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Messages - majestic

General discussion / Re: Living here vs USA, 2015
July 28, 2015, 02:15:24 PM
I'd love to go and live in the US for a couple of years - however have been always put off by the VISA requirements? Is it not very difficult to go across legally - unless you have a firm willing to pay for it? I have a good degree, but fail to see why American companies would incur the cost of taking an Irish person, when there is a decent supply of Americans that would have the same qualifications.
General discussion / Re: Cycling
July 15, 2015, 07:59:54 PM
Just wondering is nibali's performance causing any questions regarding his win last year? I know most of the other big names were out of last years race, but to be so out of touch this year? Just wondering what you more educated cycling fans thought?

I'm wondering if Astana for struggling with the level of scrutiny they must be under given their rep!!
General discussion / Re: Cycling
July 06, 2015, 11:47:25 PM
What exactly happened here, I'm not 100% sure! Did the guy to go down first just lose it or was he clipped by the rider going past him to his right?  Who is at fault?
General discussion / Re: Cycling
June 24, 2015, 03:41:30 PM
Started cycling about two months now - mainly to and from work, but will get out on the odd evening for a longer spin. I was just wondering if anyone had some decent routes for the belfast area. Use the towpath most days in and out of work from Shaws down to the docks, and then out towards lisburn. I've also been out as far as Jordanstown in the opposite direction. Any Suggestions welcome.
General discussion / Re: Car Servicing/Maintaince
June 16, 2015, 11:56:24 AM
Have a bad rattle coming from my exhaust - dropped it into a kwik fit just to see if it could be an easy fix!! told me that the backets are all rusted and have boken off! And that I need a whole new back section (£240) I would have thought you could just get new brackets, and will this cause it to faile MOT? Cheers
General discussion / Re: New York
June 15, 2015, 04:23:30 PM
Pretty sure the odds are zero - as the yellow cabs are a fixed fee to and from JFK! There are some privately run taxi companies that are more expensive! But reckon you should be safe enough if you stick with the yellow ones.
General discussion / Re: Cycling
May 29, 2015, 12:51:22 PM
I've just order the clip in pedals and shoes  for my road bike - bit of a novice really! Longest cycle is 45 miles in exactly three hours! Carrying some extra beef so struggle with the hills - do yous reckon i'll notice much of a difference with the new gear?
General discussion / Re: IS & The IRA
April 22, 2015, 12:05:23 PM
"But there is one key difference in the evolution of both groups. The IRA is no more, having declared a ceasefire, decommissioned its arms and in a remarkable political accommodation, entered a power sharing government in Belfast with its old enemies. "

Was it Sinn Fein or the IRA that entered the power sharing government?
General discussion / Re: Excel Questions
April 10, 2015, 01:57:59 PM

That should work if i understand what you are looking to do! the logic test will check if the vlookup will return an error (value not in the list), if that is true, then it will give the value using the second vlookup using the second column, and if there is no error it will use the original column!

Probably haven't explained that in the best way...
General discussion / Re: Excel Questions
April 10, 2015, 12:30:25 PM
About 350k! I've set it off to run, it didn't like the triple quotation, so i added another and it seems to be going ok!
General discussion / Re: Excel Questions
April 10, 2015, 10:50:25 AM

Hoping someone can help me with abit of vba, I need to find and replace alot of data, if i just use the standard across the entire sheet, its to big and excel just crashes. It's usually just done using the find and replace on a column by column basis! each column takes 15/20 mins before i can start the next. So i was thinking a macro could be written to just set this off once that can be left until they are all done. I was thinking of using the following:
Sub Replace"()
    Columns("A:BZ").Replace    What:=""", _
                            Replacement:="", _
                            LookAt:=xlPart, _
                            SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, _
                            MatchCase:=False, _
                            SearchFormat:=False, _
End Sub

I was wondering if anyone knows whether this will run on a column by column basis or is it likely to crash just like the standard find and replace?
General discussion / Re: Body Transformations
December 18, 2014, 12:36:51 PM
I have started half of what you plan to do! About 7 months ago I started weight training! Strength training to be specific! Much the same as Gallsman, it centred around the squat and bench (to start: i could only commit two days per week due to work and exams commitments) This started with a 4-6 week adaptation program.

Which was two sets of 10 at a weight that I was just starting to struggle with the the final reps on the second set! Exercises are: Squat, bench and straight leg deadlift. I also started to work on my pull ups! I couldn't do one, but used resistance bands to assist.

Once the adaption phase was over - i got my 1RM, and worked at 85% if this doing three sets of 5, adding on 5kg to the squat and 2.5 to the bench each week. SLDL stayed at 2 sets of 10 reps. All the while doing assisted pullups.

When no longer able to complete 5 reps, drop it to 3 to continue pushing the weight up.

About two months ago I was able to commit to the 3rd day of training, so i have included the Deadlift and overhead press into my Routine. A- day = squat+bench B-day =Deadlift + overhead press. Pullups are now at the stage where i can complete 45-50 thought the session in sets of 5 with no assistance.

My aim is to get to 2.5*bw on the deadlift, 2*bw on the squat and 1.5*bw on the bench. I'm nearly there with the squat and bench but have a long way to go with the deadlift.

However my diet is still poor and I definitely don't do enough cardio, Pre season will be torture, but hopefully my strength work can eliminate injury problems I've had in the past.

The beauty in the program I follow is the simplicity - easy to follow and can be done in under an hour if you cut out the standing around chatting.

Although the biggest piece of advice I can give anyone is get a committed training partner.  You will both drag each other along and it makes it 10 times easier.

Goal for the future is to continue to make gains, steadily improve the diet and get back running for football.
General discussion / Re: Car Servicing/Maintaince
July 22, 2014, 02:14:50 PM
Quote from: 93-DY-SAM on July 22, 2014, 01:24:28 PM
Quote from: majestic on July 22, 2014, 01:18:13 PM
I have a 2006 Mazda 3 TS. 1.6 Petrol. It seems to be driving fine, but if sometimes going around a corner if the oil warning light comes on and then goes away again as soon as i exit the corner. I haven't noticed any oil spots on the ground after I have been parked for awhile. Has anyone got any suggestions as too what it might be? Thanks

I'm guessing you have checked your oil level?

General discussion / Re: Car Servicing/Maintaince
July 22, 2014, 01:18:13 PM
I have a 2006 Mazda 3 TS. 1.6 Petrol. It seems to be driving fine, but if sometimes going around a corner if the oil warning light comes on and then goes away again as soon as i exit the corner. I haven't noticed any oil spots on the ground after I have been parked for awhile. Has anyone got any suggestions as too what it might be? Thanks
General discussion / Re: Running
July 05, 2014, 09:25:48 AM
I was on the board a couple of weeks ago looking to know if anyone had any experience of compartment syndrome. I went ahead with the surgery 11 days ago (bilateral fasciotomy) and I just thought I would share that the early results have seem to be positive. Before the surgery I was unable to jog/run/brisk walk for anything more than 6/7 mins without extreme pain leaving me having to rest until the pain subsided to continue. I have now been able to do 15/20 mins brisk walk with no pain and feeling like I could go further (not wanting to do too much too soon). Anyway I just thought I would share the results incase anyone was interested/suffering from the same thing and unsure about taking the leap for surgery. I'm looking forward to getting back running and playing football.