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Messages - wanderer

General discussion / Re: explosion in omagh
April 03, 2011, 11:01:34 AM
This sickens, saddens and angers me. People talk about objectives and outcomes, but its just blood thirsty scumbags who would shout black, muslim or jewish people if they did get there "united ireland".

Honestly, this morning I would rather give the british the other 26 counties than live in a country where these, (I can't find the correct words), people are some sort of idealists or freedom fighters

Where is there line? Civil servants? Binmen? Politicians? All get paid the queens shilling, serving the community

The other boards just depress me where kids and idiots are saying up the ra and all that rubbish. The next time someone adds that line into the fields of athernry It'll take all my being, not to punch them in the face
Cold tea you have hit the nail on the head. I have been dealing with these shower of ***** for nearly a year, and they haven't a clue. What I have learned:

  • Councillors are a set of apologists who will say everything you want to hear to your face. But will not and I mean will not do anything that will upset the planners as they need them for their own means.
  • Send them post, email, carrier pigeons you will get the same thing. Standard templates that say nothing over the course of 2 pages
  • Their bosses are just as useless, and twice as corrupt. I was actually told that they made a mess of my application but the only way that they can look at it again is if I pay again, FULL PRICE! There  is nothing in the new document that allows for planners to make mistakes, so there is no procedure for refunds or reviews
  • If you want to go to the Ombusman or Planning appeals commitee expect to be tied up for 18-24 months. Great news if you are in no hurry to build a house, but a bit of a pain in the arse if you are
  • They now have to run the planning department like a business (except the providing service to customers bit) and so what money they spend (wages etc) they have to gather. Hence it is in their best interests to reject you a few times for pedantic reasons and then disregard them all when they get annoyed with you for keeping coming back
  • They rejected me for all sorts of reasons that I proved incorrect, but no chance I get a refund/apology/review. I just got passed from pillar to post (Planning Officers, Senior Planning Officers, Councillers, Ministers). It is without doubt the most inept process I have ever dealt with

I have dealt with planners in the UK mainland for some projects, and they have a certain degree of communication, bargaining and resolution. NI's version is laughable. I have told Planning Advisers in the UK some of the stuff and they actually don't believe me, in between laughing and shaking their heads

I read it a few years ago. Hard to know what to make of it, if even a page or chapter is true its sensational stuff.
But personally find it a wee bit far fetched that something as big as what is claimed could possibly stay hidden for so long without more than one member blowing the lid on it
GAA Discussion / Re: Fermanagh
March 20, 2011, 11:07:26 PM
The result today and all the circus around the team is a bit of a joke at the minute. I didn't realise how much O'Neill had managed to annoy people until reading all this thread, and its phenomenal that someone can put that many people off, that quickly.
I felt last year and the year before, people were very hard on O'Rourke. Not living in Fermanagh its sometimes hard to know the full picture, but it does seem like we have went rapidly back into the dark days. Quicker than we should be
General discussion / Re: Running
March 19, 2011, 11:06:39 PM
Quote from: lurganblue on March 19, 2011, 11:20:01 AM
Getting awful pain in the outside of my knee and up into the side of my thigh. Usually kicks in after about 5/6 miles. Really starting to hold me back. Any ideas on how to prevent this. Tried resting but again it comes back. Got a gait analysis and proper trainers, no help. Starting to think running isn't for me

Have had that before myself. Get yourself a good sports massage at least twice, lay of the running for a few weeks (replace with cycling or swimming if you can) and you'll be better than before in no time.
New trainers and foam rollers are a good job when it has been loosened off, but its somewhere between hard & impossible to stretch properly until you get it massaged (in my experience), and it will keep re-occuring.
Local GAA Discussion / No smoke without Fire???
March 16, 2011, 10:28:57 PM
Fermanagh football manager John O'Neill has dismissed reports that there is player unrest in his county squad.

There has been speculation that a number of senior players in the current panel had told O'Neill that they no longer wished to be part of his squad.

But O'Neill told BBC Sport on Wednesday that the claims of player unrest in the Erne County were "untrue".

"We had 27 players at training this week. The absentees all had entirely legitimate reasons," said O'Neill.

"We have two fellows who have long-term injuries.

"James Sherry has a long-term injury after getting injured against Roscommon and Shane Lyons is undergoing a finger operation.

"A couple of weeks ago, two other senior players, who have been on the Fermanagh panel for eight or 10 years, decided to call it a day. They felt they couldn't give the commitment at this time and we accepted it.

"These reports have been blown out of all proportion."

Fermanagh have made a poor start to their Division 4 campaign having earned only three points from four games.

O'Neill was only appointed to the Fermanagh role last September.

The Lisnaskea Emmetts clubman took over from Malachy O'Rourke, who quit the job in July.

Reports suggested that the players told O'Neill that they want to play for Fermanagh in 2011 "but under different management".

Sunday's 1-12 to 1-9 defeat by Connacht champions Roscommon means Fermanagh look certain to be playing Division 4 football again next season.

The Erne County are seventh in the Division 4 table - already five points between section toppers Longford, although Fermanagh have played a game less.
Celtic and Rangers fans are without doubt the hardest to listen to supporters in the world. Both are holier than thou

Neither teams players or managers or fans is to blame for anything they do. It just seems like trouble gravitates towards them without them having any involvement and are absolved of all blame by their own

You'll struggle to find another team in Scotland fans that can stomach them (cue a few "because they are jealous") as they bring paranoia beyond belief. Everytime a player plays at Anfield, Old Trafford, Nou Camp, Bernbeau, Olympic Stadium etc they wax lyrical about the fans being the best in the world, but Old Firm fans actually record it, store it away and treat it like gospel

For everyones sake, why don't both agree they are as bad as each other and try and concrentrate on the football
Both teams a disgrace. A shining example of a scottish game  :-\
Local GAA Discussion / Re: Fermanagh Football & Hurling
February 20, 2011, 07:18:05 PM
What was the team? Who killed off their chances of an intercounty career?

Its a worrying result from the scoreline, and from previous posts it seems like the performance was worse still?
General discussion / Re: Man Utd Thread:
February 05, 2011, 11:07:23 AM
Thought this was a good article that summed up Neville for me anyway:

So, no more Neviller. Not on the pitch anyway.

To many hearing that Gary Neville has retired, it will bring home just how quickly time has passed.

It seems just the other day that a fresh-faced Neviller supplanted Paul Parker at right back for the 1994/95 season and quickly became one of the bedrocks of home-grown players that delivered so much success to Old Trafford.

Perhaps the finest illustration of the unglamorous modern player, it really always was just about football for him. At a time when the avalanche of money was turning heads all around him, Gary Neville seemed unaffected. He really would have played for United for free.

He was never the most gifted footballer, never the most talented, nor skilful. But my God he made the very best of the assets he had. A run-all-day engine, a steely focus, balls of steel, a they-shall-not-pass mentality and on occasions a sweet, sweet right foot which could deliver a whipped cross onto the head of a team-mate.

He was that rarest of things, not just a one-club man, but a one-club man who was a proper fan of his own club and he took to the pitch all the fierce pride, self-belief, irrationality and sheer bloody-mindedness that every one-eyed committed fan demonstrates.

He was the man from the terraces who had got onto the pitch. It was his dream and it came true. There was never a moment, not even a flickering second, when he would have considered playing for anyone else. His loyalty was absolute and now with his powers on the wane he has taken retirement over playing down the leagues, which he could certainly have done. If he wasn't to be good enough for United, it wasn't good enough to play for anyone else.

Here was a man who, when he kissed the badge he really, really bloody meant it. He was the antidote to every plastic footballer and every plastic fan and as such he royally got up a lot of people's noses. That is how it should be.

For every Liverpool fan who called the police to accuse him of inciting them to riot in 2006 as he celebrated a late win in front of them with what appeared to be nothing less than a bout of primal screaming, thousands of others looked on and secretly thought, ;Christ, I wish my club had a player who had that much desire and sheer guts for my club, who felt that much emotion at beating our rival'. It was a raw and magnificent sight.

In an increasingly fake world of fake emotion, fake pride and fake loyalty, The Neviller was for real; whether you liked it or not, what you saw was what you got.

Yes, he could be the mouthy shop steward but surely this was also all born out of his loyalties to club, country and team-mates.

He has been an easy figure to parody and we've enjoyed doing so but even this was done out of some sense of affection. It really was easy to imagine him under the United duvet cover, wearing the United pyjamas. It was easy to mock because it was so rare and he was so important to United and to England. Let's not forget he was easily the best English right-back of his generation.

We will not see his like again. Not because one-club men are a rarity - by and large they always have been in the modern era - but because there will never be another player with that combination of graft, talent and sheer arsiness and commitment to his club.

That being said, we've probably not seen the last of Nev. With a major pundit position available for an articulate ex-player, who is to say that we won't be enjoying his ascerbic Bury accent dissecting Premier League football on a TV near us very soon?

You may or may not like Gary Alexander Neville but we should all admire him. He was a proper football man, a proper football fan and he bloody well cared.
Rangers in administration?
General discussion / Re: Personalised Number Plates
January 27, 2011, 05:00:38 PM
Quote from: theskull1 on January 27, 2011, 04:32:14 PM
Quote from: wanderer on January 27, 2011, 03:58:01 PM
Checked back to see had anyone responded  :o :o

Some strong feelings towards a number plate, and a fair few assumptions about prices that are well above what I was thinking about (and about 2 relevant answers!)

Each to their own, but I'd say there's not one poster on this board that doesn't have some sort of possession that the majority of others think makes them a d*ck.
Fancy house, garden, car, tyres, clothes, computer, phone, team jerseys/clothing, boots, glasses, dvd/music collection, game console, mp3 player, suit, food taste, musical instrument, kitchen gadgets, worktops, flooring, bed, stairs, TV, stereo, surround sound, lawn mower, tools, tractor etc etc
Come on lads its only a number plate, it won't harm you. And if someone has that strong an opinion of me before they even met me, based on what I own. Then its no big loss in my book, if they don't chat to me

Seriously  ???

So if stephen ireland drove up to your house in his pink range rover to take you out for a pint, you wouldn't judge the man at that stage?

Just where do you think this notion of making a good first impression came from? It's a fairly instinctive thing for us all to do. Sometimes we are wrong but alot of times we're not that far away.

Why are those things not worthy of being judged? You can have a perfectly good workable version of each of them, or spend silly money based on advertising, personal taste or ignorance, same as all the other possessions

Yeah, everyone has a first impression but do you judge someone by that, or by your dealings with them? There's just as many people who are great with chat when you first meet them, and turn out to be absolute d*cks.

You'd rip the p*ss out of him for driving a Range Rover full stop, an a pink one is even worse but he must be having some craic. Some peoples responses so far are a bit ott in my opinion
General discussion / Re: Personalised Number Plates
January 27, 2011, 04:09:01 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on January 27, 2011, 03:59:05 PM
Quote from: wanderer on January 27, 2011, 03:58:01 PM
Checked back to see had anyone responded  :o :o

Some strong feelings towards a number plate, and a fair few assumptions about prices that are well above what I was thinking about (and about 2 relevant answers!)

Each to their own, but I'd say there's not one poster on this board that doesn't have some sort of possession that the majority of others think makes them a d*ck.
Fancy house, garden, car, tyres, clothes, computer, phone, team jerseys/clothing, boots, glasses, dvd/music collection, game console, mp3 player, suit, food taste, musical instrument, kitchen gadgets, worktops, flooring, bed, stairs, TV, stereo, surround sound, lawn mower, tools, tractor etc etc
Come on lads its only a number plate, it won't harm you. And if someone has that strong an opinion of me before they even met me, based on what I own. Then its no big loss in my book, if they don't chat to me

.......or have a pint with you

Well not if I'm driving!  ;D
General discussion / Re: Personalised Number Plates
January 27, 2011, 03:58:01 PM
Checked back to see had anyone responded  :o :o

Some strong feelings towards a number plate, and a fair few assumptions about prices that are well above what I was thinking about (and about 2 relevant answers!)

Each to their own, but I'd say there's not one poster on this board that doesn't have some sort of possession that the majority of others think makes them a d*ck.
Fancy house, garden, car, tyres, clothes, computer, phone, team jerseys/clothing, boots, glasses, dvd/music collection, game console, mp3 player, suit, food taste, musical instrument, kitchen gadgets, worktops, flooring, bed, stairs, TV, stereo, surround sound, lawn mower, tools, tractor etc etc
Come on lads its only a number plate, it won't harm you. And if someone has that strong an opinion of me before they even met me, based on what I own. Then its no big loss in my book, if they don't chat to me
General discussion / Personalised Number Plates
January 26, 2011, 06:54:29 PM

Has anyone ever bought a plate from the DVLA directly? Are they priced competitively?

Have never owned one, and am debating whether there is even any point in them. But was thinking with the current economy, there must be some going for below value?  ??? Is buying from somewhere like autotrader the way to go