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Messages - Bogball XV

Quote from: BallyhaiseMan on November 24, 2006, 02:55:47 PM
f**k them both and their international Rules...They wont stop until they get one of our players paralyzed or killed in that abomination of a game.
But as they are the people who are willing to risk such an eventuality, surely they should have a say!  Or are we the great paternalists here on the people who should tell them exactly what risks they should be allowed to take??  Let's face it, if they were going to play a hurling match down in Laois they'd run as great a risk of being permanently incapacitated.
Where's the fecking poll??  Anyway, easily McHugh, Martin that is.
GAA Discussion / Re: 2006 All Stars
November 24, 2006, 12:58:00 PM
Quote from: Gnevin on November 24, 2006, 09:58:48 AM
Its not rumour it's confirmed  he's a finna fáil

Of course he'll do "nothing of note"
Well if he's anything like the other north dublin ff's the only thing of note he'll do is to take a few bribes and maybe mow down the odd pedestrian.
Listing his honours is hardlly a way of explaining how he was rated so highly - listing important saves might be more beneficial to your arguments.
Quote from: dubnut on November 24, 2006, 09:41:33 AM
To say you havent seen either do much of note is ridiculous, Cluxton didnt have as much to do this year as the team were dominant in most games.
But anyone who has watched him regularly over the past few years will have seen him pull off a huge amount of brilliant saves.
And to say O'Leary didnt do much of note is just ridiculous!
I say I have seen neither do anything of note, is a statement of fact - i said that, because I have not.  I do appreciate that I haven't seen much of either bar big games, but I can't recall any great stops from either.  This used to really bug me about O'Leary, he always reknowned as the greatest keeper in the game, Cluxton has now been awarded the mantle - i'm just asking why?
If, as you point out, Cluxton didn't do much this year, why on earth did he get the allstar over the likes of Quirke, who I did see make a number of excellent saves this year.
Oh, and to the Mayo lad, yeah Burke was another great shot stopper.
GAA Discussion / Re: Best Derry footballer since 1980
November 23, 2006, 11:54:37 PM
It can't be that new, I think I played at its opening and that wasn't today or yesterday!!  In fact, more like 12 yrs ago - or have they upgraded it again?
Why does everyone think CLuxton is the best keeper in the game right now?  Why did everyone think that O'leary was the best keeper of his era?  I have never seen either of them do much of note, now, I'm not saying they're crap, but given how little they're tested then why does everyone rate them so highly??
For my money the best keepers of the past 20 yrs have been:
Martin MacNamara - best shot stopper in the game, prone to the odd mistake though!!
Declan O'Keefe
Cormac O'Sullivan
John O'Leary - he must be I suppose, he got a wild pile of allstars, but a lot of goalkeeper allstars are by default imo
Damian McCusker
Gary Walsh
Fergal Byron?
Diarmuid Murphy
Reilly James? from Cavan made some super saves in 2005, but didn't get the chance to shine this year.

BTW this isn't an anti-Dub rant, I thought Cullen was robbed last year and again this year tbh.
GAA Discussion / Re: Best Derry footballer since 1980
November 23, 2006, 11:26:20 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on November 23, 2006, 11:23:03 PM
Quote from: Mac hinery on November 23, 2006, 11:17:57 PM
Ah but Gerry had hung up his headband and retired from County football by 1980.

oh yeah,
I forgot about that

But lads, Gerry made a comeback both for Craigbane and Derry after he finished with the garrison game, he definitely played against Donegal in the 1990 Ulster semi, Fr. Sean Hegarty the manager I think - hammered we were!
Leaving Gary Coleman on (whilst carrying an injury) v Down in 1994, if he had been replaced, 4Sams would be a regular Down poster!!
Oh, I don't know, maybe Jack O'Connor's idea of putting Kieran Donaghy at full forward this year had a bit of an impact on Kerry, and Longford, and Armagh, and Cork and poor Mayo too.
GAA Discussion / Re: Eoin Kelly(Waterford)
November 23, 2006, 04:16:43 PM
Can he transfer club now, even if the club try and stand in his way.  In fairness, if he can't even get on with his clubmates, he must be a little temperamental alright.  The manager has to be right in these situations (bar Van Basten and Van Nistelrooy sic), especally if the rest of the team agree with the management.
GAA Discussion / Re: Best Derry footballer since 1980
November 22, 2006, 09:35:45 PM
Quote from: Cromagh on November 22, 2006, 06:31:28 PM
Is someone winding me up about Joe Irwin ;D ;D ;D

Please dont embarass yourself your obviously from N Derry. You forgot about Big Plunkett, Brian Kealy, Richard Ferris  ;D ;D
And obviously McNicholl who took Derry to Ulster glory on his own in '87!!

Can't really see past Big Anthony, Scud couldn't be far behind, nor even wee mckeever, but neither were match winners.  In fact Henry has to be up there too, and Bradley these last 2 years was as good as any of them (pity he hadn't been around 15 yrs ago).
GAA Discussion / Re: Drinking and the GAA
November 20, 2006, 08:25:11 PM
I have always thought that the thinking behind drink bans is to give a team that pyschological edge, you know the auld "we're not off the drink since last Dec just for these shower of townie bastards to beat us now"....., physiologically, i'm quite sure there is very little impact on a players performance, presuming that he doesn't be stupid about it.
GAA Discussion / Re: Another case of SADS - RIP
November 20, 2006, 05:25:50 PM
Quote from: Corner Back on November 20, 2006, 03:57:06 PM
2 - It is very likely that a defibrillator pitch-side or at the clubrooms would have saved Fran Leonard RIP - this is one obvious solution.
But will we ever have the situation where a defibrillator will be present at every game (and obviously with an operator on standby)?  I lost a close relative at a game and have seen 3 other spectators go the same way.  A defib may have saved them, but then who knows?  It certainly wouldn't do any harm - how much for one?
GAA Discussion / Re: Another case of SADS - RIP
November 20, 2006, 03:50:19 PM
You may be right Dubnut, screening would identify people with heart defects (i think maybe the young rugby player who died shortly after McAnallen), but in some instances there is no obvious solution.  It'd probably be wiser for screening to be introduced, but would the school not be the obvious place to do it - surely that's where most children start playing sports anyway, and one would think that really this should be started there?  I mean, this problem can affect anyone who has a defect and subsequently over exerts, I presume, so, perhaps government interrvention is required, feck knows they throw enough money at health without any tangible results, this would be an easy few million, that might actually make a difference.
As for your mates etc who were playing, that must have been a terrible experience.
GAA Discussion / Re: Brolly and the GPA
November 20, 2006, 03:39:46 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on November 20, 2006, 02:28:47 PM
I only buy the paper as the wife likes the TV mag & magazines that come in it
its sihte otherwise
Do all ye Dungiven men either buy or write for thon paper?  Honestly, ye should be ashamed of yourselves, tv mag or not, this is the newspaper that castigated Celtic for allowing some gaelic footballers to show their recently acquired silverware in Celtic Park, the problem being that said trophy was named after a former IRA terrorist - apparently some lad Maguire from London.
They also ran a big story on Nail Bomb Tom (as they called him), or Tom McFeeley from the Foreglen and now one of Dublin's big property players was a fomer terrorist hunger striker.  It was lucky Dungiven didn't win the hurling or there'd have been uproar about the Lynch's playing in Croker.....
GAA Discussion / Re: Another case of SADS - RIP
November 20, 2006, 03:21:39 PM
Quote from: BallyhaiseMan on November 20, 2006, 02:56:14 PM
Tragic RIP...
How many cases of this are we going to let occur before Mandatory screening for all players is brought in.
Will that actually make a difference?  In Cormac McAnallen's case was his heart not weakened by a virus he'd picked up shortly before his death, hence, cardiac screening would only have worked if he'd been screened in the relatively short window period when he had the virus?  I'm open to correction on this one, and it is a tragedy, just maybe not a preventable tragedy.