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Messages - brendanbelfast

January 05, 2015, 03:52:18 PM
I'd say there was 400 - 500 there yesterday.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 05, 2015, 03:51:04 PM
Gerard Walls plays midfield for LD, but was previously a keeper for them (and an Irish league keeper too). Obviously FF knows him well from club football and sees him as a viable choice for keeper. Fair enough, he did well yesterday. Be good to have 2 reliable keepers on board (at least) come NFL. I assume Ronan Hanna will also be on the panel, did v well for U21s last year.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
January 05, 2015, 11:54:53 AM
It was an OK game overall, both teams had lots of men pulled back so there was a lot of rugby league stuff on display. We didn't break them down enough, or break enough tackle, though Laverty was good at that - like Loughrey lite - he can definitely come good this year. Took his goal very well. The goal was built on patience and passing, after a string of sideways and backwards passes CJ hit a beauty into Conor Murray and that opened them up. CJ was v influential in a deeper role, pulling strings looking for openings and encouraging those around him.

Walls was strong in goals, kick outs had distance if not much variety. Tony Scullion added a bit of stability when he came on for second half and Magill remains a solid option up front, the ball still sticks!

The match was worth going to - but oh man, is it ever warm at Creggan????
December 18, 2014, 11:15:00 PM
Actually yep - it must be a reference to Bob Murray. And its a good question too, or was Bob not part of the MORA objectors? (Maybe he was just the social club rep?)
December 18, 2014, 10:59:09 PM
Yeah - who is BM?
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 24, 2014, 04:00:22 PM
Yes its a city wide issue and I guess work / university comes into play in a couple of years for these guys. Maybe their pedigree will produce more stickability in this case.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 24, 2014, 10:10:32 AM
I was down at that one Bannside, what a match. Probably one of the best games I've seen all season. Pity for the young Brigids players that they fell just short - by inches - but it was heartening to see an Antrim team going toe to toe with apparent 'hot favourites' and giving it everything.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 19, 2014, 10:48:25 PM
With this amount of disaffection it will be interesting to peruse the volume and variety of nominations from clubs for the key positions on County Executive. All zero of them.

Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
November 16, 2014, 09:56:47 PM
Bannside  - I was at the Game For Anto last night, it was a terrific occasion all round. A few observations, the Dubs going forward ar a joy to watch. Even in mid November, during what was essentially a challenge match, their pace if lightening quick,

There were some great passages of play, doe great skills on show and well taken scores. Jamie Clarke is a delight to watch too. From our point of view, Mick McCann stood out, he more than held his own in midfield and chipped in with 1.1, the goal was a brilliant strike at the end of a solo run more associated with his younger brother. KOBO when he came on shone as well, cut out some great balls headed the way of Kevin McManamon.McKeever did ok when on, plenty of running and Paddy C chipped in with a cheeky point when he came on. I know it was a challenge game, but better to see Antrim players playing well than badly.

One thing I was disappointed with was the size of the crowd. I know the media are reporting on the 'the great support' etc, but 6,000? I thought more people would have shown up. I know there are conflicting events (a dinner dance is a fair reason...) but honestly I can hardly think of a reason no tot have been there.

As for Ravenhill, great venue and the security staff / stewards....a permanent smile on their faces and 'can I help you?' on the lips. Very enjoyable night.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 30, 2014, 03:18:59 PM
Quote from: country bumpkin on September 30, 2014, 01:15:33 PM
So why a Saturday Brendan? Can it be because the little guys aren't very keen on the football?

I have no idea why, but I think its a good time for a final.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 30, 2014, 11:13:12 AM
Quote from: country bumpkin on September 29, 2014, 11:27:33 PM
We still on a 'never on a Sunday theme' for the footballers Brendan? Sure why not a Monday evening in December?

A Monday evening in December wouldn't make any sense.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 29, 2014, 05:25:34 PM
Senior football final scheduled for 18th October.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 12, 2014, 03:01:43 PM
Glen - if this

'A major overhaul is required, there has to be a will to accept that (which isn't there) and it needs resources (they aren't there either it seems.) We are in dark days.'

is glossing over, I'd hate to read an honest assessment.
Antrim / Re: Antrim Football Thread
September 12, 2014, 11:24:40 AM
We are at a low ebb alright. Brendan Crossan may have some valid points but boy does he love having a go at Antrim in his column.

I'm not sure that giving Aidan O'Rourke a blank cheque and a 5 year term was the right answer, he didn't exactly lift Louth to new heights. And in a roundabout way maybe Fitzy is well placed to work with the current crop having looked after the U21s for the last 2 seasons. However we got to where we are Frank and his team deserve support at this stage. We should recall that we had a terrific - if scary - win over Fermanagh and were competitive V Donegal for half a game. Our U21s put in 2 strong performances V Armagh. The raw materials would appear to be there.

But I'm not glossing over anything, a major overhaul is required, there has to be a will to accept that (which isn't there) and it needs resources (they aren't there either it seems.) We are in dark days. 
June 30, 2014, 12:32:19 AM