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Messages - bingobus

Fart out loud  ;D

And don't go hiding, lads we all do it but I suspect some probably do it in her presence as well. Real hard men.  :D
So much shite in his interview ith Sky. They are sadly deluded if they think that the club is worth 600-800m based on the fact that they have planning permission for a stadium in a green field. Idiots.

The reality is nearer that the best scenerio made be for RBS to take control and sell the club from under these two clowns.
Wayne Rooney attempts to fit into the Tyrone way of life have yet to convince Mickey Harte that he's worth a place in the championship squad.
Quote from: sammymaguire on May 26, 2010, 04:17:55 PM
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on May 26, 2010, 02:40:43 PM
September 11th

9/11 - jeez man  ??? :o

At least he'll get a few reminders in the run up to the anniversary.
Seen this on some footie forums and its been dismissed as an Urban Myth and even seen a link where the Metro police (London?) had dismissed it outright as been a story created by BNP/NF to stir racial tensions after a poor show in the elections.

But must be something to it if Maddog seen it first hand.
Quote from: Chris agus Snoop on May 26, 2010, 10:48:44 AM
I'm from Cork so I wouldn't know, but there seems to be a few N I posters on here so i'll ask: Is there any sort of movement from the protestant community towards taking part in GAA in the north? Or is still considered taboo? Would catholic GAA people have a problem if a protestant started training with their club?

Depends if he was any good or not  ;)
Nothing new really in Moores letter. Basically he looking for some sympathy without having to say "sorry, we fucked up" or "I have a plan to put it right".

Looking at various forums, he isn't getting what he desired, only more abuse and anger directed at him. The chairman of a multimillion pound business admitting that he didn't know how to use a computer!

Flying to over to a game last year, i was sitting beside a Liverpool season ticket holder who admitted himself he had a few quid and was well travelled. In 2005 he stayed in same hotel as the Liverpool squad with his son and said that in the days before the game that Moores and Parry where in the hotel but he said that they looked like dodgy ticket touts dressed in tracksuits, shorts, cheap supporters T-Shirts and that from the outside looking in, their appearance give the impression of an amateurish set-up in comparison to the other suits in attendence from the media world, Uefa and other clubs in attendence. He said he wasn't surprised at the f**k up they made of the sale from that experience of seeing them on the biggest stage for a club team.
Thats madness is fairness! I can only imagine how this will highlight the issue and play into the hands of the BNP and NF, I'd expect a busy world cup for the coppers over there and plenty of "incidents" round the actual matches.
Quote from: GrandMasterFlash on May 25, 2010, 12:55:57 PM
Quote from: donelli on May 25, 2010, 12:51:45 PM
Any word where the season ticket holders will be accomadated at Casement?
Havet seen any comments regarding Tyrone supporters tickets in Casement last Sunday...
I'm led to believe the game is not all ticket.

  I doubt very much if it will be all-ticket. I was there on Sunday and there was c. 18k at it. Casment holds somewhere in the mid 20s I think so I can't see there being a capacity issue. Don't know about the season ticket holders but I'd imagine the choice would be the covered stand or the seated area along the A'town road end.

Only seated, covered stand is all-ticket and tickets are very limited from the county board - €27 each.
Good to see young Duffy will be ok.

Sunday night we had a Junior game and I'd be over the team. Brother playing midfield and right at end of game he takes an almighty shoulder charge in the back from a lad trying to drive him over the line. He's struggling for air but goes back out to finish game. Back in the dressing room and he's in a heap in the corner and struggling to breath. I get him in car and drive to the DOC-on-call service in the town, him near passing out on car, get him in and the Doc is straight onto the ambulance to come.

All I could think off is the Duffy fella from Friday. Was scary stuff.

He actually punctured his lung and they put a tube in his side on Sunday and he's still in hospital but shows how easy these things happen.
General discussion / Re: LOST (TV Show)
May 24, 2010, 05:01:37 PM
Did the polar bear re-appear?  ;D
In relation to calling for boycotts (many in SOS and on LFC forums have called for them), it is a very sensitive issue. If the tickets aren't taken up by usual people, then they'll just be sold to people who won't boycott or are ignorant to it. You need people/season ticket holders to take up their option on tickets but not turn up ie leave the stadium as empty as possible. To me thats the only workable way of doing it. Send the message to sponsors and the owners whats happening and what will happen.

A boycott has to be done right and at the first attempt to get peopel to trust it and go through with it the second time. A few thousand wouldn't be missed in OT or even Anfield, you would need a massive buy-in of at least 10,000 plus. That is the big reluctance to do one. It has been nailed on first go.

On LFC forums other plans would include a mass walkout after start of second half, again hard to trust people to go through with it.
Quote from: Boycey on May 24, 2010, 03:15:36 PM

Thats where I've said we should go.....

By the way, United could sell no replicas jerseys this summer and it would make no difference they (as will all the top clubs) have signed a deal with Nike that pays them X amount every season over the course of the deal and are not reliant on individual jersey sales

You think thats right? I'm sure there is some sort of performance related clause in most of these contracts?
If not then at the very least falling sales of replica's/other kit would have a major bearing when renewal of that contract comes up - talking millions - plus the shirt sponsor would also look for a major discount if the main outlet for their branding is not been sold at the levels expected - again talking millions.
Quote from: The Real Laoislad on May 21, 2010, 03:05:09 PM
I've never seen Wilson play either...or Wilson FC for that matter bingobus ;)

LOL  :-[ Get castaway on DVD this weekend so, he played a blinder and outshone Tom Hanks imho.