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Messages - stibhan

The media, local and international, tonight had a choice between broadcasting a conference from either Adams and Sinn Féin or the McConville family. Despite the fact that they had claimed that we should remember Jean McConville and her family's pain, constantly reminding us of their grief at various stages of this process, they instead chose to go en masse to the Balmoral Hotel and broadcast the Adams conference.

This was never, ever about the victims of the conflict, never about the McConville family. It was the same circus that happened whenever Liam Adams' case went to trial, and the fact that the RUC had tried to turn his daughter into an informant against her uncle rather than take her claims seriously was brushed under the carpet. This was, like that circus, always about journalistic exposure and a media determined to take down Gerry Adams. Once again, they failed.

I think the media should be absolutely ashamed of the way that they have used the clear victims of both cases with regards Adams in recent years. Once Adams' involvement was minimalised in both cases, their interest in the families affected seemed to dry up very, very quickly.
Quote from: Farrandeelin on May 01, 2014, 10:45:46 PM
Quote from: stibhan on May 01, 2014, 10:44:30 PM
So, it's been 24 hours? Any word?

You'd expect something by now all right.

They arrested him at about half eight yesterday according to the twitter account. In these cases if you hold someone without the due process of an extension the law is fairly clear...
So, it's been 24 hours? Any word?
Seven out of the nine teams have a chance, albeit that the likes of Down and Armagh would need to make a massive improvement.

The two worst teams are playing each other but that actually means they might obtain a bit of momentum, which is priceless in championship football. When either Antrim or Fermanagh win then they can build from there.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 22, 2014, 10:54:07 AM
Dragged us to the British Courts.... Jesus wept.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 11, 2014, 12:50:37 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on April 10, 2014, 01:54:56 PM
hear what you are saying Bannside...........but..............democracy is a serious weapon, and in response I would hear the CB say 'put your name forward and let the people decide'.
As for vitriol in those comments on our present management sure i have yet to see any of those involved kicking a single ball thus far (perhaps we would be better served if they had).
Face the facts Bannside we just do not have the talent and I see you do not make comment as to which individuals you feel would bring improvement.
A couple of clubs are way ahead of the pack in our county and it is a fact that the top division is miles ahead of the rest.............which team in division two would even give St Galls, Cargin, or L Dhearg a game?

I quoted you above where you said Baker would 'only have to have his squad dawdling on the ground' and now you're saying that we don't have the talent. I'm not sure what the f**k is going on.
Tonight couldn't have been scripted by George Orwell if he tried. It's an absolute nonsense that McGuinness is currently at Windsor Castle feasting away and acting as if it's in the best interests of the peace process.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
April 08, 2014, 08:42:27 PM
Quote from: country bumpkin on November 05, 2013, 10:20:55 PM
Think Baker will only have to have his squad dawdling on the ground to be a huge improvement on what went before. :P

At intercounty level it has definitely worked but at club level it has been an absolute disaster. A lot of referees have no clue about it and I've seen red card offences go for a black card, and black card offences go for a yellow. Ridiculous.
On twitter the only strong supporters of this move are the GAA hierarchy and Intercounty players/former Intercounty players.

Does anyone think that they have a better idea of the situation than most, or is it just because that group of individuals stand to gain the most?
Meath men complaining about 'targeting' players... the world has turned and left me here!
The social club's victory really could be the win that kickstarts Antrim's season.
Quote from: illdecide on March 31, 2014, 10:26:46 AM
Lustig, Brown, Johansen, Stokes, Van Dyke, Forster, Forrest

Brown maybe, Stokes and Forrest definitely haven't proven that they're capable at that level. Johansen hasn't played for us at that level.
Quote from: Apparently so on March 31, 2014, 12:12:07 AM

Anyhoo, hope to see Lennon giving more of the youngsters some time on the field for the rest of the season. Might as well let the first team have the rest of the season off and get ready for the CL qualifiers. Another three ties to go through this summer again but we will be seeded for all of them so should be handy enough. Maybe another tie against Cliftonville, great win for them yesterday

Need to spend in the summer though. Almost a certainty that Forster will want to leave and quite likely Van Dijk will go for big money as well. I think will need a new GK, a CB, cover for LB and a striker that can trouble top European defenders. I want us to go out and attack next season, enjoy it. Would like to see something like this IF Van Dijk moves on


That team is f**king mental. Stokes as an attacking midfielder and our best player this season dropped? Do you even f**king watch Celtic?

We are going to need cover at centre back and left back, a new goalkeeper, another winger and possibly another midfielder. I wish we could buy another striker but we have far too many at the moment.
They have completely fucked over Setanta here.

But anyway, it's a sad indictment of how the GAA is now being incorporated, and in my opinion could be seen in 10-15 years time as one of the now many steps on the road to professionalism.