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Messages - jjjshabadoojnr

Quote from: hardstation on June 28, 2009, 03:30:34 PM
Lands it.
Come on Sligo.
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on June 28, 2009, 03:29:43 PM
Jees your a quick typer, nail biting finish,
General discussion / Re: Running
June 26, 2009, 04:10:23 PM
Quote from: stevo-08 on June 21, 2009, 04:50:38 PM
Quote from: stevo-08 on June 18, 2009, 08:59:00 PM
If i did it in 1hr40 (25 swim, 45 bike, 25 run + few mins in transitions), then i'd be delighted. But it's my first tri, so in truth could take me anywhere between 1h40 - 2hrs.

Well, I completed the course in 1hr 28mins (23 swim, 40 T1+Bike, 1.26 T2, 23 Run).
Absolutely delighted with that. The swim as expected was a disaster, but huge room for improvement.

How did you get on jjjshabadoo??

Great days craic and very well organised. Roll on Ballina in 3 weeks, which is an easier route so hopefully I can better my time.

Jasus fair play stevo 08, you got on better than you expected. If you could get swim time down youd be flyin! I came in just ahead of ya, i thought i could hear hooves and flared nostrils coming up by the gatelodge. Got just under 1hr 27 mins. Swim 18 mins T1 and Bike 44,  Run 22.5. Nearly gave up on the swim. Got to first buoy feeling good , when I eventually looked up found out I had drifted off course by a good thirty metres  heading into shore!!! panic set in and started thrashing like a lunatic. Swallowed several mouthfulls of saltwater. Then managed to spend id say three minutes in transition, legs like jelly. Running out with me bike and marshal turned me back cause I forgot my Number belt!! Just wanted to give up there and then. Only started feeling good again about half way through the run. All in all very enjoyable experience!! Will know what to expect for the next one now. Hopefully wont let the nerves get the better of me and spend less time on the jacks before next one!!
General discussion / Re: Running
June 19, 2009, 09:04:01 AM
Quote from: stevo-08 on June 18, 2009, 08:59:00 PM
Quote from: jjjshabadoojnr on June 18, 2009, 05:51:40 PM

I got the very same DVD (well, actually I downloaded it through torrents). Also the tri club in my area had pool swims every friday night, and the instructor had spent weeks in the US perfecting the TI method. He was already a top class swimmer anyway (always first to finish the swim in mulloughmore and rosses point) but reckoned TI improved him big time. So he was trying to teach us this new method. I've definitely improved alot on the swim (as you say it allows you to swim long distances without getting too tired), but it's still my weak point by a long way.

The 5k in mulloughmore is a tough little run - straight from Bike onto a tough uphill for nearly half the route. Downhill then but another slight uphill to finish. Have already done it in 22-23mins but during a triathlon, im sure it'll be a different story, will find out saturday.

Im doing the Mullagh Tri myself on Saturday Steve. First one, getting pretty aprehensive now as I hav never swam in a large group before. Bracing myself for shoulders, elbows and feet in the head!! What time are you hoping for? Obviously weather dependant, but weather promised good, stiff westerly wind predicted though.

Time??? jaysus, im not really sure, really slow on the swim. If i did it in 1hr40 (25 swim, 45 bike, 25 run + few mins in transitions), then i'd be delighted. But it's my first tri, so in truth could take me anywhere between 1h40 - 2hrs.

Dont worry bout westerly wind, mulloughmore is well sheltered so expect a calm enough swim. Although they f**ked up the start times and the tide will be completely out, so you could be running for 200m in shallow waters at the start. At first i thought that would be good cos im a weak swimmer, but i tried running into the water during the week and it takes alot out of you. So if you see somebody taking a nice slow walk at the back of the group, that'll be me...

What sort of time do you think you'll get??

Jesus I dont know what time to expect. Anywhere between 1.30 and 1.25. All very well doing good times training for the individual components, but different putting them togetehr. Takes serious amount of time for my legs to loosen up following the bike. Only hitting my natural stride near the last 2 k of the run. Can do 16 mins, 42 mins 21 mins on events individually but sure we will see. Would love to break the 1.25 mark.
Only live up the road from Mullagh and if the wind stays in the direction its going now the first half of the bike will be a complete bitch. Hope the weather changes form what we have this morning!! See the guy steamed in the pier head after the race , that il be me!!
General discussion / Re: Running
June 18, 2009, 05:51:40 PM

I got the very same DVD (well, actually I downloaded it through torrents). Also the tri club in my area had pool swims every friday night, and the instructor had spent weeks in the US perfecting the TI method. He was already a top class swimmer anyway (always first to finish the swim in mulloughmore and rosses point) but reckoned TI improved him big time. So he was trying to teach us this new method. I've definitely improved alot on the swim (as you say it allows you to swim long distances without getting too tired), but it's still my weak point by a long way.

The 5k in mulloughmore is a tough little run - straight from Bike onto a tough uphill for nearly half the route. Downhill then but another slight uphill to finish. Have already done it in 22-23mins but during a triathlon, im sure it'll be a different story, will find out saturday.
Im doing the Mullagh Tri myself on Saturday Steve. First one, getting pretty aprehensive now as I hav never swam in a large group before. Bracing myself for shoulders, elbows and feet in the head!! What time are you hoping for? Obviously weather dependant, but weather promised good, stiff westerly wind predicted though.
Barca 1 (Henry 17)
United 2 (Ronaldo 43, Tevez 78)
Quote from: T O Hare on April 15, 2009, 07:53:00 PM
Quote from: jjjshabadoojnr on April 15, 2009, 07:45:01 PM
Fergie is taking a serious risk playing two lazy b**tards in Ronaldo and Berba in same team. I think tevez has to be in the team for his workrate. It will be rooney out on the left to accomodate the lazyboys. Sign of fergies bolloking of Ronaldo having an effect when he was introduced on Sat against Sunderland. You would have to stick electrodes to berbas balls to make him sweat. Come on to f8ck utd!!!

Some goal by that lazy B**stard :D :D

You said it!!
Fergie is taking a serious risk playing two lazy bastards in Ronaldo and Berba in same team. I think tevez has to be in the team for his workrate. It will be rooney out on the left to accomodate the lazyboys. Sign of fergies bolloking of Ronaldo having an effect when he was introduced on Sat against Sunderland. You would have to stick electrodes to berbas balls to make him sweat. Come on to f8ck utd!!!
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on September 28, 2008, 10:47:56 PM
I dont care what anyone says, the referees today both were atrocious towards us. Yes we should of been out of sight at HT but that IS NOT an excuse for the digraceful referring today. Most ordinary citizens were appalled from our side not fanatics like me.  

No one can deny it not even coolaney people who i know and my friend from roscommon said what the refs were at was quiet blantant against us. I take a useless ref who is fair but I will never accept refs who are useless and bias. If they were bad for both sides i could accept it but despite anyone elses suggested they bad for us and good for coolaney.

There is no excuse for this, it was blantant and if my 80 yr old granny can see it well it speaks volumes. Yes we have to take responsibilty for our own performance but our lads got treated digracefully out there and NO ONE can condone that.

Yes we were poor and we did get out of jail but at least there was an honesty in it and effort in what our lads tried to do. We shouldnt have to put with this. The next day who will be the ref, All i want is fair man in the middle simple as that.

Seriously though OMS your suggesting the ref was merely poor for both sides and that he didnt favour coolaney at all. I am I correct in my interpretation of your view?

Should a team who has a bad day at the office to just accept bias ref merely because they should of won the game anyway? Is it fair that a ref can use that as an excuse for his performance? "ah well i did me best for coolaney but SMG lads should of won anyway, despite my efforts to make them lose"

JJJ leaving the fact the we have to take responsibilty for ourselves in our poor showing which i agree with, Did you think yourself that both refs were bias against us or not?

I totally agree that both refs were atrocious. You dont have to tell me about O'Donnells refereeing skills or lack of them after my run in with him early this year. He always lets the craziest of tackles go unpunished or ticked whereas he will pull you up all the time for technical fouls, etc.
As for Pat Dan, he can do all the pounding of the treadmill in the clarion that he likes, it will never make him a good ref.
Sligonian, I know the refs were atrocious. Feargal and John O'Flaherty were beside me along with the bunninadden crew and they could not believe the biias they were seeing towards CM, but do you think that this would be an issue if our lads had performed to even 75% of thier ability? You cannot blame the ref for us not turning up.
I would think the lads were disgusted with the ref but in all likelyhood they were prob bulling more about thier own performance. Cathal Burns was only man that performed near his ability. The full back line were fairly good (three that finished up there anyway), but other than that , I am struggling to come up with names.
Thats my opinion anyway.
Heading for park now, looking forward to both games, unbeleivable day. Have a funny feeling that this might be a draw. Time will tell.
Local GAA Discussion / Re: Sligo Club Football & Hurling
September 28, 2008, 09:19:17 PM
Quote from: SLIGONIAN on September 28, 2008, 07:29:23 PM
St Molaise Gaels 1-5 Coolaney/Mul 0-8

This was a shocking poor game played in good conditions and big crowd. We absolutely destroyed coolaney in every sector of the field 1st half but 10 first half wides cost us dearly with Martin feeny kicking 5wides. He was dreadful. Eoin mchugh hit 4 wides..we created plenty of scoring chances won a mountain of midfield possession with cathal burns again outstanding. We get 4 first half scores but none too memorable.  Aaron mchugh was moved off Finan after a few mistakes and gavin gilsenan went back and did ok but did make a nearly fatal mistake in 2 nd half. Our management started with same 15 last day but 5 or 6 postional swithces which again handicapped us, but theyve been poor all yr so wasnt suprised. I dont think playing eoin at left half forward will get the best of him. Coolaney were far more clinical 3 attacks 3 scores. 4-3 ht.

In the first half Ciaran o donnell was the ref, the man could barely walk and his knee was heavily strapped. He making decisions 50 yards away. For me to day was a very SAD day for SLIGO FOOTBALL. Whoever gave this ref todays game made a mockery of all the training both set of players did. He was a total disaster booking our fellas for bare fouls and letting them away with ticks for more serious offences. The ref was as bias as i ever scene but it got a way worse. The 2 teams were out for the 2nd half and 5 mins later the umpires decided to come then we had to wait for the A NEW REF pat mcdermott who we thought great he couldnt be any worse or more bias than o donnell. Sadly we were wrong. If we had lost todays game this man would of been lucky to get out of markievicz without some karmic actions towards him for is insencarity and lack of fairness >:(. But more about that later.

The 2nd half eventually started after the farce. We were on top contiually but more wides ensued and poor shot selection. But then one man for us stood up to be counted in Peter Wilson, what a leader, a high ball kicked into the edge of square and great fisted effort and goal for us. Ref 30 yds away blows for a free out but wilson rages up to him to consult the umpires, he wasnt even in the square after the momentum of the fist. Umpire waves the green flag. Justice. But we thought whats this ref going to do. Wilson got another great point from play after coolaney got 3 score to 1-5 to 6 up. The last 20mins were hectic stuff. The ref gave coolaney free after free after free after free. One time our midfielder got push in the back and he gave free to coolaney. Lots of these instances. Our players were penalised for handpasses and overcarrying several times, and i can tell no way were these decisions correct. It was a disagrace and anger was rising amoung SMG fans. We were in shock at the bias against us. The worst i seen in all my days.

Im so proud of our lads for digging in though. It was inevitable we would lose our shape and crowd the backline, the ref was determined not to let us out of our defence. It was a 16 man against us in both halfs. Coolaney eventually got the scores through the middle but today i was disgusted with ref. He was nothing but a cheater and our lads deserve better. Is it possible to get fair play in the GAA? Is it that corrupt?. Thats all i ask. There were great gaels around me today who are involved in my club who were raging. It was just astonishing. My granny of 80 said to me after the game WHY WAS THE REF SO BIASED? I said to her i dunno. He was cheating out there. It was that obviuos to everyone even coolaney would concede that.

The evidence lies in the tape of this game, pure and simple.

We didnt help our own cause though, martin feeney was atrocious, couldnt score only easy frees,eoin mchugh hit too many wides, alan caraway was poor, darren gilsenan was our worst player and these are players we rely on. Both Darren and Alan need serious advice, darren when he gets the ball puts the head down and goes on a run which is a disaster, he needs to play with his head up and pass more often, he carries the ball into tackles stupidily all the time, when up against good oponent he usually plays poorly. Alan wants to bring the balll home with him, he carries it till he loses it and will only pass when he gets in trouble. All the above players are talented and do work hard but there is no consistency in there performances, one week great, next week terrible. Who knows what we'll get next week but they all can do much better. But all put in alot effort just not there day.

But still despite our self destruction, FAIR PLAY should be guarnteed. I can only pray we get fair play next weekend or else were gonna lose. Its hard enough to win games with 15 but 16 makes it near impossible.

Best for us Cathal Burns, great fielding and distibution into our forwards, Peter wilson got the vital scores and woriked like a trojan, tommy kennedy under pressure held firm 2nd half, mark leonard same last, mark quinn did alot lsupport play and conor in goals did well in whatever he had to do. Well done lads.

Who is responsible for REFERRING in Sligo? Murphy will deflect all blame from himself and sligo CB so I just want to know my FACTS. Is it the SLIGO CCC? Would there be an assessor at todays game? Who appoints the REF?

I agree the referreeing was poor but cannot be used as an excuse, not one of our boys came near to normal standards.we got out of jai today, obrien or mchugh shoud have had a go with that free at end.Minor B very exciting second period, another one to go to replay.
Local GAA Discussion / Re: Sligo Club Football & Hurling
September 26, 2008, 02:21:10 PM
Quote from: jjjshabadoojnr on September 16, 2008, 08:57:12 PM
Would be hopeful our lads come through against Harps (could be hard achieved - if rumours to be believd they were only bet by Harps seniors by 2 points in challenge game 2 weekends ago) that we should win out this year considering our junior team (with probably 4 starters from current Senior team it has to be said) beat C/M in Junior league final. But who knows what can happen in champ football.
overconfidence TG- dont see over confidence in any of that quote
Local GAA Discussion / Re: Sligo Club Football & Hurling
September 16, 2008, 08:57:12 PM
Was at the St Michaels -V- Mullinabreena Game at the weekend. Thought it was a really exciting game especially in 2nd half. The highlight for me was the evergreen Padraig McHugh Scoring a point from just inside the half way line. An absolute boomer of  a point. You have to admire the man for the dedication he has shown down through the years. Never seen a bit of dirt from him on the pitch either, definitely deserving of an inter championship medal (second to Molaise gaels winning it of course!! ;)
Cant help feeling watching the game that St Michaels did nt learn any lessons from the Farnans game last year. In my opinion they were a better team from midfield and into the full forward line than Mullinabreena. There backs and especially thier full back line was very dodgy. The fourth C/M goal was a farce . Thier man ran around the outside of 4 static St Michaels defenders and flicked it on the outside of the boot to the net.
Shane o Brien was strangely quiet for C/M. They made a few important changes though, esp moving Kivlehan to full back to cope with McGoldrick who was getting a lot of space from Mchugh. C/M have serious pace to burn in their ff line and are capable of scoring goals at will (as Seanie will know to well!!), remind me a bit of the Cavan county team - would nearly score more goals than points.
Would be hopeful that if our lads come through against Harps (could be hard achieved - if rumours to be believd they were only bet by Harps seniors by 2 points in challenge game 2 weekends ago) that we should win out this year considering our junior team (with probably 4 starters from current Senior team it has to be said) beat C/M in Junior league final. But who knows what can happen in champ football. Unfortunately couldnt stay for Senior semi. Will the drawn game stand to Curry more? Its a pity the way the fixtures have panned out for this Saturday, but I suppose it is to be expected with AIF on Sunday
I was sitting in the lower deck of the davin stand and saw maybe 6 waterford fans leaving around the 65 min mark, however the majority stayed put - fair play to them. The one thing that seriously pised me off was a father and son from Kilkenny sitting beside me who left 15 mins in to the 2nd half and were just so blaise about the whole thing - "Its not enjoyable anymore, we are too good ?" was one of the quotes I got!! Christ being a Sligo man I dont think i will ever have to worry about saying something like that!!
The only team that could have put it up to them yesterday would be their second 15 - a serious team indeed.
Dont think the Rossies coffers are exactly overflowing with green backs either Rossfan if reports in the papers last year were to be believed. Only so much money Sean Mulryan will throw away!!  ;)
As for the Rovers, could nt care less what happens to them.