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Messages - marty34

Quote from: michaelg on March 02, 2019, 06:32:23 PM
Quote from: tonto1888 on March 02, 2019, 08:15:10 AM
Quote from: michaelg on March 01, 2019, 11:37:58 PM
Quote from: tonto1888 on March 01, 2019, 04:47:38 PM
Quote from: dublin7 on February 28, 2019, 10:13:33 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on February 28, 2019, 08:57:39 PM
Quote from: dublin7 on February 28, 2019, 08:19:45 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on February 28, 2019, 07:22:37 PM
Quote from: dublin7 on February 28, 2019, 07:09:36 PM
Quote from: lynchbhoy on February 28, 2019, 03:15:12 PM
Quote from: dublin7 on February 28, 2019, 02:43:06 PM
Quote from: lenny on February 28, 2019, 02:10:11 PM
Quote from: trailer on February 28, 2019, 01:12:37 PM
I don't mind Celtic. Good luck to them etc. But this blind faith, more than a club, we're a big Irish parish, Rodgers is a cheating sex addict shite is embarrassing. They're a football business.
There's also a huge sectarian element that's just glossed over. Both Celtic and Rangers feed off this to try and generate profits, which makes me a little uneasy.

You obviously don't know much about Celtics's history then.

What part is he wrong about? He's right about clubs having major issues with sectarian abuse towards opposing teams. Only this week I listened to scottish journalist discussing the issue. Steve Clarke had problems with sectarian abuse from Rangers fans and Kris Boyd got sectarian abuse from Celtic fans. Neither club seems to be doing anything to try and stamp it out and its always been there. You only have to see the poisonous atmosphere at old firm games on the tv no matter who's at home. One reason why I try to discourage my son from watching Celtic or scottish football
maybe do your research before posting such uninformed statements.

That's like saying you wouldn't let your son support Dublin in Gaelic football because they are known to be drunk, tattoo wielding, dole cheating , drug involved scumbags

If you don't like Celtic that's fine.
Interesting you are posting your ill informed misinformed statements on a Celtic thread

So youre saying the main sports writer for a scottish newspaper, steve clarke and Kris Boyd are all wrong and sectarianism doesn't exist in scottish football. I mean, maybe you're right. What would they know. They only live in scotland and either play for report on or mangage scottish premier league teams. As someone who lives in Ireland I assume you clearly understand how things work in scotland and scottish football far better.
I'm pointing out the facile examples you put up.

If the culprits were caught would they face charges of sectarianism for throwing a coin?
No. It's assault or attempted asset.

Your point about neither club ( in fact most clubs in Scotland)
Doing anything about it is also 100%  incorrect.
Go check your facts.

I didn't say sectarianism didnt exist- hence my point that Scottish clubs are trying to take measures to address it.

You don't like Celtic. Fine. But would you believe the bs from journalists about the drunken dubs fans, the drugs being taken on hill 16, poisonous atmosphere from hill 16 etc etc.. 
..would you believe that?
Would you stop your son going to croker and not support Dublin because you read that?

I was a Celtic season ticket holder for 10 years and get over to games every year. Never saw any issues.

You are still posting your ill informed carp on a Celtic thread...

If you don't like Celtic.. why bother reading this thread?

But theyre not addressing it. Steve Clarke is raising his kids outside of glasgow and is delighted they dont know what sectarianism is. That's a damning indictment of both clubs so called efforts to clean up their act. All this holier than thou nonsense and rubbish spouted that its not as bad as Liverpool ot Utd is just nonsense.

Why dont more Irish fans support Hibernian? Wasn't one of their founders an Irish man? Problem there is they arent as successful as Celtic and no bandwagon to jump aboard. If its one thing Irish fans do well is get behind a winning team

I won't resort to your level.

Go check it out.
All the Scottish clubs are a dressing it.

Get yiur head out of the sand

Just because you don't want to acknowledge it doesn't mean it isn't happening.
I'm sure the hooligan element is as bad if not worse in England.
.. songs about plane crashes, collapsing stadia and organised fighting after or before games...

Same thought process coukd be applied to 75% of Dublin fans... their ancestry is culchie... so surely they should be following leitrum or longford etc

Your arguments are without any research or understanding.

Plus again.. if you hate Celtic..  why comment here.
Your kid  has some role model... and is going to be  equally as socially ignorant and inept it would seem

Its as bad now as it was 20 years ago. Thats not me saying it thats scottish press who can look on it in a non biased way. Its farcical how Irish people, living in Ireland seem to think sectarianism isnt a big deal in scotland. Yet theyll criticise Liverpool and Utd fans and claim theyre worse for singing songs.

Im amazed Lennon went back to Celtic (and his family agreed) given all the s**te he had to deal with on and off the pitch. No amount of money is worth that. I cant belive hed want tje job on a full time basis (or his family would let him take it)

Scottish press impartial? Really?

I wouldn't trust the Scottish press at all. This is the press that printed a story with the tagging 'Barry Fergusson:my kids want to know why I'm being called an orange b**tard' with a photo showing Barry with said kids, one of whom is wearing a scarf with the words you can stick you rosary up your arse.

I'm a Celtic fan and I'm not blind. We have idiots in our support, the video posted above being an example. But the Scottish press label rebel songs as sectarian which they aren't. Their relevance at games is a different debate. I also lived in England for a long time and our fans are nowhere near the level of idiocy as English football fans
When you have had innocent family members killed by republican terrorists, I would beg to differ re Rebel songs not being sectarian

I am genuinely sorry to hear that Michael but which rebel songs donyou think are sectarian
Not that well up on my rebel.songs tbh. I just think it's totally unnecessary to sing songs that celebrates an organisation that killed so many innocent people. It's also totally unnecessary to sing such at a sporting event.

You'd wonder what the 12th is all about so!!!
GAA Discussion / Re: Ulster Colleges
March 02, 2019, 06:37:24 PM
That's be a cold game for the umpires - they'd get a flu with all the standing about and no flag waving!!
Quote from: charlieTully on February 27, 2019, 07:43:06 AM
Quote from: tonto1888 on February 27, 2019, 07:26:40 AM
Quote from: marty34 on February 26, 2019, 11:26:58 PM
How much compensation do Leicester have to pay Celtic now? 
Any proper figure especially as it's mid-season.

If it was sorted for June, I'd understand but I think doing it now has ruined his reputation especially after signing Brown up for another contract.

What must Scott Brown be thinking today???

I was thinking about Brown yesterday. Betrayed I would imagine. Who else signed contracts recently? Wonder what Dembele thinks

Did Brown not deal directly with the club? Rodgers was nothing to do with his signing a new contract. The 2 are a class apart anyway. Brown has loyalty.

I beg to differ.  I'd say Brown thought BR would be there for the long haul to 10 in a row.  They always spoke very highly of each  other - very highly.
How much compensation do Leicester have to pay Celtic now? 
Any proper figure especially as it's mid-season.

If it was sorted for June, I'd understand but I think doing it now has ruined his reputation especially after signing Brown up for another contract.

What must Scott Brown be thinking today???
General discussion / Re: The SDLP
February 25, 2019, 07:34:51 PM
Quote from: Sportacus on February 25, 2019, 06:24:19 PM
Quote from: Seany on February 25, 2019, 11:58:27 AM
If I was advising the SDLP, I would tell them to Green up.  Now that they have embraced FF, they need to accept that the Social Democracy element of their party is gone and they need to be working for and planning towards a United Ireland.  They need to be at one voice with SF on Stormont, Brexit and DUP dysfunction and be very clear that under the current situation, they two could not countenance going back into the Executive. And they certainly need to stop the complete nonsense on abstenstionism. When the election comes, nationalists are then clear that both their parties are at one voice on the national question, therefore it comes down to a vote on who is the better candidate.  The current SDLP approach is just plain ridiculous.  Nobody, including themselves really have a clue what they are about, so it becomes a vague 'Get back into Stormont' rant that makes no acknowledgement at all towards the issues that got us to where we are.  The other thing that keeps them going is that they spend their time 'marking' SF and making counter statements nit picking the SF approach and not offering one pragmatic idea themselves.
If Sinn Fein deliver a United Ireland it will be a nasty, troubled affair because Unionists simply don't trust SF and never will, in fact they despise them.  SDLP could have a much better chance of getting there more peacefully and probably more quickly, if only they could see the opportunity and had the talent in their ranks to attract voters back.   

History clearlyy shows that unionists 'simply don't trust' nationalists' of any sort...whatever shade of green they are.

Unionists are ok with nationalists if they just keep the head down and don't rock the boat.  That day is over.
General discussion / Re: building a house
February 24, 2019, 12:54:55 PM
We have crows who sit on the guttering directly above the back door.  Unfortunately, as you'd guess, they poop and it falls down on the path at the back door.  They roost in a clump of trees about 200 yards away but seem to use our roof as a place to stop before they head to the trees.

We've a big plastic owl but not much use.  Somebody told me that I need a pretend owl who's head moves occasionally. 

Any ideas?
General discussion / Re: Sport on Sunday
February 24, 2019, 12:46:44 PM
Tiip V KK on TG4..deferred games after that.
Quote from: trailer on February 21, 2019, 06:39:48 PM
Until SF allow recruits live in their own community the PSNI will continue to struggle to recruit Catholics.

What does this mean? Clarify please.
Quote from: johnnycool on February 21, 2019, 09:28:47 AM
Quote from: Aaron Boone on February 20, 2019, 11:54:35 PM
You have be a serious spoon nowadays to be Asst Chief Constable or Asst Commissioner. They do Masters degrees in Policing, often in America, you've been a rising star for years.

These Masters degrees in Policing evidently don't prevent ineptitude to be the norm under your watch.

Does anyone seriously believe that the PSNI "mislaid" these documents relation to the massacre at Sean Grahams bookmakers more than once yet were somehow found when preparing for a civil proceedings.
The one bad apple in the barrell mantra churned out about collusion should be well and truly put to bed, it was/is systematic in the PSNI.

Mary Lou was right to voice her misgivings about the currently batch lining up within the PSNI for the top job.

Quote from: Applesisapples on February 20, 2019, 11:12:29 AM
Quote from: marty34 on February 20, 2019, 10:25:21 AM
Quote from: trailer on February 20, 2019, 09:34:42 AM
Quote from: Applesisapples on February 20, 2019, 09:27:41 AM
Mary Lou showing total disregard for fair employment legislation with her pronouncement on new Chief Constable. Irrespective of your position on this you can not legally discard someone based on your political beliefs. Shows a Fianna Fail level of understanding of the North.

To dismiss her comments as silly or ill judged is incorrect. This was a deliberate and well thought out response coming from those at the very top. They're trying to influence the selection process. A weak or inexperienced Chief Constable will play into SF's largest supporters as there is no doubt a lot of money to be made post Brexit with new border tariffs.

I think the comment must be taken in context - not by the 1 line 'Nolan' soundbite.  She was interviewed after a meeting about the situation when 'new information' has suddenly came to light re: legacy cases.  Each time there seems to some closure, new evidence is suddenly found.  Clearly the police, especially the top management are not willing to put everything on the table.  People are angry about this, but not surprised.

The question for nationalists is, has anything really changed?
Leave aside concerns about collusion and potential cover ups. In terms of a selection process you can not issue a sweeping statement such as this. Complicity in cover ups or obstructing the Ombudsman can be teased out during the selection process and can be considered as evidence of suitability or otherwise at that juncture, to make a sweeping statement such as this makes it extremely difficult for SF reps to participate in the selection process and that is regrettable. As for change in the PSNI there is still a way to go but that will take time and the retirement of the RUC elements. It is not helped by SF or any party politicising policing and putting young nationalists off joining. That plays into unionist hands. The Police federation should address the pro RUC and pro Unionist stance it takes also before having a go at Mary Lou, they are also an obstacle, m just look at their crest.

I think her point is valid especially after the meeting she had re; legacy.  Stumbling block after stumbling block has been put in the way - some over 30 years so I will raise raise raise the question again: has anything changed in regards to policing and the past?  They, in my opinion, are not capable of dealing with these issues. 

Are there any nationalists who disagree with me? 

This old ' things are improving' and 'it'll take a bit more time' etc. don't was with me.  We either stay the same or get a new era to policing.  After last weeks findings about Sean Graham's etc. , it's clear to me which it is.

Mc Donald was basically asking 'has the psni changed? 

Answers on a postcard!!
Quote from: trailer on February 20, 2019, 09:34:42 AM
Quote from: Applesisapples on February 20, 2019, 09:27:41 AM
Mary Lou showing total disregard for fair employment legislation with her pronouncement on new Chief Constable. Irrespective of your position on this you can not legally discard someone based on your political beliefs. Shows a Fianna Fail level of understanding of the North.

To dismiss her comments as silly or ill judged is incorrect. This was a deliberate and well thought out response coming from those at the very top. They're trying to influence the selection process. A weak or inexperienced Chief Constable will play into SF's largest supporters as there is no doubt a lot of money to be made post Brexit with new border tariffs.

I think the comment must be taken in context - not by the 1 line 'Nolan' soundbite.  She was interviewed after a meeting about the situation when 'new information' has suddenly came to light re: legacy cases.  Each time there seems to some closure, new evidence is suddenly found.  Clearly the police, especially the top management are not willing to put everything on the table.  People are angry about this, but not surprised.

The question for nationalists is, has anything really changed?
Laois / Re: 2019 Allianz National Hurling League
February 18, 2019, 09:38:03 AM
Maybe it's part of his 'contract' - that he has to do a certain amount of programmes per season? Then he'll do a good few when the games come thick and fast later in the year i.e. 3 or 4 big games every week.
Quote from: illdecide on February 08, 2019, 08:50:14 PM
Quote from: illdecide on February 07, 2019, 04:01:09 PM
I see Sevco have appealed Moreles red card last night, i'll be surprised if he doesn't get off

Shock horror, he gets a 3 match ban... They must have looked at their next 3 fixtures and said "they'll not need him" 😂

Dealt with at time. Appealing it make them look like pricks.

Mc Gregor one was brutal but hopefully he'll get pulled up for it.  He'd be a bigger loss.
Quote from: Over the Bar on February 06, 2019, 09:59:47 PM
13 penalties to SevCo this season on SPL compared to 5 to Celtic, despite Celtic scoring more goals and creating far more goal chances.  Compare to  the Europa League SevCo got 1 penalty while Celtic were awarded 2. Strange.

Excellent point.
Quote from: Milltown Row2 on February 06, 2019, 09:37:28 PM
Quote from: Over the Bar on February 06, 2019, 09:12:34 PM
Another dubious penalty for SevCo tonight and a free kick that no-one but the referee saw that led to the penalty.

They are winning 4-2 .. penalty not the issue. Celtic fans are obsessed with Rangers refs and SCF

I think when a team is awarded 4 penalties in one game, like last week, questions need to be asked.  3 were clearly not penalties!!

Tonight's penaly was at a crucial time in the game.  We'll keep you updated on any more dodgy decisions as the season goes on!!