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Messages - Nally Stand

It's possible to answer without being continually smug and sarcastic. And i never said we couldn't cope i said it wouldn't b appropriate. You're an awful man for putting words in my mouth. As for freedom i don't regard a partitioned Ireland as a free Ireland. Something I will never apologise for. As for what freedoms how about the freedom to have my taxes paid to the Irish Government, freedom to vote for Irish presidents, freedom from the fear of british gov and her majestys forces collusion should the..
P.S. As for your photo op remark. If they aren't foolish enough to provide such an opportunity and be seen as ass licking, how come they still happily fill news column inches to talk about how big an honour it would be to have this lovely little woman visit us?
It may not have been a republic in 1916 when half of Dublin flew the union jack in response to the Rising - the flags still flew. You haven't answered my question as to how a tax payer funded reception for her would be more self-demeaning than not inviting her? And your the first Irish "republican" ive heard say Ireland is a free country. Not yet hardy. Maybe when it is I would b happier for a british monarch to walk around dublin. As for contacts with the Uk, if it is of tangible benefit, i'm all for it.
Firstly Hardy, while a few somehow agree that she should b allowed to visit (on invitation from FF) you have once again come out with a claim that makes the mind boggle. How would not inviting her be self-demeaning but spending tax payers money (however little) and having people wave little union jacks and bowing before this little old woman not self-demeaning? And Lynchbhoy, if she has done nothing wrong, does this mean her honouring of the individual bloody sunday soldiers was right?
Incidentally, next month SF will host a full weekend conference in london at trade union congress on the theme of Irish unity. It will b addressed by british MPs, Trade union leaders, unionist MLAs, journalists, & a former london mayor for example. It aims to discuss what form a 32 county republic would take & to persuade unionists and people of influence in Britain of the advantages that a united Ireland would bring. I wonder what the other "republican" parties have planned for Feb to advance Irish unity?
It came from my point that FF are hardly putting much energy into Irish unity if they are encouraging Irish people to greet liz and fly little union jacks in Dublin. This discussion came about by comparing the Irish Republican credentials of SF and FF.
I'm being entirely consistent in my argument. I also notice that you go fact have given up on my argument on what Irish republicanism is. As for her visit, i stand totally by my they that under the current circumstances it is not in the spirit of Irish Republicanism to invite her while she has not apologised and while partitionism exists. If FF are republicans, how to they see such a visit as enhancing the argument for Irish unity?
I'm not here to suggest circumstances in which she should visit. I'm here to say that the current circumstances don't accomodate it and yet the "republicans" in the dail are crying out for this visit. And opinions on a band do not compare to central definitions of political ideology. I think if you asked 100 people both questions there would be a wide range of answers for favourite band and a consistent answer about what Irish Republicanism is about which is why your argument lacks any real credibility.
Read my last message re an apology. Don't forget hardy. A republic is a type of state. Irish Republicanism is a complex political ideology and despite all your denials, if you go outside now and ask 100 people what it's main basis is, i'd safely say over 90 and probably all of them will tell you it is about getting a united Ireland.
I didn't use the word fear once. I don't think it is appropriate though. She still claims part of Ireland in her kingdom and still has not apologised for awarding medals of bravery to her troops who murdered 14 civil rights protesters in Derry, or apologised for her forces involvement in collusion. That is aside from the argument. I didn't say it would effect the status of the 26 counties as a republic once. While she claims to be queen of any part of Ireland it isn't very republican to invite her here.
I don't think i have to take past i a red herring argument on defining Irish republicanism. It is generally accepted by the population (just not hardy) that partition is the central part. And if we want to talk about the other "republican" parties, the SDLP takes an oath to the british queen while the southern big two have been tripping over themselves for 3 years to invite this monarch to parade around dublin. One FF cllr in a UCD debate argued for rejoining the british commonwealth. Republican???
If I an entitled to, why then say "don't think you will be allowed" to get away with spouting pro SF "nonsense". Any why come up with points to counter an argument i didn't make. Not once did i suggest that all republicans support SF. However your claim that the SDLP and FF have as many republicans as SF is laughable. It wasn't I who nicknamed the SDLP the stoop down low party. A label it earnt for itself for its willingness to bend the knee to unionism. As for FF, my earlier post covered its partitionism
It's the central core of modern Irish Republicanism. And your post makes no sense. The diff is that while FF only run for gov south of the border, SF run for gov on both sides of the border.
Irish Republicans are anti partitionist. How about i take as an example FF which has the the gall to call itself "the republican party". Last year one FF td condemned people from the south as being unpatriotic for spending their money in shops north of the border. At a debate last year in UCD argued in a debate in favour of Ireland rejoining the british commonwealth. They are a party which continually refuses to stand candidates in the 6 counties. I could go on.
I never said it would harm aspirations for a united ireland but it would b a problem for achieving it without republicans having a political party to mandate. And SF still at local level made gains and only had their growth slowed by a huge FG vote which was in protest at FFs handling of the recession. This trend of main opposition parties making gains was repeated around the world mid recession. And pints SF is activist based dont forget. Every party has activists it cud do without, SF no more than others.