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Messages - ardchieftain

Good win, no point in repeating the already mentioned positives.

We will get Cork or an Ulster team i reckon
Well done Louth, thoroughly deserved victory.
I thought they were going to throw it away a few times. I was so stressed watching it that any casual observer would believe me to be from the wee county. My considerable financial interest in the game is the reason for my racing heart and insane screaming at the tv !

In the final Louth should dominate midfield and get the ball to Lennon as often as possible and maybe, just maybe..........
So a team who are disciplined enough not to get any players sent off in normal time are deprived of their advantage if the opposition's indiscipline leaves them one or more men down. Ridiculous rule. What happens if a team is winning by a point with under a minute to go in normal time and the team who are behind have a man straight through 1 on 1 with the keeper. What does the chasing defender do ? He rugby tackles the man about to win the game, takes his red card, the team pops over the free and the cynical foul isn't penalised in extra time.

My son was heartbroken that he wouldn't  be attending an ulster final this year so come on Armagh, put a smile on my wee lads face by winning on his birthday.

If Armagh do lose this, where do we go from here ?
Enjoyed this game i have to say. Thought Cavan would thump Fermanagh based on the 1st half but Fermanagh showed great fighting spirit. Marty McGrath was immense in the 2nd half.

The tactics, or lack of, should i say, of Cavan's line was shocking. They handed this to Fermanagh on a silver platter and fair play to Fermanagh for accepting the gift.
Could someone either post up the armagh county panel or direct me to where i can see it, please ?
A thoroughly deserved victory for Monaghan but they must win an Ulster title now. I hope they do so.

As for Armagh - where does one start ?
Stevie and Jamie Clarke done well with the precious few balls put into them so they avoid criticism but apart from them only Paul Duffy can hold his head up today. There were one or two others who played ok but ok doesn't cut it in the chamionship.
The thing that is irking the life out of me is Armagh's lack of fight. I found it embarrassing. The body language said it all and the signs were there from just before Monaghan's goal. The defence looked like they'd never played with each other before.
Midfield - i've been critical of them for a while but gave them the benefit of the doubt after a few decent performances recently but they were exposed as decidedly average today.
We don't have a half forward line. AT ALL.
The sending off was the wrong decision. A lad goes into deliver a fair shoulder, his opponent turns into him and because of being a split second out the lad's game is over. ??????? Gaelic Football is being ruined.
The ref was cac. He didn't cost Armagh the game so it's not sour grapes. He booked several players from both sides for nothing. His instructions came from croke park though. I fear for the game of gaelic football, i really despair

Oh, and the armagh county board and their snub of paul grimley - well done. poetic justice in a way yesterday

Go and win Ulster Monaghan
Ronan Clarke won't be risked. If he aggravates the injury he will miss the rest of the championship.

Starting to get excited now. Nothing beats the championship, forget your world cups etc
Lads, you are completely missing my point in regard to the training.

Am i ' the cub ' you speak of ? If so, thank you, it's been a long time since i was called that ! And, for the record, my last post was not alcohol induced.

My post may have seemed arrogant in some regard but at the end of the day it's only my opinion and we'll see just how accurate it was as the summer progresses.
I'm disappointed that ' the wee dig ' i used wasn't latched upon by the person it was directed at.

Anyway, hardstation and lemallon, in regard to Armagh's training i have heard glowing reports. My cousin has watched every training session at Callan Park since they started training there.  He says that Armagh haven't trained with such intensity or looked so sharp since Paul Grimley was last involved. He also mentions regularly that the differnce between this and the last regime's training methods are mindblowing.

Those who seem certain that this game will be a dour, low scoring war of attrition may be in for a surprise. The bigger pitch will suit Armagh and i expect us to win with several points to spare before going on to defeat Down in the Ulster final.

The bookies will be giving over even money on Armagh minus a point and i will be having a hefty wedge on that. Should pay for post match pints methinks..........