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Messages - heganboy

General discussion / Re: Heroes
March 20, 2007, 06:27:34 PM
QuoteAre you based in the US?

'fraid so

you could just change your proxy server???
General discussion / Re: Heroes
March 20, 2007, 05:44:06 PM
you can just watch it here- much better bandwidth
hmmm american sports confession time. I actually played for the the craigavon cowboys in the early 90's. I got into it when a mate of mine got me a Notre Dame and a Bears top from the US, the coverage started on c4 the next year and the bears went a did a superbowl shuffle. I got into it in a big way to the extent I was listening to Notre Dame games on the US armed forces radio on long wave- not exactly crystal clear sound.

Living in New York now, I watch a lot of football, i would consider myself a Giants fan- but not to the extent that it bothers me when they lose (except to the Patriots) Was glad to see Colts winning, still follow Notre Dame pretty closely.

Strangely I played basketball a lot in School, and then again for Queens but I don't watch it or play it over here. There is too much basketball on the tv- it kind of numbs you. Its worth watching March madness, but the NBA isn't great anymore. Would keep an eye on a few teams Washington (I like arenas) and the nets even though I've gone to see far more knicks game (they suck)

I follow baseball closely- my wife has become a Yankees fanatic, but ice hockey holds absolutely no interest whatsoever. And just in case you were wondering about the other american sport- Lacross is not a real game.
Balls, wanted to get in first, but why don't the unionists do as they were told in 1921 by their king and prime minister and unite the country.
George V and Lloyd George, the voices of Irish nationalism
Or did they surrender too?
Quoteplease dont disgrace yourself comparing that to 1250 republican votes, or more than 22 times the joke vote

Sinn Fein 180,573 I think you'll find that is 144 times the joke vote(RSF)- it is a bit of a disgrace all right
Armagh / Re: Armagh Club football & hurling
March 19, 2007, 02:06:17 PM
i was just watching the Galway league game there. Martin O Rourke gets some amount of ball but you wonder what he does with it? Diarmuid wasn't really in synch with the rest of the team. McGeeney was streets ahead of McKeever in CHB. McGrane covered serious ground, but is going to end up booked in every game- he walks a fine line sometimes. Andy Mallon excellent, Finnian Moriarty showed some good flashes and some poor ones. The shooting was brutal- Keenan must have kicked 7/8 wides in the second half. MOR wasn't able to hit a barn door. Kevin McGuckian did some job on Stevie...
Quote1250 votes were for mc geough and mc manus in fermanagh and south tyrone and not across the six counties

Maybe- but don't you think its great that your boys are in the same ball park as a guys whose manifesto's main points are:

# New currency called the wonder

# Debts to become null and void

# Found music based REEL religion - under which everything is being filmed by cosmic agencies and when people go to 'rainbowland' they get a movie of their lives

# Invite bids from Hollywood to make a movie of how Belfast became a wonder city
just to put that in perspective rainbow george stood in only 4 constituencies and received 221votes (proportionally a higher vote)
GAA Discussion / Re: All-Ireland Club Championship
March 17, 2007, 06:03:21 PM
oraisteach- watched the game in Fiona's on 1st and 86th- fair crowd watching the game
GAA Discussion / Re: All-Ireland Club Championship
March 17, 2007, 05:00:09 PM
Not one for the purists! Enjoyed the last 20 minutes, cross could have stolen it with tony and oisin, however they played poorly. Oisin and donaldson did well I thought. Any update on coopers injury?
GAA Discussion / Re: What A Bloody Shambles
March 15, 2007, 02:53:56 PM
Maybe I'm missing something, but the idea of selling croke park appears to me as really really stupid. I don't get this whole somewhere for the kids to have a reasonable chance to play argument either. In the same way that it has always been the case, only the best players get to play football or hurling in Croke park, any young player should strive to make their county team and help that team succeed in order to play in Croke park, it is not just a right, you have to earn it.

It is an honour to play in headquarters- ask ziggy if the Greencastle lads will ever forget it- BCB I'm sure will agree that it is something special. Just because you make a final at some level you don't get to play in Croke- that's not how it works.

Selling Croke park and putting a new greenfield stadium what does that get you? A few hundred extra people a year get to play there and 40,000 pissed off fans that can't get to see the big games that they want to see 10 times a year.

Quotewhen you have nothing intelligent to say, spout out an an abusive tirade of irrationallity and nonsense

Quoteif the Down ladies U16s reach an AI Final i believe they have earned their day in the sun at our National Stadium. The economics of Croker make that an impractical proposition. At the highest level of our games we can only fill it 3 or 4 times a year. In short it is not fit for purpose,and will forever be a White Elephant reliant on funds from outside sources to sustain it. Our money could be much better spent,and im sure most people reading this could think of many more beneficial projects

Do you count this as something intelligent to say? Not fit for purpose? Did I miss something or is the purpose of Croke park now to showcase the all Ireland Ladies U-16 final? There are about 10 grounds in each county that could accommodate that game. And just for the record Coke park is not our national stadium.
GAA Discussion / Re: What A Bloody Shambles
March 15, 2007, 04:11:01 AM
Oh bullshit. This auld crap again. I havw played in an all ireland football final,and it certainly wasn't in croke. Sigerson final was not in croke. Who earns a day in the sun in croker for u-16 ladies anyway. Sell croke park and spend the money more wisely? No bother right after you sell your house and your car and then donate the money to concern. Sure you're only in the car an hour a day, and you spend most of your time in the house in bed or the sofa, you don't need all those other rooms.
Why don't you and true ulster gael start a separate forum and call it
looks like Alex is out for the rest of the season for PSV
A couple of points, if barca were kerry 2002 liverpool are Armagh. Finnan and Carra made a lot of wonder tackles, agger is fitting in well. Midfield can only do as well as the movement of the fwds will allow. Keegan, rush, fowler (mark 1) aldridge all had brilliant positional sense and the midfielders knew where the runs were being made and the passing was great to watch. Dalglish and to an extent Litmannen were pivots that could score and tore defences apart. Fowler mark 2 has the positional sense but isn't fit enough to play week in week out so the midfield don't get the familiarity required for a natural finisher. Crouch and kuyt work hard admittedly, but I really don't care and don't want to watch a hard working 12 goal a year striker. Liverpool are not sheffield wednesday. Bellamy is another mickey owen except not as good, and I didn't really have that much time for the first one. Maschareno I feel will be a good cog in the wheel. Sissoko as a poor mans keane, and we need that snarl in the middle. The key to a premiership win is a world class forward line, a pivot and a natural finisher. Bellamy, crouch and kuyt should go. Fowler mark 2 has another year as a back up, but the other three should be worth enough in the transfer market plus the dollars available in the summer should be able to bring in 2 class acts up front. The platform is there to be built on
</brain dump>
Liverpool through, full time where were you getting extra time from?