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Messages - Aghdavoyle

Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 27, 2007, 06:39:10 PM

Dromintee were out of existence for a long time and reformed in the early eighties
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 18, 2007, 07:07:36 PM



Quote from: pintsofguinness on April 18, 2007, 06:40:40 PM
I'm embarrassed for him, it's even more embarrassing than the big picture they've stuck to the window of the house  ::)

Now that is David Brent central
Quote from: Harold Disgracey on April 18, 2007, 04:05:56 PM
I thought this shit was finished.

Permit me on last comment on the Dromintee/Portadown game.

This is an incident that should not have happened, but there is no doubt as to who the instigators/aggressors were and it wasn't the home team.

The issue that has prompted some new Tír na nÓg posters to comment is the scandalous accusation that 15-20 drunken supporters rushed on to the field to attack the poor wee innocent Dromintee players. Absolute bullshit. The Tír na nÓg players were most definitely sober, I can't comment on the crazed Dromintee lunatics.

The fact of the matter is that a small number of spectators form both sides managed to get on the field as the referee was exiting the gates, again this should not have happened.

I can only guess at the reasons for Dromintee contributors posting this crap, but I know the source.

A question for the aesthetically challenged ones.

Would you care to comment on the crass death threats made to one of our players on the field and in subsequent phone calls to the club?

Good man Harold.

there's nothing like a good bout of absolute shite talk to disturb the hornets nest.

sequence of events:

players had handbags on pitch and it blows over. happens everywhere.

Tir nan nog "supporters" (questionable sobriety) come onto the pitch and all hell breaks loose.

5 minutes later all is over.

Stop making stuff up.

who cares.
GAA Discussion / Re: All Ireland U21 semis
April 18, 2007, 10:13:03 AM

Is everyone travelling sunday? been to the three games so far but not sure if i'll go to portlaois on sunday. none of my mates who all went to the previous games are going either so if thats the trend, there could be a smaller support than normal for the u21s
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 17, 2007, 04:41:17 PM

Noone i've spoken to sawa kick either. is it possible there was accidental contact when he hurdled your man on the ground to get the ball?

Quote from: Tir na nÓg on April 17, 2007, 04:25:43 PM
At the end of the day like someone has already mentioned if Dromintee would have scored a goal in the last few minutes and won there would have been no fighting, they would have shaken hands and said hard luck lads but because they were beat they couldn't take it. Sore losers.

crystal ball gazing now. so there was a massive punch up last year when tir na nog beat dromintee too then?
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 17, 2007, 04:15:23 PM
McKee was as bad for both sides. are you really complaining that he took no action over something he didn't see. the umpire consultation would've went as follows:

tirnanog umpire: "he punched him". dromintee umpire "he never touched him".

edit - i never saw any kick, nor has anyone mentioned one til now. clean tackle from where i stood.
Armagh / Portydown
April 17, 2007, 03:56:54 PM

Was there a free kick given for this alleged "assault"? Bear in mind McKee is virtually a non contact ref... Fair shoulder, your man was knocked over and dropped the ball.

You are obviously an idiot.

Do the decent thing and delete your brand new account
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 16, 2007, 10:57:42 PM
Quote from: tackle on April 16, 2007, 10:35:21 PM
Quote from: banjoz on April 16, 2007, 10:13:06 PM
>:(  I would just like to say I was present at the game on Sunday and contrary to what is being said on this web site there was certainly no one drunk on the pitch - as the social club was not even open until after the match.  This mayhem resulted in Dromintee not being able to take a beaten.  I was more than surprised at sheer lack of sportsmanship.  I was standing beside some Dromintee supporters who themselves were disgusted.  The person in question with the ginger hair from Dromintee, was beside me one minute and seconds later was like a mad man on the pitch throwing punches left, right and centre. 

When the two teams went to either end of the pitch, a member of our female team tried to help the situation by opening the bottom gate and she  was bombarded with abuse from the Dromintee team itself, who totally showed themselves up.

This is from someone who was at the match, not someone telling the story second and third hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have heard on second hand accounts about what was said to the woman at the bottom gate and it wasn on.

would yis ever catch a grip o yerselves

what has any of this nonsense got to do with drunken supporters coming onto a pitch to assault the away team?

making stuff up doesn't cut it. there was a fella on the main gate to the pitch all day... even when the teams went out to warm up. even then he opened and closed only one side as people entered and exited (learning from previous bad experience i presume). when the game was over he had mysteriously disappeared and both sides of the gate were wide open.

The ginger boy was on the sideline the whole game so you would have had a job standing beside him for any part of the game. if you want to start identifying people i could post the name of 4 of the crowd of scumbags that came through the gate, including the boy with the ripped cheque shirt and jeans and one other who were the main culprits.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 16, 2007, 06:46:28 PM
With the greatest of respect pog, thats a well peddled line against the o'rourkes, marty especially. i've been watching dromintee a long time and i've never seen marty o'rourke throw a dirty dig. he is very physical and robust, goes for everything, takes every opportunity to hit the opposition in the tackle and is a cantankerous fcuker but i've never seen him throw a box or kick anyone on the ground. it certainly didn't happen yesterday. obviously he's very difficult for the opposition to deal with and keep their composure and he played well for the brief period he was on yesterday. aidan just gets on with playing football. cathal on the other hand gets involved when he shouldn't and after roasting the full back in the first half got some tight "treatment" in the second. rightly so. that led to 3 or 4 skirmishes with his marker. cathal is singled out for blame on forums like this without mention of the ogs man because noone knows who the ogs player is.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 16, 2007, 06:36:10 PM
Never heard as much shite in my life.

dromintee sent a county player on with 5 minutes to go while a point down just to start a row?

your summation of events doesn't even mention the drunken tir na nog "supporters" coming onto the field and assaulting dromintee players?

says it all about your agenda
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 16, 2007, 06:02:26 PM

despite your pathetic attempts at justification, there was nothing dirty about the game. marty played the game as he always does and most defenders find him difficult to cope with. certainly the tir na nog players didn't appear to have any problems with him other than football ones.

write up as much propaganda as you like but those are the facts. the state of the drunks on the field (and trying to start on elderly dromintee supporters on the crowd) was disgraceful. tir na nog club shoul be held accountable for allowing so many hooligans through the gate onto the field of play.
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
April 16, 2007, 05:13:46 PM

Good clean game of football all through then there was a bit of handbags at the final whistle. muchado about nothing and it all blew over. then 15 or 20 drunkards came onto the field as the teams were shaking hands and all hell broke loose. tir na nog players were mostly trying to stop it and get their social club members off the pitch. disgraceful, but sure nothing will be done as usual so there'll be no reason not to do it the next time again.
GAA Discussion / Re: Armagh Vs Down
March 21, 2007, 01:42:39 PM

I was simply going on the fact that McKinney was armagh's first choice keeper last year until he excused himself from the panel for personal reasons and therefore assumed he would continue with that status
GAA Discussion / Re: Armagh Vs Down
March 21, 2007, 12:19:11 PM

Arguably the cross lads won't strengthen the armagh team at all. obviously if francie was fully fit he'd be at full back but the talk is still of him having to have an op after cross's run. aaron will come straight into the team but the majority will tell you that his style starves the forwards and his defensive frailties weaken the defense as a whole. oisin has been a great servant but i don't think he's fit to make the same impact over 70 minutes of county football any more.
GAA Discussion / Re: Armagh Vs Down
March 21, 2007, 11:50:29 AM

Normally i'd say down have no chance in a game like this but i'm afraid this sunday could be a bit of a waterloo for armagh's league status. this time last year there was a double header with armagh playing down in the u21s and seniors in consecutive days and the talk was off down finishing armagh off.