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Messages - Dolph1

General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
December 21, 2018, 03:22:11 PM
Quote from: J70 on December 21, 2018, 03:13:16 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 21, 2018, 01:30:07 PM
This is what happens to decent folk when the law isn't followed. You have illegals not detained, breaking the law and murdering citzens.

The democrats on here will side with the illegal no doubt or find some excuse for him. I also note this is one of those "dreamers". What additions they are to the USA.

1.   This guy was NOT a "dreamer". Violent crimes such as armed robbery and assault with a deadly weapon, followed by prison and deportation automatically disqualify a person. DACA is aimed at law abiding illegals who entered through no fault of their own, grew up in the US and want to become normal, productive residents. Learn what the f**k you're talking about before spouting nonsense.

2.   I'm a Democrat. I don't "side" with him nor do I offer any excuses. He is deservedly headed to prison for a very long time, possibly for life. Take your strawmen arguments elsewhere.

3.   I am for sanctuary city policies, within reason, as I've outlined in detail on this thread before. Refusing to accommodate cooperation with federal authorities for a convicted, violent felon who has been deported twice before is ridiculous.

You support sanctuary cities. Says it all about you and your standards. People like yourself only ever seem to wise up once a tragedy directly impacts you.

I knew some democrats would go into bat for this sc**bag. Sickening hypocrisy from Democrats.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
December 21, 2018, 01:30:07 PM
This is what happens to decent folk when the law isn't followed. You have illegals not detained, breaking the law and murdering citzens.

The democrats on here will side with the illegal no doubt or find some excuse for him. I also note this is one of those "dreamers". What additions they are to the USA.
General discussion / Re: No more evictions!
December 20, 2018, 06:46:21 PM
Quote from: omaghjoe on December 20, 2018, 06:08:07 PM
Quote from: Hardy on December 20, 2018, 05:29:07 PM

I stopped at, "there were no Varadkars in the GPO in 1916". I casually overhear too many racist pricks to make the effort to listen to one deliberately.

Sounds like your deliberately going out of your way to be insulted because you dont like what he has to say

The whole basis for this comment is to provide an ego trip to inform users that he's virtuous and moral. Seems like this guy is compensating for something.
General discussion / Re: Project Ireland 2040
December 20, 2018, 06:38:10 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 20, 2018, 06:18:24 PM
The far right never debate from a position of good faith. They "engage" based on outright lies and propaganda and never answer questions which blow apart their lies and propaganda.

You can't "out-debate" them - because they don't debate - that's their whole strategy - they just throw as much bullshit out there as they possibly can and see what sticks.

David Frum's recent article in The Atlantic on the regret he feels at platforming Steve Bannon is am enlightening read about this.

But it's also why the far right are so insidious and difficult to combat - in any society, there are a significant number of people who are only too happy to dispense with reality-based worldviews in favour of believing outright lies and propaganda. The posters you refer to are certainly in this category.

The last time there was an international rise of the far-right and all their associated lies and propaganda, it sadly took a World War to defeat it, and for it to be completely discredited and humiliated.

These far right war mongerers are definitely on the march again.

Hilarious!!  ;D
It's world war 3!! "Lies" !! "Propoganda"!!

Jesus you lot are pathetic little men
General discussion / Re: Project Ireland 2040
December 20, 2018, 05:50:25 PM
Quote from: Hardy on December 20, 2018, 05:01:05 PM
... move on to the sensible stuff.

You mean have no actual thoughts of your own. Why bother when Fine Gael do the thinking for you ;)
Quote from: J70 on December 20, 2018, 01:55:16 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 20, 2018, 11:32:23 AM
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 07:01:43 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 05:48:48 PM
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 03:27:25 PM

Now trying to force kids to believe that this is normal. I'd advise any parent to withdraw their child when they teach these classes.

Yes, I can see how this would be controversial... for those who want to raise their kids to perpetuate bigotry and intolerance.

If that's the way you want to live your life then that's fine. Keep it at your own house.
For the state force the removal of religion from schools and replace with PC nonce sense is very hypocritical.

1. I wasn't aware the Irish state was removing religion from schools. If so, it's about time.
2. Tolerance and inclusiveness is not (or at least should not) be either a religious issue or controversial.
3. If we are going to require schools to provide education relating to sex and relationships, then why should only the needs of heterosexual people be addressed?
4. You are doing your kids no favours whatsoever if you are teaching them that homosexuality and transexuality are "abnormal" and to be feared or condemned. And that's without even getting into the real victims of that kind of bigotry, which could even end up being your own children.

Funny how bigoty and intolerance spews from the same people who are now trying to force abnormal sex education on impressionable kids. It's mostly the same lot who petitioned removing first holy communion.
If they want to run such classes do it outside school and get permission from parents first.

So inclusion and tolerance are really bigotry and intolerance towards those who are bigots, is that right? If that's the case, then the issue is whether the rationale behind bigotry and intolerance is sound. You can go ahead if you like and make the case why intolerance of homosexuality and transgenderism and equality for the same is defensible.

That aside...
1. The state has no business running religious education, unless they run it for all creeds. Its public money. THAT is what should be done outside of school.
2. LBGTQ people may be a minority, and you can even call them "abnormal", but that doesn't mean that their needs should not be catered to just like "normal" people. I'm left handed, among a very small minority of the populace and presumably, in your eyes, abnormal. Should I have been subject to "normalization" or ostracized? In previous times, an aunt of mine was beaten by the nuns in the west of Ireland into learning to write with her "right" hand.
3. I would mention other "abnormal" sections of the population, such as the kids who are accommodated and receive special needs education due to behavioural issues or intellectual disabilities, or even Down Syndrome children, but that brings up reminders of a previous, similar interaction on this board with a lad who went by various identities before being banned, among them No Wides. I can link you to those discussions if you are interested as they tread similar ground. Or maybe they're already familiar...?

Being autistic, disabled, down syndrome etc. (even left handed) are not lifestyle choices.
Wondering if you should wear trousers or a dress on a particular day is a lifestyle choice.

Shame on you trying to equate the two in order to make your point.
Quote from: JoG2 on December 20, 2018, 02:57:45 PM
Dolph1 or over the bar for seriously, what the actual fcuk??

I know. I can't believe these lads either. Twisted.
General discussion / Re: Project Ireland 2040
December 20, 2018, 12:49:06 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 20, 2018, 12:37:38 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 20, 2018, 12:27:23 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 19, 2018, 12:25:00 AM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 18, 2018, 12:58:02 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 17, 2018, 09:40:46 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 17, 2018, 06:34:28 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 13, 2018, 06:09:40 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on December 13, 2018, 05:58:02 PM
Like what?
Compulsory abortion for all white babies?
Only Muslim immigrants allowed on to the Country?
George Soros behind it all?
Lord Lucan to return?

Could be none, could be all. If you read between the lines they would rather import than upskill. Who is this project actually going to benefit then?
Back to my original question. If the government are telling the country that they need 1 million more residents where are they going to get them from?

Bump for Rossfan and Sid Waddel. If you boys are so smart I can't wait for your explanation.
Hopefully they get them through inward migration, Adolph.

With a combination of thick, useless c***ts like you leaving and more able, intelligent people coming in from all over the world, the country cannot fail to benefit.

No need for the language.

Do you trust the government to provide the services to facilitate this increase. Right now there are issues with schools, hospitals and access to many facilities including housing. Their track record on delivering isn't very good.
You still didn't specify where this extra 1 million people will come from. Is there a plan to seemlessly integrate a 20% increase in population or do they want to create a disjointed Ireland?
As I said, start upskilling and looking after our own population first.
You're asking me to specify exactly where 1 million people will come from? Seriously?

I can't tell you exactly how many migrants will come from particular places, but they'll come from everywhere in the world. The biggest number will most likely come from Britain and other European countries based purely on geography and EU free movement.

Captalism is based on perpetual growth.

Birth rates all over Europe have collapsed.

In developed countries, it's estimated that the fertility rate needs to be 2.1 per woman to sustain the same level of population. Ireland has the highest birth rate in the EU as of 2017 yet its still not enough to sustain the same level of population.

If we don't sustain populations, that means people's pensions go tits up and the economy stagnates at best.

Capitalism is ultimately a pyramid scheme because the planet cannot sustain perpetual growth, but that's a different issue and one that will require large-scale international co-operation to address.

It seems axiomatic to me that the main reason for Ireland's recent growth and quick recovery is our historic underdevelopment. We probably have the biggest potential for growth of any European country because of that. We have one of the lowest population densities in Europe.

But we still require significant in-migration to keep growing and developing.

All growing societies experience difficulties and "strains" on public services.

Dublin has always experienced "strain" over the last century because it has has always been a magnet for migration. Long before people came from other countries they were coming from other counties.

There's nothing wrong with "strains" on an economy. It's how you manage those strains that matters. Our problem isn't migration. It's with poor government management of housing, health and water.

A migrant from Donegal is a still a migrant and placed/places "strain" on services and resources.

Should the people of Dublin have cried "no culchies"?

Should the people of Drogheda, Navan, Dunshaughlin, Naas, Newbridge and Portlaoise and Gorey now cry "no Dubs"?

How many people lived in Shenzhen 30 years ago? How many people live there now?

You live in the US, don't you?

For all the problems the US has, and there are many, it's still the world's greatest experiment in the benefits of migration.

This isn't the USA.

Growing and developing for who? Are regular people seeing the benefits? Rather than consolidate and improve services for people the likes of you want to keep the status quo, or worse, to accommodate an influx of new dependants.

Irish people aren't having as many kids because it's too expensive. How about government giving incentives for families, better tax breaks so they can flourish. Instead its pushing abortion.

1 million more is the lower end of the scale. Figures of an Ireland population up to 10 million by 2050 have been mooted.

People from Donegal are Irish. Maybe Santa can bring you a map for Christmas.
You say this isn't the USA. Where do you live, Adolph?

Em, Ireland has the highest birth rate in Europe.

It's also one of the most expensive countries in Europe.

Can you square that for me?

You did understand that people from Donegal who move to Dublin are migrants, yes? Well, apparently you don't.

None of the anti-migration nutcases understand this, because none of this is about migration, or "strains" on an economy or on places, or anything like that.

It's about straight up, naked racism. And of course you couldn't miss an opportunity to throw in a bit of misogyny either. Those two always go hand in hand.

It's f**king gas to see you suggest "incentives" for families to have children. The same people who vilify migrants are the same people who most vilify homeless people, people on social welfare and single mothers.

Patrick Pearse said Ireland could sustain a population of 30 million, by the way.

Good man sid. When losing an argument defer to accusations of racism and misogyny. It's all you got.
General discussion / Re: Project Ireland 2040
December 20, 2018, 12:27:23 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 19, 2018, 12:25:00 AM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 18, 2018, 12:58:02 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 17, 2018, 09:40:46 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 17, 2018, 06:34:28 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 13, 2018, 06:09:40 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on December 13, 2018, 05:58:02 PM
Like what?
Compulsory abortion for all white babies?
Only Muslim immigrants allowed on to the Country?
George Soros behind it all?
Lord Lucan to return?

Could be none, could be all. If you read between the lines they would rather import than upskill. Who is this project actually going to benefit then?
Back to my original question. If the government are telling the country that they need 1 million more residents where are they going to get them from?

Bump for Rossfan and Sid Waddel. If you boys are so smart I can't wait for your explanation.
Hopefully they get them through inward migration, Adolph.

With a combination of thick, useless c***ts like you leaving and more able, intelligent people coming in from all over the world, the country cannot fail to benefit.

No need for the language.

Do you trust the government to provide the services to facilitate this increase. Right now there are issues with schools, hospitals and access to many facilities including housing. Their track record on delivering isn't very good.
You still didn't specify where this extra 1 million people will come from. Is there a plan to seemlessly integrate a 20% increase in population or do they want to create a disjointed Ireland?
As I said, start upskilling and looking after our own population first.
You're asking me to specify exactly where 1 million people will come from? Seriously?

I can't tell you exactly how many migrants will come from particular places, but they'll come from everywhere in the world. The biggest number will most likely come from Britain and other European countries based purely on geography and EU free movement.

Captalism is based on perpetual growth.

Birth rates all over Europe have collapsed.

In developed countries, it's estimated that the fertility rate needs to be 2.1 per woman to sustain the same level of population. Ireland has the highest birth rate in the EU as of 2017 yet its still not enough to sustain the same level of population.

If we don't sustain populations, that means people's pensions go tits up and the economy stagnates at best.

Capitalism is ultimately a pyramid scheme because the planet cannot sustain perpetual growth, but that's a different issue and one that will require large-scale international co-operation to address.

It seems axiomatic to me that the main reason for Ireland's recent growth and quick recovery is our historic underdevelopment. We probably have the biggest potential for growth of any European country because of that. We have one of the lowest population densities in Europe.

But we still require significant in-migration to keep growing and developing.

All growing societies experience difficulties and "strains" on public services.

Dublin has always experienced "strain" over the last century because it has has always been a magnet for migration. Long before people came from other countries they were coming from other counties.

There's nothing wrong with "strains" on an economy. It's how you manage those strains that matters. Our problem isn't migration. It's with poor government management of housing, health and water.

A migrant from Donegal is a still a migrant and placed/places "strain" on services and resources.

Should the people of Dublin have cried "no culchies"?

Should the people of Drogheda, Navan, Dunshaughlin, Naas, Newbridge and Portlaoise and Gorey now cry "no Dubs"?

How many people lived in Shenzhen 30 years ago? How many people live there now?

You live in the US, don't you?

For all the problems the US has, and there are many, it's still the world's greatest experiment in the benefits of migration.

This isn't the USA.

Growing and developing for who? Are regular people seeing the benefits? Rather than consolidate and improve services for people the likes of you want to keep the status quo, or worse, to accommodate an influx of new dependants.

Irish people aren't having as many kids because it's too expensive. How about government giving incentives for families, better tax breaks so they can flourish. Instead its pushing abortion.

1 million more is the lower end of the scale. Figures of an Ireland population up to 10 million by 2050 have been mooted.

People from Donegal are Irish. Maybe Santa can bring you a map for Christmas.
Quote from: Tony Baloney on December 19, 2018, 06:57:32 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 05:48:48 PM
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 03:27:25 PM

Now trying to force kids to believe that this is normal. I'd advise any parent to withdraw their child when they teach these classes.

Yes, I can see how this would be controversial... for those who want to raise their kids to perpetuate bigotry and intolerance.

If that's the way you want to live your life then that's fine. Keep it at your own house.
For the state force the removal of religion from schools and replace with PC nonce sense is very hypocritical.
Unfortunate typo.

Typo. yes. ;)
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 07:01:43 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 05:48:48 PM
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 03:27:25 PM

Now trying to force kids to believe that this is normal. I'd advise any parent to withdraw their child when they teach these classes.

Yes, I can see how this would be controversial... for those who want to raise their kids to perpetuate bigotry and intolerance.

If that's the way you want to live your life then that's fine. Keep it at your own house.
For the state force the removal of religion from schools and replace with PC nonce sense is very hypocritical.

1. I wasn't aware the Irish state was removing religion from schools. If so, it's about time.
2. Tolerance and inclusiveness is not (or at least should not) be either a religious issue or controversial.
3. If we are going to require schools to provide education relating to sex and relationships, then why should only the needs of heterosexual people be addressed?
4. You are doing your kids no favours whatsoever if you are teaching them that homosexuality and transexuality are "abnormal" and to be feared or condemned. And that's without even getting into the real victims of that kind of bigotry, which could even end up being your own children.

Funny how bigoty and intolerance spews from the same people who are now trying to force abnormal sex education on impressionable kids. It's mostly the same lot who petitioned removing first holy communion.
If they want to run such classes do it outside school and get permission from parents first.
Quote from: J70 on December 19, 2018, 03:49:20 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 19, 2018, 03:27:25 PM

Now trying to force kids to believe that this is normal. I'd advise any parent to withdraw their child when they teach these classes.

Yes, I can see how this would be controversial... for those who want to raise their kids to perpetuate bigotry and intolerance.

If that's the way you want to live your life then that's fine. Keep it at your own house.
For the state force the removal of religion from schools and replace with PC nonce sense is very hypocritical.

Now trying to force kids to believe that this is normal. I'd advise any parent to withdraw their child when they teach these classes.
General discussion / Re: The Many Faces of US Politics...
December 18, 2018, 04:54:20 PM
The left should just face facts. Blame should be squarely laid at her family for making her go on that journey. Stop trying to project on others.
General discussion / Re: Project Ireland 2040
December 18, 2018, 12:58:02 PM
Quote from: sid waddell on December 17, 2018, 09:40:46 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 17, 2018, 06:34:28 PM
Quote from: Dolph1 on December 13, 2018, 06:09:40 PM
Quote from: Rossfan on December 13, 2018, 05:58:02 PM
Like what?
Compulsory abortion for all white babies?
Only Muslim immigrants allowed on to the Country?
George Soros behind it all?
Lord Lucan to return?

Could be none, could be all. If you read between the lines they would rather import than upskill. Who is this project actually going to benefit then?
Back to my original question. If the government are telling the country that they need 1 million more residents where are they going to get them from?

Bump for Rossfan and Sid Waddel. If you boys are so smart I can't wait for your explanation.
Hopefully they get them through inward migration, Adolph.

With a combination of thick, useless c***ts like you leaving and more able, intelligent people coming in from all over the world, the country cannot fail to benefit.

No need for the language.

Do you trust the government to provide the services to facilitate this increase. Right now there are issues with schools, hospitals and access to many facilities including housing. Their track record on delivering isn't very good.
You still didn't specify where this extra 1 million people will come from. Is there a plan to seemlessly integrate a 20% increase in population or do they want to create a disjointed Ireland?
As I said, start upskilling and looking after our own population first.