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Messages - rory

GAA Discussion / Re: Benny Retires
November 25, 2014, 10:35:16 AM
Quote from: T O Hare on November 25, 2014, 02:28:26 AM
We are very lucky in Mayobridge to have him. Thirds and u21 manager along with u14 coach. Also chairman of our strictly committee which is taking place in February. A great role model for our club, county and our organisation.

That leaves you as the only legend still playing for the 'Bridge......
GAA Discussion / Re: The Roscommon Bus
July 02, 2014, 09:36:29 AM
I saw the bus down at the Feile.  Did they use it to ferry their Feile teams about over the weekend?  Or did they just park it up on the Sunday to show it off :)
Quote from: J OGorman on June 25, 2014, 12:04:57 PM
how does this act compare to spitting? spitting seems to be the act most seem to think is the lowest of the low

Christiano Ronaldo has twice been involved in spitting incidents and Fellaini spat this year too, so spitting obviously isn't that big of a proper clubs.
Lots of hypocritcal Utd fans having their fun at the minute.

I can't condone what Suarez did and he deserves a ban but this guy was welcomed back by their 'proper club' and is still revered as a hero......

Eric Cantona
His disciplinary problems began in 1987 when he was fined for punching team mate Bruno Martini in the face
The following year, Cantona was again in trouble because of a dangerous tackle on Nantes player Michel Der Zakarian, resulting in a three-month suspension
In January 1989 during a friendly game against Torpedo Moscow he kicked the ball at the crowd, then ripped off and threw away his shirt after being substituted. His club responded by banning him for a month
Just a few months earlier, he had been banned from international matches for one year after insulting the national coach Henri Michel on TV
At Montpellier, he was involved in a fight with team-mate Jean-Claude Lemoult and threw his boots in Lemoult's face. The incident led to six players demanding that Cantona be sacked. However, with the support of team-mates such as Laurent Blanc and Carlos Valderrama, the club retained his services, although they banned him from the ground for ten days
In December 1991, during a match for Nîmes he threw the ball at the referee, having been angered by one of his decisions. He was summoned to a disciplinary hearing by the French Football Federation and was banned for one month. Cantona responded by walking up to each member of the hearing committee in turn and calling him an idiot. His ban was increased to two months
And of course the Kung Fu kick

That's 7 incidents.  OK maybe only a couple are as bad as a bite, but would a 'proper club' really want a player like this?
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
June 10, 2014, 02:21:48 PM
Quote from: Walter Cronc on June 10, 2014, 12:41:55 PM
Great to see the Ireland U20 side reach the Junior World Cup Semi Finals.

They topped their group which included France, Wales and Fiji.

On Sunday they play England (reigning champions) for a place in the final against either South Africa or the hosts New Zealand.

Players to look out for include Cian Kelleher (Leinster 15), Gary Ringrose (Leinster 13), Ross Byrne (Leinster 10) and Jack O'Donoghue (Munster 8.

Ireland - Argentina on Saturday night, followed by World Cup football til 1am and then up again at 6am for the JWC semi final.   :o
From Emre Can's wikipedia page:

'The bloke has clean off tekkers ineh'.

So that's a good thing.... I think.....
Down / Re: Down Club Hurling & Football
May 27, 2014, 12:35:04 PM
Quote from: supersub on May 27, 2014, 11:19:21 AM
Quote from: Predictor on May 27, 2014, 12:09:43 AM
Anyone any dates r hear when any of the championships will start for senior r reserve

While speaking of championship will last years junior & inter championship winners tecconaught & drumgath going to end up like prev years winners warrenpoint & dundrum who got relegrated the next season

Sometime in June from what I hear.

June 12th - 15th
General discussion / Re: Classic YouTube
April 17, 2014, 08:52:32 AM
British Pathe have uploaded 85 000 videos to youtube.  Some good football and hurling ones included:

It's all a bit 'British' but some good videos all the same.
Johnathan Pryce (probably cos Brazil is my favourite movie)
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Colleges
February 25, 2014, 02:00:12 PM
Colmans - Omagh replay:

FT 1-11 each
ET Omagh 1-14 - Colmans 1-13

Sounds like an unbelievable game

Colmans missed a penalty in the second period of ET
GAA Discussion / Re: Updated Disciplinary System
November 06, 2013, 04:07:07 PM
So, if you are about to sub a player off, he might as well commit a black card offence......
GAA Discussion / Re: Galway v Armagh
July 19, 2013, 05:05:18 PM
will there be much issue with parking tomorrow considering the crowd won't be huge.  i've heard nightmare stories about parking round there for games (clamping etc).  Any advice?
Saw this piece the other day on Reddit:

At the pinnacle of sports, nobody is clean, just a bullshit illusion.

Sprinters use mostly:

    hGH at a fairly low dose. The low dose is to avoid gaining water weight (or even excessive muscle weight) which would slow them down. It is mostly used to enhance recovery, allow them to tolerate more volume of work and MOSTLY for tendon strethening/repair. Sprinters are like F1 racing cars: high performance but break VERY easily. A common approach is 4-6IU EOD.

    Insulin. This is to facilitate recovery by enhancing glycogen resynthesis following training. It isn't used all the time; mostly after the most grueling training days (e.g. a day where they would have both high volume track work and strength training)... sprinters normally strength train 3 or 4 days a week, so they use insulin 3-4 days a week on average. (Dont try this at home, insulin is very dangerous if you dont know what you are doing)

    EPO. The role of EPO for improving endurance is well known. For that reason it is mostly associated with endurance athletes and it is often assumed that it doesn't give anything to the power/strength athlete. That is not true. EPO allows one to tolerate a greater overall volume of work and increases the rate of recovery. In performance athletics, drugs are mostly used to allow the athlete to train more often and with more volume.

    Testosterone. Some synthetic steroids might be used far away from competition (if the athlete doesn't live in a country that conducts random testing) but testosterone is the most comonly used AAS to improve strength and power. It is much easier to pass the drug tests when using testosterone, especially since some natural compounds can decrease the testo/Epitesto ratio that is used to test for testostetone use. A lot of athletes can get away with 50mg of testosterone propionate or suspension every 3 days without testing positive... some races can even use much higher doses of testosterone than that because they lack the enzyme UGT2B17 which increases testosterone excretion in the urine. Approximately 60% of Asians have very low levels of this enzyme. More than 50% of the individuals having low levels of enzymes can take 300-400mg of testosterone per week and not test positive.

Obviously athletes from countries with a rich track and field support program use more exotic compounds that are harder to detect.

The only reason Ben Johnson tested positive for stanozolol/winstrol is that he and Charlie Francis (his coach) didn't know that he was taking winstrol!

    Johnson never liked winstrol, the few times he used it it gave him severe joint pain which reduced his capacity to train.

    Charlie Francis went on record saying that he knew exactly how long before the last winstrol intake you needed to wait to avoid testing positive for it (harder now since the tests are more precise).

What happened is that Dr.Astafan told Francis and Johnson that he could get them furazabol. At that time furazabol was not detectable (a doping test doesn't scan for ''steroids''... it needs the exact molecule or it's metabolite to know what to search).

So all 3 believed that Johnson could continue taking it right up to the race whereas the other sprinters had to stop whatever they were using 10-14 days before, enough to get a small performance decrement that could make a big difference in placings.

The problem is that the furazabol they bought was actually relabeled winstrol sold for 4-5 times the price.

The anti-doping procedures are fairly strict now. In the information age, any stunt like that (pouring the piss down the drain) would eventually surface.


    Many countries/federation do ''home tests'' for their athletes. So they know EXACTLY when they need to stop using XYZ substance and which one they can keep taking without testing positive. Each physiology is different so this gives top athletes (as it is very expensive) the insurance of being able to use without risking testing positive.

    A lot of the people who design drug tests are hired by some countries/federation to explain how to beat the tests.

    A urine test needs to know the exact chemical structure that they are testing for. It can either be a drug itself or it's metabolites. Any decent chemist can make slight modification to the structure of a drug to make it undetectable (e.g. the clear).

Believe me, nobody wants unbeatable tests. Why?

    If all of a sudden you can test everybody who uses drugs with 100% efficacy, the winning numbers or speed would drop by about 10% across the board. This will make the decades of abuse obvious as performance levels will go back to what they were around 1960-1970. No sport federation, or the IOC wants that.

    We have been used to a certain level of sporting performance. Why are people who don't give a sh*t about track keep talking about Bolt's 100 and 200m records? Because they boggle the mind... if all of a sudden nobody runs below 10s the general interest will drop... we could say the same about baseball for example. After the 1 year strike people lost interest and the next year's crowd started VERY low... what saved the season (financially speaking)? The McGuire/Sosa home run race. People like unimaginable feats... they want to see 60 home run hitters... you wont see that anymore. Notice that all the new baseball stadiums are very small... in Miami they have a 35 000 people capacity... during the home run craze you could see averages of 50 000 people per game.

    Sports is fueled by money:

    Players want more money... to get it they need (1) to outperform their rivals (2) for the teams to make a lot of money (if the teams don't make money, they cannot spend it on the players).

    Owners want to make money, so they need to pull more people to the stadium.

    The leagues want more money (which is spread over to the teams) so they need big TV contracts.

    The TV channels want more money and they get it by selling TV ads. The more viewer there are, the more they can charge for the air time.

    The comissioners want to make more money and their salary is based on how much money the teams make.

The KEY if everybody is gonna make money is general interest... not the die hard fans who will come no matter what but rather the guys who are on the fence and need something special to go to games, watch them on TV and buy team stuff.

If overall performance goes down, so does general interest. Less people watch the sport on TV, companies will spend less in advertisement, the league make less TV money, the teams receive less transfer, they have less money to invest in the players, etc.

    Coaches/trainers do not want effective tests either because people will realise that they aren't the geniuses people thought they were.

NOBODY want clean sport.
What way are the divisions drawn?

Division 1 had teams from Tyrone, Dublin, Laois, Galway, Kildare, Kerry, Cork, New York and then 8 teams from host County Derry.

Is that the way it works every year, or is there any sort of relegation / promotion?  (For instance Burren from Down won Div 2, does that mean next years Down champs will be in Div 1?)

Or are the Divisions just randomly drawn?
General discussion / Re: The IRISH RUGBY thread
June 13, 2013, 09:35:10 PM
Looks like Ireland will miss out on points difference cos England had USA in their group and were able to rack up the score.  Really unfair considering the performances of the Irish team.  They were definitly worth a place in the semis.