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Messages - isourboydownyet

General discussion / Re: Ian Mc Crea on Twitter.
June 27, 2011, 12:38:11 PM
Quote from: Up The Middle on June 27, 2011, 12:09:30 PM
Quote from: isourboydownyet on June 27, 2011, 12:03:54 PM
Quote from: Up The Middle on June 27, 2011, 11:32:18 AM
Quote from: blewuporstuffed on June 27, 2011, 10:11:57 AM
its quite staggering how openly bigoted some of our politicians still are.

He didnt pick it up of the ground, his aul fella is a toss pot too

thats for sure a bigot of the highest order.

more importantly up the middle thats a nice avator :o

Aye thats the missus 8)

jammy bastard!

you wish
General discussion / Re: Ian Mc Crea on Twitter.
June 27, 2011, 12:03:54 PM
Quote from: Up The Middle on June 27, 2011, 11:32:18 AM
Quote from: blewuporstuffed on June 27, 2011, 10:11:57 AM
its quite staggering how openly bigoted some of our politicians still are.

He didnt pick it up of the ground, his aul fella is a toss pot too

thats for sure a bigot of the highest order.

more importantly up the middle thats a nice avator :o

GAA Discussion / Re: Mark Sidebottom
June 27, 2011, 12:01:33 PM
the devil you do,the devil you dont,we give off about bbc not giving gaa enough coverage and then when they do we slag it off,as applesisapples has said rte on the other side were alot worse
General discussion / Re: U2
June 26, 2011, 03:37:25 PM
Quote from: carnaross on June 26, 2011, 01:21:11 PM
Did anybody notice Bono's positioning of the Tricolour retrieved from the crowd? He put it on the speaker the wrong way round!!!

ah for fucks sake!! SO WHAT
andy f**king murray
Derry / Cairde Catherine
June 25, 2011, 01:07:03 PM
Folks i know there is alot of threads started which are looking sponsorship and donations but please read this and contribute in what ever way you can either by attending or just a donation and i apologise in advance because i will be bumping this thread until the 13th of august.

Cairde Catherine

Cairde Catherine (friends of Catherine) is a charity GAA day on the 13th August which will feature Wolfe tones Bellaghy v ST Colms Ballinascreen (1994 select) and Derry ALL Stars v ST Marys college Belfast. 4 teams 2 games 1 cause.
Catherine Quinn (nee Murray) wife of former Bellaghy and Derry player Danny Quinn passed away recently after a long illness,as you can imagine the heart was ripped out of the people of Bellaghy and Ballinascreen on hearing this news and especially the Quinn and Murray family's.Shortly afterwards a group of people including members of both family's got together and decided to run a family GAA day in Catherine's memory with all proceeds going to a hospital trust fund which will go directly to the hospitals involved with the care of Catherine during her illness.What started out as a way of tribute to Catherine's life has taken off beyond our wildest dreams and is sure to be a massive day with hopefully alot of money raised and most importantly show to the Quinn and Murray family's the esteem Catherine was held so i urge you all to contribute in which ever way you can and show support and solidarity with the families.

For more information on the day and which players will be taking part follow us on Facebook:

where did you hear this?what source?
have checked a few fans sites and text a mate who is well up inside liverpool and no word of it.
Rory is a sports profession first and foremost and it's pretty clear he has no interest politics and wants to stay clear of any controversy and in by doing that  people still go out of there way to be offended,if a protestant sporting star avoided the union jack boys would be on here saying that there a great fella,the whole flag thing just winds me up.
havent been on the board since rorys win and just came onto this thread to read some of the post and by f**k theres some sad pricks on here,how in under god can people not grow up and stop bringing politics in to everything,rory wants to represent everyone and offend no one.
Quote from: GalwayBayBoy on June 18, 2011, 03:51:41 PM
Quote from: Gabriel_Hurl on June 18, 2011, 03:22:43 PM
QuoteSylvain Marveaux has signed for Liverpool on a free transfer. He is a left sided midfielder who played for Rennes

He failed his medical at Anfield.

Newcastle promptly stepped in and signed him on a 5 year deal.

Seems a strange one alright. Fails his medical at Liverpool and Newcastle promptly give him a 5 year contract straight away. Maybe they were just more willing to take a gamble on him staying healthy.

or a gentlemans agreement in that you let us have marveaux we wont stand in your way regards Jose Enrique you just never know.
Quote from: Square Ball on June 18, 2011, 12:34:54 PM
Quote from: boojangles on June 18, 2011, 11:29:55 AM
Best of luck to Rory. Hope he does it. Have Zach Johnson done but Id be happy with 70/1 each way.

agree, hope to god he does it just to shut those Ingerlish and yanks up. No doubt the meeja will have him back to being British as opposed to being Northern Irish if he wins it

i have been watching it on us espn link on my pc and on sky at night and they both are bigging up rory and really hoping he wins it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Spillane
June 17, 2011, 09:39:37 AM
Quote from: isourboydownyet on June 16, 2011, 04:04:12 PM
Quote from: ck on June 14, 2011, 11:19:25 PM
Quote from: Gold on June 14, 2011, 11:14:03 PM
Quote from: ck on June 14, 2011, 08:03:50 PM
Ah cmon lads. I think you are being harsh on McHugh. Yeah he speaks fast and jumps from point to point but he does provide some inside analysis. He will always come up with a few interesting points that you are unlikely to have heard before. Yes, some will just say they are off the wall but for me it just means he is an original thinker. Also - he has managed a team that has won something, unlike other so called pundits!

Compare McHugh to Spillane and Brolly who provide zero analysis or insight and are more content on getting one over on each other. They have never been asked to manage or coach any teams for obvious reasons but they are regulars on the GAA 'talknight' circuit. Says it all really.

Does Spillane not coach Templenoe and put his name forward for the Kerry U-21 job the last few years but aint been given the job

And to be fair to Brolly he's still playin Senior club football

Some craic about him talkin to his kids when on to Newtalk-i'd say he set that up for the craic!

No, as far as I know Spillane was chairman of his club for a while and coached them in one of the low down divisions. As for Brolly, again No, He doesnt play anymore. He played for his club in Belfast a few years back, makes the odd cameo appearance at reserve level these days.

i think you need to do a little more research,the 2 men mentioned do more for the gaa at grass roots level than most of us put together and whats your point regards them being guests on talk nights?

Quote from: ck on June 16, 2011, 10:34:37 PM
5 mins? As I say, he doesnt play any more bar a cameo show, which I'd say suits him rightly.
Who did he play for in Belfast anyway? He was on the radio one evening recently saying that he can't get playing any more and now hopes to come on for the reserves and score winning goals. That's were i got that from.

at 42 he only played 5 mins this year!so what exactly is your argument?
sure dont let facts get in the way,as i said before love them or hate them they have put more into the gaa more than most and that includes the likes of you and me
GAA Discussion / Re: Spillane
June 16, 2011, 04:04:12 PM
Quote from: ck on June 14, 2011, 11:19:25 PM
Quote from: Gold on June 14, 2011, 11:14:03 PM
Quote from: ck on June 14, 2011, 08:03:50 PM
Ah cmon lads. I think you are being harsh on McHugh. Yeah he speaks fast and jumps from point to point but he does provide some inside analysis. He will always come up with a few interesting points that you are unlikely to have heard before. Yes, some will just say they are off the wall but for me it just means he is an original thinker. Also - he has managed a team that has won something, unlike other so called pundits!

Compare McHugh to Spillane and Brolly who provide zero analysis or insight and are more content on getting one over on each other. They have never been asked to manage or coach any teams for obvious reasons but they are regulars on the GAA 'talknight' circuit. Says it all really.

Does Spillane not coach Templenoe and put his name forward for the Kerry U-21 job the last few years but aint been given the job

And to be fair to Brolly he's still playin Senior club football

Some craic about him talkin to his kids when on to Newtalk-i'd say he set that up for the craic!

No, as far as I know Spillane was chairman of his club for a while and coached them in one of the low down divisions. As for Brolly, again No, He doesnt play anymore. He played for his club in Belfast a few years back, makes the odd cameo appearance at reserve level these days.

i think you need to do a little more research,the 2 men mentioned do more for the gaa at grass roots level than most of us put together and whats your point regards them being guests on talk nights?
i find est 1892 to be the best although like all discussion boards there plenty of dung talked
GAA Discussion / Re: Mark Sidebottom
June 14, 2011, 12:48:18 PM
well i have to say i like mark,i have met him a few times through a mutual firend and have to say he's a good lad and is getting better,we have to remember he was a sports reporter first and has been moved in there to replace jimmy smith so it's only natural it will take him time.