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Messages - guy crouchback

GAA Discussion / Re: Cúl Camp
July 18, 2017, 01:33:27 PM
the kids love it!!
personally i can't stand it. in the spring i was ordering gear our the kids in our squash club. i was silly enough to give them the choice of color. i wanted a nice light blue with white trim.
nothing would do them but luminous orange. so that's what we got.
a number of our senior members then came looking for the same ones!!!

its the style!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Cúl Camp
July 17, 2017, 01:27:09 PM
ya cul camps is absolutely brilliant. my lad did 2 last year. the quality of the gear is incredible considering the cost of the camp. the coaching is top class and i have never yet heard a  kid say they did not love it.
General discussion / Re: Shell to Sea
July 14, 2017, 12:56:51 PM
if anything this decision puts to bed the argument that we were selling the family silver.

General discussion / Re: UK General Election 2017
June 30, 2017, 10:12:02 AM
if there were abortion clinics in the north they would be some of  busiest in the world as 5000 woman from the south would be using them every year.
for people who dont have faith (like myself) the notion of having faith is a fascinating one, I'm always intrigued by it and love discussing it with people who have faith.
a lot of the time its a hard topic to discuss because with a lot of people their faith is built on foundations of sand and when the discussion starts going in a direction that challenges it they can pull away and even take offense.

in fairness to joe he is doing his best to describe the reasons of his belief and why he believes as opposed to the usual what he believes.
Quote from: johnneycool on April 25, 2017, 02:58:37 PM
Quote from: guy crouchback on April 25, 2017, 11:14:20 AM
Quote from: AZOffaly on April 25, 2017, 10:22:16 AM
Quote from: Rossfan on April 24, 2017, 11:47:45 AM
Same here.

Same here.

same here,
a couple of them were hard nuts but no worse then their lay counterparts. this was in the mid nineties  though and the real beatings were over by then.

i meet them now and again those teacher priests and i feel sorry for them. retired from teaching and semi retired from Parrish's there is a bit of the lost soul about them.
unlike life long parish priests they lived a largely normal life, went to work every day had lay colleagues even superiors, interacted with with them as equals  heard about there lives and struggles over the lunch tables opposed to in the confessional or whatever.

they never really seemed to take to parish life and were always really keen to talk about school days and other pupils and teachers.

on the topic in question the catholic church has never done anything, anything, that wasn't in its own interests and to increase or consolidate its power.
every hospital, every school, was there to increase  Catholic control of the people in every possible aspect of their lives, from the cradle to the grave.

    A hard nut is indeed a fully grown adult intimidating and beating lumps out of teenagers..  ::)
??? indeed
Quote from: AZOffaly on April 25, 2017, 10:22:16 AM
Quote from: Rossfan on April 24, 2017, 11:47:45 AM
Same here.

Same here.

same here,
a couple of them were hard nuts but no worse then their lay counterparts. this was in the mid nineties  though and the real beatings were over by then.

i meet them now and again those teacher priests and i feel sorry for them. retired from teaching and semi retired from Parrish's there is a bit of the lost soul about them.
unlike life long parish priests they lived a largely normal life, went to work every day had lay colleagues even superiors, interacted with with them as equals  heard about there lives and struggles over the lunch tables opposed to in the confessional or whatever.

they never really seemed to take to parish life and were always really keen to talk about school days and other pupils and teachers.

on the topic in question the catholic church has never done anything, anything, that wasn't in its own interests and to increase or consolidate its power.
every hospital, every school, was there to increase  Catholic control of the people in every possible aspect of their lives, from the cradle to the grave.
General discussion / Re: Gardening
April 06, 2017, 03:47:40 PM
i have a big lawn so i use the granular stuff and i buy agri fertilizer to keep the costs down but if its a small lawn you could use the liquid stuff although i would still go for the granular as its slow release.

as its a small lawn its quite easy to get it looking really well without too much work having said that if you have kids playing on it dont waste your time doing too much as they will destroy it.

if you go to a co-op you could get a big bag  of fertilizer something like 15-10-10 ( higher in nitrogen ) and it would do you all summer.
after that regular cutting will do the trick.
the 3-1 stuff you can get feed-weedkiller-moss killer all in one are pretty good although it is advised not to use them on a new lawn in the first year but in future years they are a great job.

a nice neat edge on a lawn finishes it really well.
it  is advised not to roll a lawn as it compacts the soil bit a light rolling will give you the stripes everyone wants. the best way to get a proper striped lawn it to use a cylinder mower as opposed to a rotary mower but 90% of the mowers out there are rotary.

General discussion / Re: Gardening
April 06, 2017, 01:10:56 PM
ya spiking it will help but also its a bit early in the year yet to see much in the way of results from your seed and feed. give it another month and it should start to take off.
fertilizer is your friend, little and often is the key. i would go a bit higher on the nitrogen this time of year and cut back on it coming into the autumn, that's when you want to thicken up the roots.
having said that applying fertilizer and high nitrogen fertilizer in particular will make your grass grow like hell, it will look green  and thick and lovely but you will never be done cutting it. with regular application of fertilizer you will be cutting at least twice a week in the summer so depending on the size of your lawn you need to decide if you have the time.

to get a great looking lawn regular cutting is important, with a new lawn dont cut it too close this year. in the autumn go with a special autumn fertilizer and if you are susceptible to moss apply sulfate of iron over the winter.

there is a new product on the market now called mobacter that is a feed and a moss killer. i used it last year and thought it was pretty good. it thickened up the grass very nicely and provided a good slow release feed but i found it gave the grass quite a bright green color as opposed to the dark green you will get from nitrogen. but it was more user friendly than nitrogen which  if you spill some or apply to heavily in places will burn the grass.

its no harm investing in a good push fertilizer spreader or even hire one from a tool hire to get a good even spread
General discussion / Re: "the kids are alright!!??"
March 24, 2017, 09:19:18 AM
Quote from: stew on March 23, 2017, 06:25:32 PM
Quote from: guy crouchback on March 23, 2017, 03:46:38 PM
the winners write the histories. 
in the south we got the opposite it was 800 years of oppression with a clear line of differentiation between the bad english the good Irish with no grey areas  all all irish history stopped with independence, the rest was far to messy.

in secondary school if you studied history for leaving cert it was a little bit more nuanced but huge parts were left out.

i have a great interest in history and hope to pass it on to my kids but i dont think the way ill do it is buy giving my version of history as opposed to what they get at school but rather show them how interesting history can be, from the Celts to the Romans to the local area, bits of everything, exciting stories.
if they take to it then they will become interested in their own history and will want to know more.

Who lost exactly???

There are no winners or losers in the north, only survivors and victims, the brits never beat us nor us them, look at the GFA for proof.
the winners write the history books is just a saying, i'm simply saying you will get different interpretations of history based on the perspective you are looking at it from.
General discussion / Re: "the kids are alright!!??"
March 23, 2017, 03:46:38 PM
the winners write the histories. 
in the south we got the opposite it was 800 years of oppression with a clear line of differentiation between the bad english the good Irish with no grey areas  all all irish history stopped with independence, the rest was far to messy.

in secondary school if you studied history for leaving cert it was a little bit more nuanced but huge parts were left out.

i have a great interest in history and hope to pass it on to my kids but i dont think the way ill do it is buy giving my version of history as opposed to what they get at school but rather show them how interesting history can be, from the Celts to the Romans to the local area, bits of everything, exciting stories.
if they take to it then they will become interested in their own history and will want to know more.

for some reason i cannot summon up much  indignation over michela. i dont know her and dont know anyone belonging to her but she did her time and hard time it was. so if she can make a living for herself now even on the back of her experience then good luck to her.
what she did was incredibly stupid but she paid for it.

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
December 21, 2016, 11:42:13 AM
Quote from: omochain on December 21, 2016, 05:20:18 AM
Stew.. you did not support Trump but you vehemently roared against people supporting Clinton. That effectively meant you helped support Trump's election, so do not hide behind your timorous neutrality for the election of the "liberal"of your preference.

i dont know if thats fair, I'm certainly no supporter of most of stews views but he is entitled to take a ''a curse on all your houses'' position even if he curses one house more then the other.
General discussion / Re: National Poetry day in the UK
October 06, 2016, 05:33:57 PM
if its heaney its got to be

When all the others were away at Mass'

When all the others were away at Mass
I was all hers as we peeled potatoes.
They broke the silence, let fall one by one
Like solder weeping off the soldering iron:
Cold comforts set between us, things to share
Gleaming in a bucket of clean water.
And again let fall. Little pleasant splashes
From each other's work would bring us to our senses.

So while the parish priest at her bedside
Went hammer and tongs at the prayers for the dying
And some were responding and some crying
I remembered her head bent towards my head,
Her breath in mine, our fluent dipping knives–
Never closer the whole rest of our lives.