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Messages - Nally Stand

Agree 100% zap. Just hope ardmhacha can honour us with a serious reply to my above questions.
You may be done "playing" but at least answer me this in response to your last post. If sitting in both parliaments is partitionist, is it not more partitionist to sit in just one and feel that the other has nothing to do with you (eg. every other party in Ireland)? Or is it that you feel they should sit in neither in order to not be partitionist and if that is the case, what method would they then use to advance the cause of unity?
Orior i'd respectfully disagree. Every time he opens his mouth the shite flows from him.
No other one. What do you think? Or do you mean to say SF should sit in the 32 county assembly? It doesn't exist yet so the best they can do is have representatives in the north and south to advance unity. If you have nothing constructive to debate about my post or related posts I'll not waste my time rerunning older arguments from the thread.
With the Iris carry on putting pressure on the DUP from one side, and the TUV from the other, the DUP will be sh1tting a brick at the thought of fresh assembly elections should McGuinness walk. Why else would they suddenly be OK with a voting pact with the UUP? SF have the DUP over a barrel here, if SF quitting the negotiations now doesn't make the DUP take the threat to collapse the assembly seriously, perhaps SF should now call their bluff and collapse it. SF would clean up in fresh elections anyway.
General discussion / Re: 3G iPhone
January 21, 2010, 08:34:02 PM
Haven't looked into iphones at all but curious. Are they available on pay as you go and if so, as borat would say..very nice how much?
tell if the british government has the same will and if their war is over. Though their massive shiney new MI5 building in Down is a concern.
Another good John Lennon quote: "for the IRA - against British imperialism". Anyway as it is I don't feel war will happen anytime soon. No group can operate without the support from their community and dissidents simply don't have this level of support. Added to that, people rightly feel that it took a long enough war to get the british gov to sit up and listen to the republican movement and to take the peace process seriously. Most republicans feel there is a duty to try a peaceful road. Time will...
..visit as an example of FF "republicanism" which came out of the original discussion of the thread. I.E. the electoral fortunes of SF. The royal visit topic i brought up was pounced upon by many here but i think nothing new is being said. Time to get back to the actual point of the thread me thinks.
No hardy. I can only speak for myself and would make a safe guess that i'm not alone. You nor nobody else has the right to tell me or anyone else how I/they should feel about a potential visit, we can only debate it's virtues or lack there of. If such a visit took place I can only speak for myself in saying I would simply boycott it. Others will fight over it and the discussion on this board will be a lot more courteous than the tensions a visit would bring for many people. Anyway i mentioned this royal...
I agree that time is a great healer. I just feel that this time has not passed but hopefully by the time Ireland is freed, time will have passed and a visit by a british monarch would be more appropriate. For now, such a visit would only drum up a bitterness and division which would far outweigh any good which would come from it.
I think i'm wasting my time debating this with you and have no intention of continuing to do so. There's no point in telling me you're not being patronising but then proceeding to tell me I sound 14 years old and then inform unintelligent little old (i mean young) me what your "seventeenth century" reference meant. There's a real arrogance about someone who feels that anyone who disagrees with him clearly is too young to understand.
Firstly, Trevor if you don't agree with my arguments, how about discussing them rather than patronisingly accusing me of being to young to know what i'm talking about? I remember far too much of the troubles and my own family and neighbours have been affected directly in ways i won't be going into on this board. And Lynchbhoy, can't you accept that whether you think it is understandable or not, many people have valid reasons to feel uncomfortable at such a visit?
Well lynchbhoy do you reckon the families of those killed feel the same? She remains the figurehead and symbol of a government which has caused so much pain in this country which has left many people still feeling a very raw hurt today.
..Peace process fall apart. I could go on. And comparing her to other head of states to have visited is a bit pointless. None of ever claimed to reign over Irish people. And they also are not part of a sectarian charter. Last year a canadian girl was forced to change from her Catholic faith so she could marry into the extended british royal family.  As for who spoke about the honour it would be try bertie& dermot ahern (whom the "republican party" call their foreign minister in dealings with the 6 counties)