on the Boucher Road and not the Boucher Playing fields behind St Galls.
General discussion / Re: Ships that are tall
July 03, 2015, 12:21:59 PM
Has anyone been down to this yet?

Could I chance driving to the Odyssey complex to park? Don't really want to go but have to take someone else tomorrow morning.

GAA Discussion / Re: Joe Brolly
June 03, 2015, 10:56:57 AM
Someone asked on the Sunday game thread "Why are the night time men much better analysts. The day time live programme has the 3 amigos who just look for headlines and cheap jibes, whereas the night programme actually does attempt to analyse the games"

I think the simple answer is that the '3 Amigos' do not have the ability to analyse a game subjectively in tactical terms in real time and resort to rehearsed cliches.

I use to watch the half-time and full-time analysis but don't anymore because it is of no value.

Analysis should be just that, 'a detailed examination of the elements or structure of something'. I don't feel I am getting that. Just a load of hyperbole.

They are no better or worse than these guys.

The ad breaks don't help either.
Tell your ma thanks for all those pardons.
QuoteMeanwhile, 2 schools coaches are given the boot to pay your fine.

Are school coaches on €50000 a year or do you mean one of the consequences of the €100000 fine will be to lose 2 coaches?

If it's the latter, I could think of better ways to cover the €100000 rather than making people redundant.
General discussion / Re: Death Notices
April 29, 2015, 11:13:27 AM
I remember watching an interview with Ricky Gervais and he mentioned that Keith Harris was one of the few (if not the only person) who turned him down for a part in his television show 'Extras'.

Either foolhardy (think Robert De Niro, Kate Winslett, Ben Stiller, Samuel L Jackson) or showed great integrity.